
Started by AvengerUK, Jun 14, 2006, 23:03:37

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hey all,

Just a quick question:

My 10 day test period is up, and im synced @ 2080kbs down and 480kbs up. However...interleaving has been turned on, so, my previous pings of 16ms are now 35ms!

I mainly use my connection for gaming, so...the 16ms would be nice via fastpath. If i emailed Idnet support is it possible to get interleaving turned off? (Is there a charge?) I dont think stability is an issue, as my line's been synced at 2200kbs for the last ten days with fastpath, and virtually no packetloss and no line drops (only resyncs for max!)



IIRC from previous posts in here and in AG you can get interleaving turned off, guess it's up to the ISP to pass on any charges levied by BT if there's intervention necessary on their systems to do so ?
Bottom line - call CS and discuss...they'll give you the right answers with no messing.

Oh and remember to post back on this with an update of how it's going/gone mate ?
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Will do!, I havent got round to it yet (Had a few days holiday!) - Ill call them come monday though ;)


Avenger i would be surprised it you could tell the difference between the 2 speeds when online gaming.

I get 40 on some servers and  50+ on others and i can honestly say it makes no difference.

You often  see people with pings in the 80's winning games its not just about ping its also skill .


yes but that extra 15 can make a large difference between getting kicked from the server or not and also every time ur opponent "warps" could be the difference between winning and losing. it all depends on how 1337 you are  :D


Quote from: mrapoc on Jun 18, 2006, 12:51:24
yes but that extra 15 can make a large difference between getting kicked from the server or not

Why would you be kicked for having a 35ms ping?

Quoteand also every time ur opponent "warps" could be the difference between winning and losing. it all depends on how 1337 you are  :D

Do you really think your reaction time is less than 16 milliseconds .

I play a lot of Call of Duty Death Match and there are players with 80 pings that win as well as players with 40 pings its more skill than anything else .


It really depends what games you play, some games are written to allow for higher pings, where as others are bog-standard and the slightest change in ping changes your 'lead' etc etc.

I got a reply from Miriam, interleaving should be disabled within 24 hours :)


Quote from: AvengerUK on Jun 19, 2006, 12:03:13
I got a reply from Miriam, interleaving should be disabled within 24 hours :)

Remember and post back in here and let us know how it affects your line mate ?
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


on cs a lot of servers have a ping limit of 100. im saying that 15 could make a difference if u were 85 before u would go up to 100...u get me now ya?


Quote from: mrapoc on Jun 19, 2006, 16:25:20
on cs a lot of servers have a ping limit of 100. im saying that 15 could make a difference if u were 85 before u would go up to 100...u get me now ya?

Aha  i see  ;)


Its off :) - Dont know about speeds/stability yet, wont know until i get home!

On a differnt note, i noticed last night that one of the PC's on my home network seems to be getting throttled by the router? Ie, full speed then steadily decreases while downloading, although other PC's remain at full speed?  ???


Maybe the router and the PC have had some sort of domestic disagreement. :D
Alf :)


O lowest ping to ANYWHERE is now 100ms and more, and my speed is around 70kb/s! (I switched my router off when i got home so it wouldent interefere with Windows reinstall....) ??