How much is a new line going to cost ?

Started by old Bill, May 28, 2007, 17:51:36

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old Bill

As has been said many times before my line is hopeless with Max , its getting a bit frail round the edges (like me ;D). Would it be pratical to have a new line put in and how much will it cost ? Even then will a new line help with Max ?


I think it's around £150, but could be wrong. You may still not be able to get MAX if it's to do with how far you are from the exchange.


A new line is just a switch of the exchange pair at each end....(exchange and house)

It might just do some good but it is a big invoice for a probable gain of zero.

What you need is a new line back to the exchange.............£?000.00


As Dorset says, Bill, all you will get is a spare pair on the backhaul, and new connections at either end. It might be an improvement, it might not. BT are under no obligation to make the line fast for ADSL, sadly, or I'd have had one put in by now. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Go to this page Bill and get your distance(Not always the line length) from the exchange.


old Bill

Is this good or bad ?
You are around 1.59 kilometres from your exchange (as the crow flies


I'm 1.48km and I get around 4500 throughput.

old Bill

So the various checkers I have have used say I should get 4 meg or more should be right. The fact my line is not steady seems to be either a line fault or just a poor line.


Bill, I'm at 2.26km from the exchange, and have a 56db attenuation. The distance that checker quotes is pretty much an irrelevance, it's a straight line and I guarantee your cable run is not! What does the BT checker say your line should be capable of?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


do you have any line stats ie attenuation and SNR margins for us please bill? :)

old Bill

Just checked my line with one of the many BB checkers
Low Line Rate Indicator

Preliminary tests indicate that your line should be capable of supporting speeds of 4Mbps. Actual speed is more likely to be around 3Mbps and is variable and dependant on several factors including line quality and distance from exchange

old Bill

Quite happy to post the stats when I get in from work, but I think most people here have seen my stats many times before.


sorry Bill im new here and don't know where your previous posts are ( shall go have a search now!  ;D ) out of interest do you still have your ring wire connected? if you don't know what that is then you probably do.  ;)

-update found them
Downstream      Upstream
Data Rate(Kbps)   
         2272                     288
Noise margin (dB)   
         19.0                     27.0
Output power (dBm)   
         18.9                     11.9
Attenuation (dB)   
         50.0                     30.0


Bill, remind me of your attenuation and the speed you were achieving on Max will you?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

Dont worry, To cut a very long story short I have the line from hell, or to put it another way I think BT must have laid it late on a Friday afternoon just before a Bank holiday. ;D


according to your speed on max should be 4.6 to 5.4mbs

thats quite good, if you wanted faster you need to increase your downstream SNR margin from 19db. Either by using a different router, a filtered face plate ie and by using a cat5e cable (ethernet cable) from your faceplate to your router (instead of a normal telephone wire) and finally disconnecting your ring wire ( orange behind faceplate ). All those methods can help increase your snr and decrease your attenuation.

I did all the above and decreased my attenuation by 15dB and increased my snr by 6dB . Quite good i think

old Bill

Quote from: Rik on May 28, 2007, 19:05:21
Bill, remind me of your attenuation and the speed you were achieving on Max will you?
You may remember that the BT chap switched cables with my nextdoors well it went downhill after that. Before hand my Line attenuation was 47 and I was getting around 4-4.5 meg. After the switch over L/A of 50 speed 3-3.8 meg plus loss of sync every night.

old Bill

The problem is that during the day/evening my nm drops from 19.5 to 12.5 which is what makes my line so ----.


Noise margin would normally fall in the evening, Bill. If it's falling during the day there has to be a reason. Do you have any idea on what route the cable takes? I just wonder whether it's passing through an industrial site where there's a lot of electrical noise?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

I think its one of two things either the cable the BT chap put me on to is naff or it ma be something to do with the new houses they started to build just down the road from me.

old Bill

Catch up with everyone later. Must get ready to finish work and go home.


Either of those is a candidate, Bill. However, your line is still a lot better than mine, so unless you can get BT to swap pairs again, I think you may have to live with the limitations of it. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: old Bill on May 28, 2007, 19:01:51
Quite happy to post the stats when I get in from work, but I think most people here have seen my stats many times before.

Indeed, and the same conclusion is reached each and every time.

Your line is cr*p and there is nothing that can be done about it.

By all means pay BT for a new line if you think it will help, but we all know 99.9% certain that it will not.

As said many times, you have 2 realistic options; (1) Move house or (2) Live with it.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but there is little point in continuing to investigate the ins and outs of your line,  again and again, we just go round in fruitless circles.
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.