Wordpress Style Sheets not loading

Started by Rikki, Oct 08, 2011, 07:05:56

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Good morning.

I'm hoping somebody can help us.

My wife administers Wordpress Blogs for charities, and recently has had problems with Wordpress.com pages either not loading at all, or loading without the Style Sheets (i.e plain text). The problem is the same whether she uses her laptop or my PC, so seems to be either the router or something that idnet is blocking. I suspect that there may be a problem or setting with the router. I have updated it's firmware to the latest and rebooted, but still no joy. The router is a belkin F5D7632-4.

We have tried other things such as clearing caches etc.

All other sites seem to load fine.

If anybody has any ideas for tests etc before I go out and spend my hard earned cash, it would be greatly appreciated.



Have you verified that it is a local issue rather than a server side problem? If so it might be worth running a tracert www.myblogsite.com from a command prompt. I've seen similar issues myself, sometimes caused by a slow connection to the remote server so I'd eliminate that one first.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Not sure whether it's relevant but for the last hour or so I've had a variety of websites which have failed or have been very slow to load. The situation has improved in the last 20 mins or so. I'm guessing a routing/peering issue it's certainly not DNS
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Can you post one of the problematic sites for us to check?


The sites that were problematic around 7.00am are all loading fine now for me.

Edit spoke too soon this url plus the links contained are very slow to load but seem to improve following refresh

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


http://wordpress.com/  takes an absolute age to load, but occasionally it's fine again.


I think I'm seeing something similar it's very intermittent i.e. http://www.wolfrace.co.uk/accessories/ has been very slow at times. I think Rikki if there is a widespread issue we should see more posts of a similar ilk esp when the rugby's finished.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have changed the router and all is fine.

Thanks all that replied.



Glad you're sorted, thanks for letting us know. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.