IPv6 Questions

Started by Bill, Apr 14, 2011, 13:22:21

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Consumer routers are driven by what ISPs are deploying whereas the large ones marketed to ISPs are driven by what technology is available and what router manufacturers want to flog as your average ISP router is upwards or three grand.


They're the extreme ends of the market, yes, but there's a range in the middle too- usually referred to as SOHO or geek models. Like the Billion 7800N :P
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Probably why I'm struggling then ;)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 19, 2011, 21:55:09
Probably why I'm struggling then ;)
Me too- there's a lot of boxes in the configuration that I don't even understand the label, let alone what would happen if I filled them in :eek4:

As a by-the-way, there's a post in tbb about using the "Save Config" in Flash memory and using the "restart with current settings" as opposed to the factory default ones. Easiest just to quote it:

QuoteHowever when upgrading the firmware, Billion strongly recommend you select "factory default settings" to avoid any potential problems. This is when its really useful to have a backup config file, as it saves you manually typing in every setting

So I've taken a file backup of my configuration settings as belt & braces :P
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Probably one @ Bill but unable to get to www.thinkbroadband.com with IPv6 enabled, I've changed configuration using Draytek 120 as modem and 7800N as router with PPPOE, ping times much better 5msec on average.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I guess it's something to do with my current config seems to be able to connect to some IPv6 sites but not others. the IPv6 test site comes back ok,I guess the routers ok via pppoe as Bill's using it, any suggestions on an MTU setting I was using 1492
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I don't think it's anything to do with your configuration- I think it's because you're using a Mac. There's a bug in 10.6.x (that wasn't there in 10.5.x, Apple "improved" it) that means that (sometimes) if a site returns both a v4 and a v6 address it will choose the v4 one. And if you try to force a v6 connection (eg using a v6-only address) it won't connect at all :mad:

I don't think IDNet are entirely blame-free either- at the moment I can't connect to anything via v6, but network prefs and the router both show the usual v6 addresses, the BQM isn't complaining and the test site gives me 10/10 :dunno:

Your MTU of 1492 is correct btw, unless you're using a 6to4 tunnel in which case <1400 is often recommended.

Re tbb- you can force a v6 connection using ipv6.thinkbroadband.com. Using "ipv6" instead of "www" works for most of the pages, but not the broadband maps or the forums.

edit- seems to be mostly OK now :dunno:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


I think I was seeing the start of the problems reported in the "Major problems" topic...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Is the TBB forum IPv4 only Bill? I guessing there's an issue somewhere with certain IPv6 connections using PPPOE and the Draytek 120,i.e it will connect to IPv6 google but not TBB website, it's a shame as the latency is 5 msec better on my line than the 7800N (it's not the IPv6 firmware either as I tried the official)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The forum page (http://forums.thinkbroadband.com) is v4 only, but the main site (http://www.thinkbroadband.com) is dual-stack (proper description?) so you should communicate with it via v6 if the computer selects v6 over v4 as it's supposed to.

I found a good article about using v6 and v4 with a Mac, and now I can't find it again >:( But I do remember that it was mostly written for developers and, if IP protocols were involved, they strongly recommended against upgrading from 10.5 to 10.6 because its behaviour wasn't fully predictable.

THBS, mine behaves itself most of the time and selects v6 if it's available. But not every time :dunno:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Now that's what I call a reasonable IPv6 speed test :thumb:

So it can do it... now if we can only find out why the tbb IPv6 connection thinks it's on dial-up... :dunno:

Detailed Results
Date   23/04/11 11:31:51
Download speed   189.33 Kbps (0.18 Mbps)
Upload speed   7415.23 Kbps (7.24 Mbps)
Server Port   8095 (tcp)
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6