Half Bridge Mode

Started by ramstell, Dec 13, 2010, 14:29:27

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I have a 2700HGV with firmware and would like to use it as a modem only on the WAN side of my router/firewall. The 2700HGV needs to handle the PPPOA login and pass back the public IP address to the router/firewall which will be configured to get its IP using DHCP. I have no need for NAT/Firewall/Wireless features of the 2700HGV.

Can the 2700HGV be configured to work in this way?


No idea, tbh, but stick around because one of our resident experts will be along shortly.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yep, that's the way we use ours in the office. We have 8 public static IP's from our ISP these are routed by the 2700 to the main firewall and various other public facing systems e.g web/ftp servers.

You use the Public Routed Subinterface/Public Proxied Subnet option ( see here http://support.2wire.com/?page=view&article=126 )

I know it works in our configuration with 8 public IP's , in a single IP situation I would assume you need in the subnet masks for the Public Routed Subinterface/Public Proxied Subnet options.
We find ( for some reason! ) that we need both options checked. We also allocate static IP's to our firewall/servers rather then lets the 2700 allocate the public IP's ( although it should be able to do that ).

Hope that helps, although I'm sure you'll be back with more questions...


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Actually, thinking about it a little more, I'm not sure that the Public Routed Subinterface/Public Proxied Subnet is going to work in a single IP situation. It's designed for multiple IP's, where one IP is allocated to the router ( used for NAT etc ) and others are allocated to PC's on the local network. In a single IP environment this isn't going to work.
I think you probably need to use 'bridge mode' by unchecking the 'enable routing' on this page http://home/xslt?PAGE=J30&THISPAGE=J05&NEXTPAGE=J30.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I did notice the 'Enable Routing' option on the 'Advanced – Configure Services' page. I this is disabled, would the public IP address be pushed back to the WAN interface of my firewall/router? Also, I notice on the ATM Encapsulation there is a option for 'Bridged VC-Mux' (It's currently set to 'Routed VC-Mux'). Would this need changing as well?


QuoteI this is disabled, would the public IP address be pushed back to the WAN interface of my firewall/router?
That's my understanding it basically turns it into an ADSL modem AFAI can see but I've not tried one is this configuration. Make sure you know how to factory reset in case it doesn't work, as I suspect getting to the router web interface may be tricky when its in bridge mode.
QuoteAlso, I notice on the ATM Encapsulation there is a option for 'Bridged VC-Mux' (It's currently set to 'Routed VC-Mux'). Would this need changing as well?
I'm really not sure about that, this might be of help http://business.forums.bt.com/t5/Broadband-and-internet/BT-2700HGV-Halfbridge-fullbridge-mode/m-p/1469
I guess you probably need to configure your router/firewall as pppoe and put your username/passowrd in there.