Degraded service / packet loss

Started by silverblade, Apr 24, 2011, 00:32:14

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For the past 30 minutes or so I've been experiencing occasional packet loss (most noticeable as I'm gaming right now but ping -t also times out at the same points I get a lag spike).

Anyone else getting this?


Quote from: silverblade on Apr 24, 2011, 00:32:14
For the past 30 minutes or so I've been experiencing occasional packet loss (most noticeable as I'm gaming right now but ping -t also times out at the same points I get a lag spike).

Anyone else getting this?

Yes awful tonight after 12 midnight, I'm getting 10% Packet loss and my Download Speeds have dived. I'm on FTTC and Thinkbroadband Speedtest was down to 1.7Mb Down and 6.2 Up. was not much better, 8 down / 8 Up on Milton Keynes Server. Finally, down to 15Mb Down 7.5 Up and showed in Red !! Asked me to conduct a Tap 3 test and that failed, Timed out!

Not very promising so obviously severe congestion. Anyone else having problems just now ???  :bawl:


Just so you can see I have attached my BQM so you can see from my graph after midnight things got very bad. The Red Line down was when I Tried a Tap 3 test with BT but as I said it timed out.   :eek4:


Quote from: Seadog on Apr 24, 2011, 01:29:51
Just so you can see I have attached my BQM so you can see from my graph after midnight things got very bad. The Red Line down was when I Tried a Tap 3 test with BT but as I said it timed out.   :eek4:

Sorry, forgot the link, see below;


FTTC user here and nothing abnormal to report.


Quote from: .Griff. on Apr 24, 2011, 01:49:35
FTTC user here and nothing abnormal to report.

Evening Griff,

Must be the BT Exchange then, Haslington must be suffering with all the new FTTC Downloaders after midnight. Hope this does not become a regular occurance, ruddy awful tonight, when Youtube starts buffering on FTTC you know you've got a problem !!  :bawl:

More worried about the amount of packet loss, was up to 10% at one point too. I'm definately downgrading next month from the Business Package, it's just not worth it for this service !!



I've had issues for the last three nights all of which started shortly after midnight. There's a long thread about Thursday night's problems, Friday I assumed was down to local engineering works as I had a total loss of service (but no loss of sync) and last night... well I really don't know what the problem was. I also had around 10% packet loss but that doesn't really explain why everything was timing out on me.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Back to normal today, low pings 12ms i'sh and full speed downloads /upstream. Thinkbroadband showing 35 / 6.2 and 37/8. Have to keep all my downloads before midnight. Packet loss very low too at the moment which is good. I still have no idea if the problem is with IDNet's Network not being able to cope or with BT's??



Quote from: zappaDPJ on Apr 24, 2011, 11:17:34
I've had issues for the last three nights all of which started shortly after midnight.

An hour or so of increased packet loss (up to ~10% on occasion) starting at midnight seems to be routine, and I've always been happy to put it down to increased traffic as everybody's off-peak periods start. Still am, in fact. It's a bit of a nuisance though not disastrous.

But a lot more people are putting links to their BQMs in posts over on tbb, and it only seems to happen with IDNet customers... it's hardly a statistically valid sample and doesn't automatically mean it's IDNet's fault of course, but it's another indication that IDNet's level of service could be getting compromised by BT.

Obviously I've no idea why the recent exploration of using a carrier other than BT failed, but I hope it's a possibility that IDNet are continuing to keep under review.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Apr 25, 2011, 11:21:22
An hour or so of increased packet loss (up to ~10% on occasion) starting at midnight seems to be routine, and I've always been happy to put it down to increased traffic as everybody's off-peak periods start. Still am, in fact. It's a bit of a nuisance though not disastrous.

But a lot more people are putting links to their BQMs in posts over on tbb, and it only seems to happen with IDNet customers... it's hardly a statistically valid sample and doesn't automatically mean it's IDNet's fault of course, but it's another indication that IDNet's level of service could be getting compromised by BT.

