Apple scores European ban on Samsung smartphones

Started by Simon, Aug 24, 2011, 22:14:37

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Apple has scored another victory in its patent war with Samsung, with the iPhone rival provisionally ordered to stop selling the Galaxy S, Galaxy S II and Ace smartphones in Europe.

The ruling in a Dutch court comes into effect in seven weeks, and entails a preliminary injunction that blocks sales of the handsets that are sold and distributed in Europe through Holland, where it runs its European logistics base.

According to patent specialist blogger Florian Mueller, who broke the story on the Foss Patents blog, the seven-week grace period could give Samsung time to reorganise its logistics so that one of its Korean subsidiaries could still sell handsets in Europe.

The injunction relates to patents surrounding how users browse galleries, and could be enforceable in many European countries, including the UK.

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It's about time they sorted all this out,it's just tit for tat. Whilst Apple have every right right to protect their commercial properties and patents I'm not sure it does either parties reputation any good in the long term.
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Whilst patents are necessary to ensure intellectual rights it seems to me that Apple are using patent law to stifle any competition much as Watt and Boulton did with the steam engine which restricted development until the patents expired.

Deciding whether Apples patents have actually been infringed will no doubt take time and I think the only winners will be the lawyers.

Technical Ben

Quote from: Simon on Aug 24, 2011, 22:14:37
...The injunction relates to patents surrounding how users browse galleries...
So they patented pressing a button? GREEEEAAAAT.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


There's not that many ways you can differentiate a rectangular case that houses a touch screen, mic, speaker and the circuitry to make it work.

Afraid I think Jobs is fighting dirty and is frankly and odious man.


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Apple must be running out of ideas then.

Time Jobs went now I think.

Maybe they ought to promote Jonathon Ive to CEO as it was after all his designs that made Apple products popular.

And this will shock you, I was seriously considering buying a Mac Mini to use alongside my PC to broaden my OS technical knowledge.


Quote from: Steve on Aug 24, 2011, 23:07:26
It's not even that, it's a finger gesture or swipe. We can all think of a few finger gestures. >:D

Yes, I couldn't quite see what the argument was either.  How else are you supposed to view galleries on a touch screen phone?  :dunno:
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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I don't know, I don't see the Snow Leopard changing its spots.

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How long before Samsung have 'production difficulties' in their chip processing plants, and can only supply a limited number of cpu's for iPad/iPhone production?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

Quote from: Simon on Aug 24, 2011, 23:20:16
Yes, I couldn't quite see what the argument was either.  How else are you supposed to view galleries on a touch screen phone?  :dunno:

If it's not an Apple Iphone your not:shake:

Here is the quote.
Quote"In some embodiments, the user interacts with the GUI primarily through finger contacts and gestures on the touch-sensitive display," the patent reads. "Instructions for performing photo management may be included in a computer program product configured for execution by one or more processors."

This world is so broken.  :eyebrow:

PS Samsung are smeg heads for not pointing out an infinite amount of "prior art" or usage of this exact patent.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Quote from: Lance on Aug 25, 2011, 00:03:57
Seems Jobs was listening to you, Mitch.

I wouldn't wish ill health on anyone but now he is out of day to day operational control lets hope this madness stops although Tim Cook is said to be his protégé so I won't hold my breath.

Technical Ben

I fear the madness can only get worse. These things end up like Hydras (see microsoft :D).
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Happy being the understatement of the year.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The thing is that Apple have by all accounts made some good and desirable products and they should not need to resort to patent tactics to stifle any competition.

I'm not conversant with patent law but I could understand it if their competitors have actually copied their technology but if they have just produced a product that works in a similar way but using different technology then I'm not sure Apple can supress it.

As I haven't got either an Apple or Android device I'll see what the courts decide but maybe someone here can explain it further.


I think it's all a bit ridiculous.  It's like one motor manufacturer suing another because their cars also have a round steering wheel.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Exactly. As I said, can you imagine what it would have been like if the first concept of writing had been patented, the concept of printing? The world would lack so much knowledge. This sort of behaviour needs to stop, there should be some cooperation, which recognises a basic idea, eg files, folder, icons, apps etc, are essential to computing and are shared, but that the technology of their implementation does deserve protection.

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I still say Samsung chose a better microphone. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

Thing is, from a "design" view, the two are as different as chalk and chips. But a "functional" side, yes exactly the same. I ask, how was Samsung to avoid 1) a square screen? 2) A square box 3) a square plug 4) a thin usb adapter on a thin computer? 5) A picture of a microphone on a recording device fitted with a microphone?
It's like asking the car designer not to use wheels cos Apple used them first. :/

I agree there is a definite rip off on the packaging. However, go after everyone else too. Tesco, M&S Sainburies. They all rip off other packaging and design companies (looks at the Tesco rip off of Walkers crisps)...
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Quote from: Technical Ben on Oct 22, 2011, 06:30:49
Thing is, from a "design" view, the two are as different as chalk and chips. But a "functional" side, yes exactly the same. I ask, how was Samsung to avoid 1) a square screen? 2) A square box 3) a square plug 4) a thin usb adapter on a thin computer? 5) A picture of a microphone on a recording device fitted with a microphone?
It's like asking the car designer not to use wheels cos Apple used them first. :/

I agree there is a definite rip off on the packaging. However, go after everyone else too. Tesco, M&S Sainburies. They all rip off other packaging and design companies (looks at the Tesco rip off of Walkers crisps)...
Intellectual wars, tbh there is more more important things going on in life for me to really care about this right now, but since its mentioned HTC managed with sense UI to avoid doing the same, Samsung chose icons etc that look very similar, design wise it looks very similar, and yes you can do a lot with a square screen, look at SE phones. I really find blind hatred of certain corporations to be dull. None of them do thing for the sole benefit of us, that's the only thing I am sure of. (Apple dont sell crisps by the way) ;)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Surely it's about protecting your intellectual property, having spent a fortune developing IOS. Why would Apple let Google have a free ride on the back of it with Android platform.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.