Extremely slow broadband connection

Started by T_M_D, Apr 24, 2011, 10:33:59

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Hi people and Happy Easter

I have been suffering an extremely slow broadband connection - eventually yesterday I could not get on the internet at all. I have tried today and though I can just about get on, it is horribly slow and it is hit and miss to whether or not I can access a web site as it tends to time out. I have tried www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk and that (once I can actually start the test) is stuck at 16kb!

I am a faithful IDNet broadband customer.  :angel:

Does anyone know of any problems/maintenance issues with BT in my area? I am on the Tugby exchange in Leicester.

Any help greatly appreciated - I usually get in the region of 6-7mbps

BTW - I cannot check my router stats as for some reason I cannot get into it using my account details and I am worried about resetting it and having to set it up all over again from factory defaults, especially as it is an inherited hand-off from my son (Netgear DG834G v4) with default Virgin settings.


Not aware of any current issues BT or otherwise. The default log in for a Netgear router is -- username = admin, password = password (older models = 1234)

Any chance you can get a BT Speedtest http://speedtester.bt.com/
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Steve, bear with me - It's taken 4 minutes for me to get this box open to reply! - I can manage to get on to the National Lottery site as an example, but it takes several minutes to actually load the page and then when trying to get into another part of the page I cannot load it at all. I will try BT checker, but I am doubting I will be able to do it.

I really, really need my internet today. What can have happened to cause this? All my lights on the router are green, my connections are showing Ok.

I cannot access the router using either my IDNet account details nor by using the default router details (virgin/password) or any other details such as admin/password.

I will plug in my LAN cable and make a direct connection to the router and try and access it again (not holding out much hope). I will try BT checker now as well. Hopefully, I will be able to get back here otherwise I will have to set up a dial-up connection.


Without the information sadly your going to struggle to diagnose it. You could try leaving a message with support as you have virtually no connection. My suggestion would be to change the filters and router if only to get the router stats and check the routers not failing.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Sorry to raise another post, but I just can't reply to the other one due to my connection, it is a miracle I can get on to do this, it has taken me ages to get this page up.

I have left two phone calls with support, but I am assuming that as I am a mere residential customer (I have my line rental and broadband with IDNet) that I have no choice but to wait until Tuesday before anything will be done to address this issue for me - I am suspecting BT at the moment, but of course, it would have been good if someone at IDNet could at least check things their end to make sure it isn't an IDNet issue...

I have already lost the whole of this day so far trying everything I possibly can:

1. Connected via LAN cable directly to router (wireless switched off).
2. Totally disconnected the router from power supply for nearly an hour.
3. Changed the filter.
4. There is no point in taking off face plate as I only have one phone (I have tried to connect with the phone unplugged) and there is no other socket (test) behind the face place anyway.
5. I tried to do a broadband speed check this morning, but it got stuck at 16kbps.
6. I have tried to do a BT speed test - it eventually let me get as far as inputting my telephone number, but after 40 minutes it still had not run the test.

I have been able to get on to my router in the end. Here are the stats:

TxPkts 21697
RxPkts 25770
Collisions 0
Tx B/s 57
Rx B/s 435
Up Time 15:53:12

TxPkts 173208
RxPkts 1255
Collisions 0
Tx B/s 38
Rx B/s 0
Up Time 213:03:33

TxPkts 1587108
RxPkts 1224361
Tx B/s 1844
Rx B/s 645
Up Time 213:03:25

Connection Speed:
Downstream 8128 kbps
Upstream 448 kbps

Line Attenuation:
Downstream 45.0 db
Upstream 23.5 db

Noise Margin:
Downstream 6.1 db
Upstream 19.0 db

I really, really need my internet connection :bawl: It is going to be unbearable not to have it for the next two days.

Am I going to have to wait until IDNet Support is back to normal opening hours before I can get any assistance?


Well the sync's ok, the margins ok I think it's either the router or the line/exchange that's faulty. Any chance you can borrow a router to exclude it as the cause.

Because of the way BT now operate with ISPs, they will only be able to ask BT whether your line is ok or not and I guess Openreach aren't working this Easter either.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Looks like someone else is complaining of lack of support 'out of hours'. This is a recent thread dealing with the subject:


It is clearly a serious problem that should be addressed, I think that IDNet are losing (or at least upsetting) customers who feel that this is a major concern. Several forums that I visit air this as a concern when considering an ISP, in particular IDNet. It is so simple to brush this under the carpet and say "We knew this when we signed up" but many current and prospective customers perceive this is a bar to signing up or moving to another provider.

