Started by Enrico21, Dec 03, 2010, 10:46:46

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Following several days of continuing and worsening line noise, a BT Engineer tested my line two days ago and rectified an outside line fault about 80 metres from my property.
It was a partially loose connection on a control box and the line is now clear.
I then switched my router on (1/12 at 10:30am) & got following line stats:

Connection Speed down/up – 2752kbps; 448kbps
Line Attenuation down/up – 56.5db; 31.5db
Noise Margin down/up – 5.0db; 19db

The connection speed of 2.75Mbps is about 1Mbps more than the best I have ever achieved on my longish line.
I then ran a BT Speed Test; whilst it confirmed the same connection speed, it reported a low IP Profile of only 135kbps and an actual download speed of 111kbps.
These stats are now worse than what I was getting when the line noise first started.
Router stats obtained on same day at 15:26 were:

Connection Speed down/up – 2592kbps; 448kbps
Line Attenuation down/up – 57.0db; 31.5db
Noise Margin down/up – 8.5db; 19db

Further Router stats at 0:54a.m on 2/12 were:
Connection Speed down/up – 1728kbps; 448kbps
Line Attenuation down/up – 56.0db; 31.5db
Noise Margin down/up – 10.0db; 18db

As I am posting this 0n 3/12, they are:
Connection Speed down/up – 1728kbps; 448kbps 
Line Attenuation down/up – 56.0db; 31.5db
Noise Margin down/up – 6.0db

My Line Stats are now puzzling me.
What I do not understand is why the Downstream Noise Margin increased/ improved for the first two days but the Downstream Connection Speed decreased.
Is there any reason for this?

Furthermore, subsequent BT Speed Tests are still reporting a constant IP Profile of 135kbps; a connection rate of 1728kbps; & an actual achievable download speed of 116kbps.
The acceptable range of speeds for my connection is 50-250kbps and it remains the same for today.

Is my IP Profile ever likely to increase over a period of up to 5 days or is it now stuck? If stuck, will I have to phone IDNet to get it changed?


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

On Max, a higher noise margin is a bad thing, not a good one, unless you're synching at full speed. Are you switching your router on and off (or re-booting it) or are those resyncs happening of their own accord.

The profile suggests that the line is not yet stable.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik and thanks for the lightning response.

No, I'm not switching my router on & off as I'm aware that is unwise to do so because of the adverse effects on line connection speed etc.
Generally, it's on all the time but was switched off for a couple of days (29/11-30/11) awaiting BT engineer visit to fix landline noise fault.
I guess therefore that the downward resyncs have happened of their own accord.

Do you think I will have to wait a a few more days for my line to settle down or have a stuck profile?

Kind regards



Hi Eric

IDNet weren't aware of the BT visit, so I assume it was a voice fault?

Your line repeatedly resynced on the first, actually reaching the 1728 figure around 18:00. Normally, therefore, you would have to wait at least three days for the profile to rise. IDNet have, however, reset the noise margin for you, which should clear the profile. It will take a few hours, but if you could keep an eye on the line and run BT tests over the weekend, hopefully you'll find things are stable again.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


QuoteHi Rik and thanks for the lightning response

Rik always strikes quickly.

:welc: :karma:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik

Since I posted my initial response to you earlier, I have now lost my connection and despite a couple of reboots (don't want to do any more than that) I can't get it back. I'm using a Netgear DG834G and the internet status light is red.
I am now at my daughter's house using her PC & internet connection to send this message.

The BT visit was a voice fault -terrible crackling on the landline and couldn't here the caller's voice.

Do you think the noise margin reset by IDNet may have resulted in a temporary disconnection which might return later? If not, perhaps there is a definite fault which needs to be pursued further.

I have tried all the investigative procedures and tests recommended by IDNet from printouts obtained previously so if the noise margin reset doesn't work, I will have to contact their Help Desk for further assistance.

Kind regards



An SNR reset should not cause a disconnect like that. If the connection is still down I would call straight back to support.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.