Started by miriam_idnet, Nov 18, 2010, 12:25:57

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Dear Customers,

Please be aware BT have changed the way SFI engineering visits are carried out and charged.

They now have 6 modules the ISP can select to have the engineer investigate depending on the nature of your fault. The contents of the modules are as follows:

Base - This is the basic SFI module. The engineer will start at the Network Termination Point (NTP) and will conduct a check of the NTP, perform a Pair Quality Test and a Broadband Sync Test. The results of these checks will determine the initial likely location of a fault and where the engineer may need to carry out work. The engineer will then progress to another module if required.

Internal Wiring - For use if a fault is suspected in the End User's wiring. Work carried out will include: identification and resolution of wiring and extension issues, including obvious causes of REIN, i.e. electrical interference.

Internal Equipment - For use if it is suspected that the End User's equipment is at fault. The scope of the work will include: check, reset and configuration of the modem or router and check or change of the main PC settings, drivers, wireless security (WEP/WPA) keys, etc.

Network - For use if a network issue is suspected, the engineer will work from the NTP back to the exchange. Work in scope includes: Network Exchange and Distribution (E & D side) changes, drop wire renewal and further sync checks.

Frames - For use if an exchange issue is suspected. Work in this module will include: Connectivity tests, Tie pair & port checks and swaps, and further sync & dial tone tests.

Pre-ordered co-op call - It is possible to pre-order an engineer call so that the ISP will be able to talk directly to the engineer if required.

Base module - £95
Internal Wiring module - £50
Internal Equipment - module £50
Pre-ordered Co-Op Call - £35
Network module -No charge to the customer
Frames module - No charge to the customer
Prices listed are ex VAT.

Charges will be applied against each module which has been used as part of the investigation however, no charge will be raised against any module that is not used by the SFI engineer.  

If an engineer attends the exchange and identifies a fault he/she may not attend the premises and no charge will be applied.

If you have a test socket located behind your master socket face plate, the test socket will be your NTP. If you have an old style master socket with no test socket the master socket will be your NTP. If a fault is identified at the NTP or between the NTP and the exchange no charge will be applied.

The guidance the Support Team offer prior to booking an appointment is based on thorough investigation of your fault and aimed at significantly reducing the risk of said possible charges.

As of 18th November 2010 when IDNet arrange an SFI engineer for a Customer we will only select the Base module (and will automatically includes the Network and Frames modules). Furthermore, Written acceptance of possible charges will be required before an SFI appointment will be arranged. If you have a 'no connection' fault and have no other access to the Internet to send an email accepting the charges verbal agreement will be accepted and considered binding.

If a Customer is concerned about their internal wiring or equipment and wishes to have the engineer carry out Internal Wiring and Internal Equipment Modules this can be arranged upon request and acceptance of relevant charges. For example, if a Base module and Internal Wiring module are ordered and the engineer identifies the fault on the BT maintained NTP/Network/Frames you will not be charged the £95 Base module but will be charged  the £50 for the Internal Wiring module. If an Internal Wiring or Internal Equipment module is booked the charge for the module will be applied regardless.


Technical and Customer Services Manager


Thanks, Miriam.

Discussions here please.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.