We know we have a great service but, if we lost our service on Good Friday and could not get a response for several days, how would we feel? :eek4:

Worth thinking about?  ;)


I have been trying for around two hours to get this reply posted!!  :rant2:

I do not have a spare router. I don't feel it is a router problem, I think this is a problem with IDNet or BT.

I don't know if this is significant or not, but pings result in intermittent packet losses of between 25-50% and time out errors, but I guess that is to be expected with this issue.

I have been able to load google mail by going in using basic html view and I was able to send an email to IDNet Support (eventually) and to my son and he replied to it and I got that OK - what does this indicate do you think?

I do feel abandoned somewhat as it is looking like I am not going to receive any support at all for this issue until the holidays are over and in the meantime I am left without a usable internet connection until who-knows-when, and what about next week's bank holdiay weekend? This has stopped me doing my study, stopped me shopping for a wedding outfit for my son's wedding, etc, etc.

I have to say I am pretty disappointed in the lack of support, other than what is coming out of this forum, which isn't much - no offence meant to you or anyone else on this forum, but there is a limit to what you can do on here when this is clearly a system problem of some sort that needs checking out by IDNet and/or BT.

My day has been ruined today trying to find a solution to this issue and I have tomorrow to look forward to without my internet and then disruption when I am back at work Tuesday trying to sort it out....

I would have thought that some kind of support would be forthcoming when I am practically without my internet. If I can't get support from IDNet when I need it then what chance do I have...

I have lost the will to live with this today, but I will still live in hope that someone will try and do something to help me. Can't someone at the very least check things out at IDNet's end? Is there no way IDNet can contact BT?

By the way - I have even tried to see if I can get in touch with BT myself to see if they can test my line, but all that happened is that I went through to an Indian call centre - there is just no way I can go through that awful, long-winded and useless first-line support stuff and I hung up as soon as I realised I was talking to an Indian lady, no offence meant to her.



I know how I feel WDForte - let down and abandoned.

I have just made a strange discovery - I have found that when in google mail (can only get in when selecting basic html mode) and clicking on the link in the email that says a reply has been posted, I have come to this page and been able to read your reply AND I have been able to click on the reply button and this editor has loaded almost straight away so that I can reply. Trying to get here and read posts or reply to posts has been near impossible going via the idnetters' web site. It took me eons of time earlier to make my last whinging post. I am afraid I am going to continue to whine and complain on here and in writing until something gets done.

Yes, I know what the support hours are, however, there is a limit to what one can and should tolerate. I put up with the slow speed yesterday and I put up with not being able to access the net at all last night and I would put up with some speed reduction, but I expect someone to sort out a problem such as this where I cannot do anything, not even check the National lottery site or Internet banking (only google mail in basic html mode is accessible) when it has gone on for an extended period of time and still continues. So far, for me this has gone on for a whole day and a half. I am going to be very annoyed if someone does not address this issue soon.

Please can someone on this forum who has got inroads into IDNet support let them know the frustration and annoyance that this is causing and ask that they get it sorted very soon?


Tina this support forum is independent of IDNet, the admin of this forum are volunteers, customers not employees, we have no direct line to IDNet support. I can fully understand your frustration and anger but I don't see what else as a forum we can do. I suggest you direct your frustration to support when you can contact them.

I think it shows that if Broadband is critical to oneself that you have to have a backup arrangement whether that be a 3g dongle or the business enhanced care package. As I've said elsewhere if support were open at the weekend and you have a line/exchange issue would you be any happier when they tell you that BT will do nothing until after the weekend/bankholiday? I expect not.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Pardon me, but I am not having a go at admin on this forum.

I have known mods on this forum contact IDNet support in the past so I do not think it is such an outlandish view to think that someone on this forum might be able to contact support out of hours, but now you have said this is not the case then of course I will no longer think that.

I will be directing my views towards IDNet, that goes without saying.

I do not agree with your view that I should pay money I cannot afford to take out the options you mention. I have already stated that I would tolerate site down (I have done so already on a few occasions) and that I would put up with some degredation in speed, (I have done so on several occasions) however, the fact remains that I am paying for a service and whether bank holiday or weekend I expect a measure of support when the problem has now gone on for a day and a half and is looking probable that it may go on all day tomorrow as well.

