Static IP / DNS Issues

Started by pauld, Mar 15, 2011, 22:48:57

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Hi all,

I've started to get intermittent connectivity issues on my line - it's been stable since I joined idnet a few months ago. I've got a BT2700HGV running (hardware version 2701-100589-005).

The router still claims to be connected to the internet - both broadband and internet lights are a nice, steady green.

Using the IP utilities on the router I can't ping or trace route anything. If try to ping the I get "invalid host address", if I ping a valid IP address I get "host unreachable". My primary and secondary DNS are set and

On the link test page I've just noticed the message "Unable to contact the Domain Name Server" - which doesn't sound good. To cap it all off I've noticed on the broadband status page the IP address isn't set to the static IP address idnet assigned to me.

Any help would be much appreciated!


There is a major fault at the moment which will be the reason for your problem. Take a look in the help board and you will see a thread or two about the no connection.

The unable to connect to dns is normal. The dodgy ip is an internal BT one. The internet and ppp lights are green because the router doesn't realise it's been given the dodgy ip.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Lance - thanks for replying.

I'm not quite sure what you mean about "dodgy IP" - is it significant? Should it show my statically assigned IP or is it usual to show a BT IP? Is the dodgy IP as a result of the idnet issues? Sorry for all the questions  :)

I wasn't aware of the fault but I've been having this problem for over a week now so I'm not really expecting the issue to go away once idnet have fixed their problems. I'm guessing I'm going to lurch from the current problem back to my original one!



Hi Paul

The main link to IDNet was taken out by BT for planned engineering works last night. Unfortunately, BT neglected to tell IDNet of their plans. When the main link fails, or is switched off, all connections should 'fail over' to the provided backup link, and customers should be unaware anything has happened. Unfortunately, as has happened before, 21CN customers did not fail over, a fault which BT had assured IDNet they had fixed.

The result is that you get sync and PPP, but no connection to IDNet. The IP address you're assigned is a sort of BT "We don't know what to do with you, so we'll just park you in our ghost town". Your IDNet IP address will be shown when your connection is live.

The error message about DNS is normal with 2700s, but it sounds like you're getting stale sessions. What else is connected to your phone line?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik,

That's for clarifying for me. I've checked and the IP address is correct now. So that's some progress.

I have a single (new) splitter straight into the master socket and connected directly to that is a single phone and router. There's nothing else connected, no extension cables etc are involved in the connections.

I've been busy with work so when my connection's been dropping I've just used my three dongle without wasting time investigating. I can say when I'm losing connectivity the lights are still on but sites won't resolve as though there's a DNS problem. I haven't tried using the IP utilities during the loss of connection.

I've also noticed this error on my broadband status page (under the DSL Details section) "Uncanceled Echo:   24.2 dB   Suspicious - check phone filters and alarm". I don't know if that's significant.

Thanks again for your help,


Your uncanceled echo should be a minus figure normally -15 to -20 so you do have a possible problem. I had an uncanceled echo of what you state recently and had disconnection problems when the telephone was used, it ended up with me having BT out four times  >:(

Can you try with a another filter or connect your router to your test socket and see if the uncanceled echo changes to a minus figure.