BT Speedtester reporting incorrect IP Profile

Started by .Griff., Dec 23, 2010, 13:35:05

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For the last few days my download speed seemed to hit an artificial barrier at 25,00kbps and would not go any higher regardless of download source (FTP, HTTP, Usenet etc..) so I performed several BT Speedtests each day to see if there had been any change in my IP Profile but it showed it was at 38,000kbps as normal.

Fast forward to today when I decide to call IDNet support. I explained the problem and questioned whether BT's speedtests would incorrectly report the wrong IP Profile and could IDNet double check it. A very stern "The speedtest gives you the correct IP Profile and that's that" reply later I thanked him for all his "help" and considered my next options. So I tried another router which made no difference and the speed hit 25,000 exactly and wouldn't go any faster. Changed NIC, same problem. Updated Realtek NIC drivers, same problem. Tried my laptop, same problem. My IP Profile was telling me I could achieve 38,000kbps but everything else was hitting a barrier at exactly 25,000kbps. Something didn't make sense.

Then I noticed that my line dropped connection on Tuesday at 2.30pm and latency had increased. Exactly what happens when you're switched to a lower IP Profile yet BT Speedtester still showed the same old IP Profile and mr happy at IDNet was insistent it never lies!! So much so he didn't need to double check it.

Well I can now confirm it does lie. My IP Profile did indeed change on Tuesday at 2.30pm but it took until 1pm Thursday for the change to register on BT's speedtest.

Speedtest conducted at 12pm today -

(Note IP Profile says 38,000kbps. IDNet confirm that's correct.)

Speedtest an hour later and after I telephoned IDNet -

IP Profile now correct and reflects exactly the speeds I'm achieving.

NOTE - There was no line drop or re-sync in this hour period as TBB quality monitor will confirm. The actual resync and IP Profile change was two days ago.

Moral of the story. BT Speedtester can tell you the wrong IP Profile and don't be so quick to be fobbed off by support incorrectly telling you it's always correct.