I do not feel I should have to pay a premium rate to ensure that I can get an internet connection at bank holidays and weekends. Like I said, if it were merely slower speeds or it had gone down for a few hours, I would just put up and shut up, but it is down for an unacceptable length of time and all I can do successfully on the net is post on this forum via google mail in basic html mode.

If IDNet support were open and they had checked the problem was not their end leaving the distinct possibility that BT were behind the fault, then yes, I would be happier to know that at least IDNet had ruled out a problem their end and I would accept that there was nothing that could be done if it is some kind of line fault (my phone works fine, the connections both wireless and LAN work fine, the router stats are fine) where BT were controlling the outcome, but, as it stands, there is no-one to check things are OK at IDNet's end.

I accept that on this forum there is nothing else you can do given the nature of the problem, but I would have thought I should be able to air my views still.


I can't see any report of you 'phoning IDNet and leaving an approriate message TMD.
Phone number is 0800 0267 237 or 0800 7012 000.  I feel fairly confident that IDNet will ring you back concerning this problem.


There are occasions when forum admins i.e Rik  have contacted support on behalf of a customer but this to my knowledge has occurred only during support hours. In this instance both myself and another admin have emailed support earlier today referring them to this thread.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sobranie on Apr 24, 2011, 21:19:16
I can't see any report of you 'phoning IDNet and leaving an approriate message TMD.
Phone number is 0800 0267 237 or 0800 7012 000.  I feel fairly confident that IDNet will ring you back concerning this problem.

Excuse me? Are you calling me a liar? I can assure you I have left two messages regarding this issue on 0800 7012 000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tina, there is no mention of you having phoned IDNet in the thread,  Sobraine is only trying to be helpful and I feel your response towards him is unwarranted.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: T_M_D on Apr 24, 2011, 22:00:11
Excuse me? Are you calling me a liar? I can assure you I have left two messages regarding this issue on 0800 7012 000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry TMD, missed a bit of one of your posts. 4th thread down.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 24, 2011, 22:07:06
Tina, there is no mention of you having phoned IDNet in the thread,  Sobraine is only trying to be helpful and I feel your response towards him is unwarranted.

Oh for goodness sake!

It is indeed in my thread above, here is part of it:

I have left two phone calls with support, but I am assuming that as I am a mere residential customer (I have my line rental and broadband with IDNet) that I have no choice but to wait until Tuesday before anything will be done to address this issue for me - I am suspecting BT at the moment, but of course, it would have been good if someone at IDNet could at least check things their end to make sure it isn't an IDNet issue...

I have already lost the whole of this day so far trying everything I possibly can:

1. Connected via LAN cable directly to router (wireless switched off).
2. Totally disconnected the router from power supply for nearly an hour.
3. Changed the filter.
4. There is no point in taking off face plate as I only have one phone (I have tried to connect with the phone unplugged) and there is no other socket (test) behind the face place anyway.
5. I tried to do a broadband speed check this morning, but it got stuck at 16kbps.


I missed it too but my point still stands.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sobranie on Apr 24, 2011, 22:08:44
Sorry TMD, missed a bit of one of your posts. 4th thread down.

No probs.  :)

I have lost the will to live now and so I am going to come off here and try and forget about this issue (until tomorrow). Anything anyone can do to enlist some support will be appreciated.

I am not going to be a happy bunny at all if I have to go another day without internet and end up having to sort this in work hours after what will be 2.5 days without internet access.

I am not having a go at anyone on this forum, but it is a natural inclination to sound off on here when one has suffered this level of frustration and wasted time.

Like I said before, a few hours I can tolerate even a day, but I think it is fast becoming a totally unacceptable level of service.

My view is that where there is such a holiday as this - four days long, then support should have been available for at least a day over these four days. This break and next week's are longer than we can expect over Christmas.

I hope that IDNet will make sure there is some support for the impending next four days holiday.

I will be making my feelings known to IDNet tomorrow - more of MY precious holiday time that will have to be spent on this issue when I would rather be doing other things and not getting stressed over this issue.


T_M_D has very valid grievances.

Namely Idnet's lack of customer support should you have a problem with your connection outside "office hours".

Every time I see a reference to Idnet's wonderful customer support I'm somewhat surprised as a result.

Personally I've received both excellent support and some absolutely shocking and rude support from Idnet but what sticks in my throat is the problems I had at Christmas time when support shut down completely for over two weeks. I bet if I failed to make a payment in those two weeks it would be acted upon quite quickly!!  :dunno:


Quote from: .Griff. on Apr 24, 2011, 23:23:39
T_M_D has very valid grievances.

