Speed stuck???

Started by stores, Jun 03, 2006, 17:36:02

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Hi all am now officially an IDNetter  ;D  ;D  ;D and glad to be shut of those throttlin Pip*x lot!!!! Have been online with IDNet since 31st now, migrated to Home Max all worked well with no problems, it seems I am stuck at 1.96mbs on the speed tests I have done. I am aware that it can take up to 10 days to reach your optimum speed but it has not fluctuated since the migration at all??? Should I swith off router and see if makes any difference or just sit and hold out for few more days am only 300mtrs from exchange so should be no probs there any ideas gratefully recieved




Im having similar 'issues' where my sync speed hasnt changed, however i dont consider it problem, 2200kbs is alot faster than i ever thought id get!

Whats your DS/US SNR And attenuation? - your actual download speeds will be slower than the full sync speed however, and may even be so past the 10 day period, depending on how busy your local exchange is!


Not sure what they mean but got these figures of the router configuration   8)

Noise margin downstream 13.1dB  Upstream 20dB
Line attenuation  downstream 0.0dB  upstream 6.0dB
Output power downstream  11.9 dBm  Upstream 15.8 dBm

Not sure what this means?????? Or if its good????

Still no change in the speed always at 1.96????  ::) ::)

Shall I switch router off???   :'(  Any suggestions  ??? ???


Quote from: stores on Jun 04, 2006, 14:53:16
Line attenuation  downstream 0.0dB 

Wow do you live in the exchange  ;D. Is there a room for rent :D.



Wow do you live in the exchange  ;D. Is there a room for rent :D.

Guess that means its quite good LOL?????

Live about 300mts away lucky me eh  ;D


Well, that is good in one respect but your downward SNR doesn`t seem to quite match. Best stats I`ve ever seen were Bills (or possibly Ricks, his were good too IIRC), maybe they can chip in and give a comparison between looploss and SNR ...  I can`t believe you have absolutely no noise on your line, but please, I`m not calling you a liar neither, seems damn bizarre!

I would get CS to investigate as your profile may need updating at the exchange :)


Quick shuftie at stats, not as good as last night but beggars can't be choosers.

Noise margin down ... 18db         up ... 20db

Attenuation   down ...   8db         up ... 2.5db

download speeds vary from 3000 to 6500 kbps (busy exchange during the day and ankle biters eat the exchange capabilities b4 bedtime ..... little darlings  :( :( :(

Zen test files  700 to 750 (constant) when d/l speeds get to 5900+