Obviously I've no idea why the recent exploration of using a carrier other than BT failed, but I hope it's a possibility that IDNet are continuing to keep under review.
I really cant see IDNet doing that anytime soon somehow Bill. I have to say why is it only IDNet suffering so badly at the hands of BT, its a bit...odd  :eyebrow:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Apr 25, 2011, 11:35:07
I really cant see IDNet doing that anytime soon somehow Bill.

I wouldn't expect them in any case to transfer the business lock, stock and barrel over to an LLU provider (apart from anything else, Market 1 exchanges would present a problem!) but an option where available doesn't seem too much to ask...

As an example, a post by baby_frogmella at the tail end of this thread on tbb

QuoteGoscomb charge £26 pm for a BE network based broadband service with 200GB data per month
Goscomb charge £26 pm for a BTW based broadband service with 60GB data per month.

(Can't link direct to the post 'cos of a bug in tbb's forum code)
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Apr 25, 2011, 11:21:22
An hour or so of increased packet loss (up to ~10% on occasion) starting at midnight seems to be routine, and I've always been happy to put it down to increased traffic as everybody's off-peak periods start. Still am, in fact. It's a bit of a nuisance though not disastrous.

The packet loss is of little or no consequence to me as I don't get it when I'm running things where it would have an impact. However there's another issue for me a least. I'll explain.

I do a lot of server work between the hours of midnight and 4.00am to minimise disruption to users. To minimise the boredom of it I also usually attempt to watch something on one of the on-line players. More often than not whatever it is I'm watching will start buffering dead on midnight so I have to pause it or I lose connect with the server I'm working on. Quite regularly, my throughput will drop to levels where web pages become unresponsive and at least once or twice a week I'll be served an Openreach splash page or nothing at all.

I'm fairly convinced I regularly fall foul of engineering works and that's probably what brings up the Openreach splash page. However I'm also sure that there's something else going on. Last night for example I couldn't connect to anything for around 30 minutes but then it started to come back. This is typical of the throughput I get just after midnight...

This is what I'm getting now...

Answers on a postcard please :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I play Steam games a lot and I notice that I get massive packet loss compared to my old connection (which was Orange).

A small example is Mumble: when I'm on mumble (a voice program such as teamspeak, ventrilo) for over 2 or 3 hours you can see on my information statistics that I've lost 100-200 UDP packets while other people in my channel have probably lost 1 or 2 (inlcuding EU countries and UK).

My take on this is that IDNet used to have a good service because they had a relative low amount of users, now as the users are getting bigger IDNet's network can't cope with it (That's why after midnight you'll experience crippled speeds until 1 AM as everyone is downloading). Same goes for the packet loss, more users online after 1900/2000 so packet loss tends to increase as the network is overloaded and has to do a lot of processing?.

Edit: There also seems to be something wrong with youtube and my connection, everytime I upload a file it tends to error out sometimes. I can't ever succesfully upload over 700-800 MB without splitting them in chunks of 100-200 MB as the connection errors out after 100-150 MB. (It works fine when uploading to an FTP however, works fine from my Uni connection too). I've tried connecting directly to the BT VDSL Modem, no luck same error. Tried different PC and no luck either.


I think the continuing packet loss is perhaps very evident with FTTC, it's not something I'm seeing on adslmax except for one night recently when everyone suffered.I'm not sure why this is the case though. Sort of Tortoise and the Hare scenario sadly.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Probably as it's on 21CN, I don't mind reduced speed during midnight or whatever it's just the packet loss.


I notice it more and more on adslmax, I had a really good line and sometime it feels I could go out have a three course dinner come back shower and my web page may have loaded when things are really playing up, for gaming its a joke sadly. This evening I am noticing some pages loading like someone slipped idnet some roofies  >:(
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


But at this time of the day how can you apportion blame?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


On FTTC I have no complaints at all between the hours of 5.00am and midnight. I generally get 32.5Mb/s up, 8.25Mb/s down with very little packet loss. It's at the stroke of midnight it all goes down hill for me.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


We'll start calling you Cinderella >:D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


OK, so now we know who the two wicked stepsister are, who is playing the fairy godmother? :laugh:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Damned, if you do damned if you don't



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Damned, if you do damned if you don't