Blackberry software upgrades - hairy or not too scary?

Started by pctech, Apr 05, 2011, 19:06:19

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Just unpacked my BB Pearl 9105, put my SIM and booted it up, looks as though its running BB5 rather than 6 which I know it can run but just throught I'd ask the BB users here about their experience with the device software upgrades, is it quite straightforward or have you run into issues?


It'll be fine, and it should automatically offer to upgrade when you connect to Desktop Manager.  If not, it's simply a matter of following the instructions, from what I recall.  Easier to do it before you put your own stuff on it, of course, then you don't risk losing anything.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


gasve it a whirl last night, appears O2 have not yet signed off BB6, for PAYG customers at least it would only offer me a minor 5 update which I applied anyway.

keypad is smaller than I'm used to but getting used to it, like it a lot I have to say, just waiting for O2 to activate BIS and then I can tinker with e-mail.

At the moment it is only offering me the option to link it to an Enterprise server, I assume the other option will appear once BIS is enabled?


It should offer Internet Browser or O2 Active.  How long till it's activated?  I thought it was instant.  :dunno:

If it was unlocked, and you felt adventurous, you could install an unofficial 6.0 OS from the Crackberry site, but it would void your warranty. 
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Oh, you mean Enterprise server as in emails?  Once BIS is activated, the email setup wizard will work. 
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Got a text from O2 saying it should be active over the next 24 hours.

Am at work at the min with full 3G signal and the browser is telling me that I'm in an area that it can't handle data so I think the two must be linked.

On a contract it would be active when the contract is but am using P&G so had to order the bolt on, everything on PAYG takes 48 hours to activate.


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I do keep hitting the back button when I want to use backspace.


Just rebooted and the blackberry symbol has appeared and got a text to say it is now registered.


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really impressed, just entered my domain mail and password and it determied the server settings, terrific.


That's a neat trick, but it's server / domain dependent.  Doesn't work with IDNet email domains.  That said, the BB email system is excellent, and I never once had any trouble with it.  :)
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Having not used one I was quite dismissive of those that raved about it but I do see now why people like them so much.

The hardware also feels incredibly well made.

Never thought I'd say this but I don't think I'd go back now.


The only phone I would switch to from the iPhone, is another BlackBerry, but it won't be until September when the new Touch is out.  I think I'd find the small keys too fiddly on the hard keyboard ones. 
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I like the idea of a touch screen but my experience of trackpads on laptops tells me it could lead to misdialled numbers etc.

I did have to tweak the sensitivity on the little trackpad on mine as it was way too sensitive when I first put the battery in and booted it up.


Quote from: pctech on Apr 07, 2011, 10:58:56
I like the idea of a touch screen but my experience of trackpads on laptops tells me it could lead to misdialled numbers etc.

I did have to tweak the sensitivity on the little trackpad on mine as it was way too sensitive when I first put the battery in and booted it up.

Never miss-dialled on mine Mitch, Capacitive screens are very precise even tine icons can respond to touch precisely. I dont thinbk I could ever go back to a keypad now, and I was a true advocate of conventional keypads.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't




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Damned, if you do damned if you don't



Wait till the Storm 3 (BB Touch) around September time, Mitch.  The current Storm doesn't support OS 6.0.  Unless, of course, you can pick up a cheap one from a well known auction site, to have a play on. 
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The Pearl does what I need really.

Rang O2 today to find out when BB 6 might be released and they referred me back to RIM, does not appear that I can contact RIM without having to pay for support.

Posted a message in the official BB support forums


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Ah yes, crackberry comes up a lot in the searches.

They've confirmed that 6 is available for the Pearl but looks like Vodafone are dragging their heels too.

A friend reckons I should debrand it so that the vanilla version can be loaded but I've no intention of voiding the warranty, it works so will wait for the release.


What's annoying is that the wait is so the networks can hard code their own branding and software into the OS.   This is why I usually go for SIM free phones, but you do pay extra for them.  You're right, it's not worth voiding the warranty for.  Hopefully, it won't be too long to wait.  
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