IDNet Down

Started by AndyG, Jun 01, 2006, 08:15:17

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Just a quick post in case others are seeing problems.

I lost PPP just before midnight last night.  It came up for a few minutes just after 4AM and went off again.  It is still off (8AM).  My router is still synced to the exchange and there are no reported outages for my exchange or RAS. Others reporting similar problem on ADSLGuide.



Same here, but can't comment on the 4am bit.

Interesting- I still can't connect with my Linksys router, but the Netgear is working fine.....

Unless the connection status is coincidentally changing as I change routers!
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Mine has just come back up at 8.40.


My router reports my connection was down from 1:02 to 4:02 but no problems since.
If you can't be good, be kind, and if you can't be kind, be home alone...


My connection went down at around 11:30pm, its still not reconnected :(


re-connected @ 09:20

Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.


re-connected @ 09:50



Back on now.  Superb Simon rang me at 08:25 and suggested I shut off my router for half or an hour or so in case I have a "stale session".  That did the trick.



Mine went down at midnight exactly. Nothing like a bit of precision.  ;D

It was still down all this morning, until I tried yet another re-connect at 11.30 which did the trick.

Praise be to ......  ;)
Sky/Easylink LLU. Thankfully! ;-)


Bit of a saga at my end.... PPPoA dropped at 11-50 last night, still down at 8am :(

After some swearing, swapped the Linksys router for the Netgear spare as in earlier post- fine. Then the fun started....

Swapped the routers back- no go. And again- fine with the Netgear. Thoughts of dead router  >:(

Read Simon's post on AG and thought "OK, I'll leave the system connected via the Netgear and let the Linksys session time out. Didn't work ???

Then (about 10:30) Simon rang to see how I was going (typical IDNet service ;D). I explained the position and he suggested I disconnect both routers for a while- he'd seen similar effects himself. So I switched them both off while I went shopping (about 2 hours), and now all is well again ;D

Seems as though sessions are router-sensitive... I clearly had a dead session on the Linksys and a live one on the Netgear, but (presumably as they were both associated with the same line) the live one was preventing the dead one from timing out. Wondrous are the ways of BT kit....

I've explained at some length in case any others with spare routers find themselves in the same position.

One other point- if the routers are from different manufacturers and you've got anything else on the network, be prepared for some fun and games with DHCP and IP addresses >:( ??? >:( ???
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Lost it around midnight last night, got it back about midday today. For some strange reason I can no longer connect using PPPoE, but can with PPPoA. Very strange...

Nevermind, it's working now :)
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.


noticed mine is down this morning just trying the leave the router off thing.
will let you know if it works!


ive been having problems ever since i started leaving my router on over night. Having to restart it once a day for my speeds to go back up. Also it syncs at a lower speed until i restart it  ??? thought the training was over :-\
think ill start shutting it off unless it shouldn't be training still and losing connections to servers (playing a game it freezes then all the characters rapidly change position in order to 'catch up' with the game or jsut boots me off the server with a connection error)  ??? is something wrong  :crazy:


No there isn't anything wrong. It how max works. Everytime you reboot your router it will try to achieve the higest possible sync. After a while you may lose sync and connection till you have a a stable rate, be it lower than the original rate. So it might be a good idea to keep the router on unless you have to turn it off.


it worked.came straight back on,luverly! ;)

and with the fastest it's ever been!!

Speed Test Results
Downstream    6,349.8 Kbps    ( = 6.2 Mbps )    
Upstream    378.0 Kbps    ( = 0.4 Mbps )    


but is the server issues correct? it didnt happen before max  ???


Does it always loss connection everytime you play games online and what were you doing before i.e rebooted router before playing, what time of day do you play and do you have interleaving on. Maybe some line stats might help too.


and how might i find these...line stats for speedtouch 580 ???


it does happen most days and i play basically from 12:00 to 22:00 on weekends/holidays and from 18:00 to 22:00 on weekdays (non holidays)


Quote from: mrapoc on Jun 04, 2006, 15:09:37
it does happen most days and i play basically from 12:00 to 22:00 on weekends/holidays and from 18:00 to 22:00 on weekdays (non holidays)

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

r u leet ?  ;D
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


I think to get your line stats is to open the command prompt through run>type cmd. There type telnet After type adsl info. Copy and paste whats on the screen.



Modemstate            :  up
Operation Mode        :  G.992.1 Annex A
Channel Mode          :  fast
Number of resets      :  1

Vendor                              Local           Remote
  Country             :               0f               b5
  Vendor              :             TMMB             TSTC
  VendorSpecific      :             0000             0000
  StandardRevisionNr  :               00               01

                                  Downstream        Upstream
Margin       [dB]     :             15.5             22.0
Attenuation  [dB]     :             25.5             13.0
OutputPower  [dBm]    :             19.5             12.0

Intrinsic/Actual  Bandwidth          %
  Upstream            :             41
  Downstream          :             74

Available Bandwidth                 Cells/s           Kbit/s
  Downstream          :            19169             8128
  Upstream            :             1056              448

Transfer statistics
      Received FEC    :                0
      Received CRC    :                5
      Received HEC    :                3
      Transmitted FEC :                0
      Transmitted CRC :                0
      Transmitted HEC :                0

     Near end failures since reset
      Loss of frame:          0 failures
      Loss of signal:         0 failures
      Loss of power:          0 failures
      Errored seconds:        5 seconds
     Near end failures last 15 minutes
      Loss of frame:          0 seconds
      Loss of signal:         0 seconds
      Loss of power:          0 seconds
      Errored seconds:        0 seconds
     Near end failures current day
      Errored seconds:        5 seconds
     Near end failures previous day
      Errored seconds:        0 seconds


i have reset twice tday though coz  PPP was disconnected/not working for some odd reason


I can't see anything wrong with your stats, you have enough margin and are at max sync. You really shouldn't be seeing any drop. Have you got any outside interference or have you tried leavng your router on till it finds a stable rate. Have you tired interleaving, it might help. I can't think of anything else :(.


ill send some more stats wen i start to have problems  :)