Namely Idnet's lack of customer support should you have a problem with your connection outside "office hours".

Every time I see a reference to Idnet's wonderful customer support I'm somewhat surprised as a result.

Personally I've received both excellent support and some absolutely shocking and rude support from Idnet but what sticks in my throat is the problems I had at Christmas time when support shut down completely for over two weeks. I bet if I failed to make a payment in those two weeks it would be acted upon quite quickly!!  :dunno:
Isnt it the case that IDNet can not do anything anyway over bank holidays because BT Wholesale is not operating as normal? So even if they were working BT are not going to be able to sort it out, I thought that was the reason.  :dunno: Saying that a big ISP will tell you they are working on it and just put a order in to BT so at least you think something is happening, but maybe once again its not due to BT working hours. Sounds like people need the placebo effect. I have left messages and had responses over bank holidays, also a lot depends on how you word your complaint as to what kind of reply you get and thats not just with IDNet...just saying. 
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


With regard to Openreach.

The Openreach SLA the level1/standard care states that faults can be reported 24/7 however outside normal workings hours a fault will be treated as reported on the beginning of the next working day. The working hours for this service are 0800-1700 hours Monday-Friday excluding Public and Bank Holidays.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 25, 2011, 08:52:05
With regard to Openreach.

The Openreach SLA the level1/standard care states that faults can be reported 24/7 however outside normal workings hours a fault will be treated as reported on the beginning of the next working day. The working hours for this service are 0800-1700 hours Monday-Friday excluding Public and Bank Holidays.
So not much anyone can do then over bank holidays, apart from the usual trouble shooting, which the forum can help with really.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Apr 25, 2011, 08:29:20
....Saying that a big ISP will tell you they are working on it and just put a order in to BT so at least you think something is happening, but maybe once again its not due to BT working hours. Sounds like people need the placebo effect. .....

I think that's correct and if it does turn out to be a BT fault there is little iDNet can do until OpenReach resume normal operating hours.

However, at this stage we don't know if it is a BT fault or one with iDNet and I think it's that that T_M_D is complaining about.  TBH I always thought that out of hours - or at least at weekends/Bank Holidays - iDNet operated a system of duty managers.  Basically someone who would check the emails answer the phone and respond to anyone who had a complete service failure (aka no service).  If this system no longer operates and there is to be no response whatever out of hours, I think we should be told and an explanation given.

Agreed that the response you get after leaving a message depends to a large extent on the type of message that is left.  I'm sure that despite what recent posts may lead you to believe, T_M_D left a message that was polite and clearly explained the situation.  Given that this amounts to a loss of service, I think she's entitled to a response from iDNet.  Those who leave an ill-tempered rant on the answer machine can hardly be surprised if the response is tardy at best.  


Quote from: Tacitus on Apr 25, 2011, 09:29:53
I think that's correct and if it does turn out to be a BT fault there is little iDNet can do until OpenReach resume normal operating hours.

However, at this stage we don't know if it is a BT fault or one with iDNet and I think it's that that T_M_D is complaining about.  TBH I always thought that out of hours - or at least at weekends/Bank Holidays - iDNet operated a system of duty managers.  Basically someone who would check the emails answer the phone and respond to anyone who had a complete service failure (aka no service).  If this system no longer operates and there is to be no response whatever out of hours, I think we should be told and an explanation given.

Agreed that the response you get after leaving a message depends to a large extent on the type of message that is left.  I'm sure that despite what recent posts may lead you to believe, T_M_D left a message that was polite and clearly explained the situation.  Given that this amounts to a loss of service, I think she's entitled to a response from iDNet.  Those who leave an ill-tempered rant on the answer machine can hardly be surprised if the response is tardy at best. 

Oh I agree she should have a response, I always have when leaving a message over normal weekends, there is normally someone about in case something goes t*t's up. I think this is the issue wth niche ISP's though, lack of support over times like these, but tbh when BT changed what the ISP could do regarding line management from their end, this was bound to happen. If IDNet instigated full time weekend help I imagine costs will go up and there is still not much they could do if its out of their hands, and I don't think (no offence IDNet) that the niche provider is worth the extra cash anymore although I am happy staying here for now until I can get decent LLU. A lot has changed to make small ISP's into blunt instruments over the last year by BT. Alas for some reason IDNet seem particularly hard hit by outages recently which does not help the mood. Maybe time for a spring clean of the equipment  ;)

Damned, if you do damned if you don't