Connection dropping numerous times since last night

Started by .Griff., May 19, 2011, 16:14:48

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I think that speaks for itself.

Anyone else experiencing similar issues?



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Apart from a drop for planned exchange work, my line has been fine today.  :fingers:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on May 19, 2011, 16:17:20
Is that sync that's dropping, Griff?

No idea Rik. I was asleep at the time and obviously with FTTC there's no access to line stats etc and/or logs..


I wonder why BT don't want us to know what's happening. Have you asked support?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Looks like there's ongoing issue with the Birmingham and Wolverhampton nodes so anyone else living in the West Midlands should see the same issue as me.

Edit - Yeah just spoke to James Rik.


Presumably, if it's the nodes, it's also affecting ADSL2+ lines.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Griff,

I experienced the same here in Shropshire on my 21CN line. My other 20CN line on a different exchange 5 miles down the road at the office showed no such problems.

No loss of sync, just PPP drops...



Here is my activity, note the big red bands i got and the almost 'regular pitches between them.. definitely was something going on last night, but like always not only will we be the last to find out, it will just be one of the many hundreds of such 'tinkerings' that go on like this.  Makes you wonder does it not if its deliberate.. eg.. make everyone else complain about other isps so we go back to their truly sucky BT isp?  well i'm stubborn, i will never go to them :)



I've been having the same problems as the OP since last night. In fact, they're ongoing even as I type this. I had one big spike of red at about 3am yesterday, then this morning I lost connection completely between about 1am and 3am, and it's spiked twice since 4am (30 mins ago) which you can just see happening on the far right here:

(Ignore the large patch of red over to the left. I power down the computer when I go to work and the router goes off with it. It's the small spikes of packet loss in the evening and things like what's happening this morning that are bugging me. I like to be able to surf the net while I'm trying to force cornflakes down me neck at 4am!)
I was cut out to be rich but got sewn up wrong.



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Also, routers are designed to be left on all the time, and you run a risk that the DLM takes a disliking to the power ups and downs.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The problem is back again -

Connection up and down but being the weekend support is closed  :mad:


I'm not seeing anything untoward on my BQM, but speed tests to the Milton Keynes server are about 3.5Mbps down and pings about 15ms up from where they should be... Midlands routing problems again with BT?
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


No idea what's going on Bill.

The connection is dropping all over the place and it's just taken me 20 minutes to get back on  :rant2:


Seems not unlike what I was getting yesterday (only worse!):

Looks like BT are sharing it around >:(
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Got a call from Brian.

Physical fault detected somewhere along the line or at the cabinet. The voice aspect of the line is fine however?!?


That's odd, it's usually the other way round.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Possibly a fault between the voice and fibre cabinets?
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Alf :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Bill on May 21, 2011, 17:01:44
Possibly a fault between the voice and fibre cabinets?

Therein lies a problem. Standard Openreach engineers are prohibited from opening the FTTC cabinets.

Last time I had this problem Openreach were here for 4 hours in total and couldn't find any problem with the line in the property or at the cabinet. When the subject of a possible fault in the FTTC cabinet came up he simply said they weren't allowed to open them and there was nothing more he could do.


There's something weird about this problem..

As you can see from the TBB QM each time the connection drops it's down for anything from a few minutes to 15 minutes each time.

HOWEVER the DSL light on the OR modem stays on all the time. The router on the other hand shows no IP address, no subnet mask and no default gateway and just shows "connecting"..

I can't work out why the DSL light stays on when the connection drops?!?