ADSL2+ Training Period - Help/Advice?

Started by Ardua, Mar 01, 2011, 12:45:50

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Thanks to the excellent support team at IDNet my ADSL2+ upgrade has now taken place. My Netgear DGN3300 router stats show a stable line connection synched at 14006/888 with a D/S LA of 23.4 and Noise Margin of 5.4 with an U/S LA of 6.2 and Noise Margin of 13.8.

When I put the above stats into the Farina(?) ADSL2+ speed estimator it shows an estimated synch of 20565 and a D/S speed of 18199.

Am I right in assuming that after 3 days, the 'system' will re-assess my line stats and make an upward synchronization speed adjustment?  Do I need to do anything? Some forums suggest a daily router re-boot - others say leave well alone.

Strangely, since the upgrade I am having problems with a Phillips DECT/Skype phone which is connected directly to my router. Both Skype and DECT worked fine when the router was on ADSL Max but not now. The phone is however showing all my Skype contacts. (Scratching head on this one)

As usual, thanks for any help and advice. 


Leave well alone, the more stable a line is, the better speed you will achieve. Bear in mind that Andrew's calculator estimates speed based on, essentially, line attenuation, not the intangible line quality.

The phone problem suggests interference - 2+ uses a greater range of frequencies than Max, so can pick up interfence which wasn't previous a problem. Try running the phone with an extension lead so that the base station can be further away from the router.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Often the estimators do it based on the stats from a max line so would overestimate if adsl2+ figures were entered.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Sadly, my internet connection was lost just after I posted: the synch had just risen to 14307 with a NM of 6.1 D/s. All indications on the router (including DSL and internet) were normal so I had to ring Support. They asked me to do a router re-boot! I shall just sit back now and watch what happens.


A quick follow on question - if I may?  When I connected my new Netgear router a month or so ago, I couldn't be bothered to change the original ADSL filter (about 5 years old) as my synch had remained stable at 8128 on ADSL Max for over 3 years. In an attempt to rule out the obvious, about 15 minutes ago I replaced the original ADSL filter with the one that came in the Netgear 3300 box and my Skype/DECT phone is now working as it did before the ADSL2+ upgrade. Have ADSL filters changed over the years or is this just a co-incidence?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Probably a coincidence but the new filter may be more efficient.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My ADSL2+ woes continue. Having had a series of disconnects this afternoon with no loss of internet lights on the router or loss of service showing in the log, Support suggested that I update the router firmware and move the router to the master socket. Sadly, house design precludes the latter and I already have the latest router firmware installed. Support did confirm that my router had sent an error message requesting a disconnect. Following a bit more head scratching, I called Netgear and a very helpful member of the support team said that the problem was most likely an IP conflict within the modem/router and suggested that I carryout a full router re-set. Time will only tell whether my ADSL2+ problems are now sorted.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.