Router losing sync when telephone used

Started by spring88, Aug 10, 2011, 17:46:33

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We were using the adsl nation faceplate when the crackling/noise problem on the phones started so I imagine it will still be the same. I could give the adsl faceplate another try later on today- i don't want to do it right now since i've done a lot of unplugging/plugging in routers and connecting/disconecting cables this morning and I'm not sure what impact doing more will have on my internet performance.

At no point previously has changing faceplates/cables/routers affected the level of noise on the phones at the time.


Are you using a wirelss phone? and is the base near the router/ phone socket?  It could be interference from that.
Alf :)


We have no wireless phones. The 2 phones are both corded and nowhere near the router or phone socket. A 3rd corded phone has also been used and the noise was the same. Noise also the same when phones are plugged directly into the phone socket on the faceplate.


Just thought i'd post an update:
The 5th (6th?) BT engineer came about 5 weeks ago and suggested switching us over to another line, something a previous engineer said couldn't be done. Since switching us to a different line there is no noise on the phones, the internet syncs higher and the noise margin is stable.
The problem appears to be solved.  :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


There's good engineers and there's "can't be bothered" engineers. :( Good result. :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.