Got my iPhone 4S, but...

Started by Simon, Oct 25, 2011, 15:11:55

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Quote from: Steve on Oct 27, 2011, 17:54:18
I going to muddy the water with this poor photo, yes there is difference in the blue,but I imo it's subtle -both phones same brightness level auto off

Of those, admittedly, the one on the left looks crisper, and the white looks white, whereas on the 3GS, the white looks slightly pinkish, but on the 4S, the blue is not the correct forum blue, and looks slightly greenish, which is how mine looks.  How is that photo different from the one you did earlier, where the 4S looked perfectly blue, Steve?
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I can only explain the differences in the ambient light and the white balance. The previous photo was taken in good light with the phone on a white background,the last photo the background is the same but now looks grey. So they are not comparable but I agree there is a difference in the blue
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I had my appointment with my Apple Genius this morning, and a very attractive oriental looking genius she was too!  :red:  I got to the store early, so had a play with four other 4Ss, and all displayed the forum correctly, and not with the greenish tinge that mine displays.  The difference was quite clear when comparing side by side, and my very attractive genius agreed that the display phones showed the forum bluer than my phone. 

However, as she said, the phones on display were from the first batch manufactured, so were probably 3 to 4 weeks old now, and are in almost constant use during opening hours.  She said that I could exchange my phone for another, but there was no guarantee that a replacement would be any different, as it would be brand new.  She has recorded my complaint, and suggested that I continue using the phone for another few weeks, after which, if I am still not happy, they would replace it.  I have agreed to this, so will see how things go.

Incidentally, while I was waiting, there was a Macbook Pro sitting in front of me, so I thought it would be churlish not to have a go, but I couldn't get the bloody thing to do anything!  The mousepad moved the curser, but tapping it didn't seem to have any effect.  Oh well...
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At least you've got the potential fault on record and an undertaking from them to replace it, Simon. I'd say that was a result. :) (Couldn't they have tried one for you?)

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I'm guessing not, because a new one would have to be activated via iTunes, and once used, could it then have been sold as new if I'd rejected it?
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I really don't see why not if they reset it.

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Probably.  I'll see what happens over the next week or two.
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The MBP trackpad can either be set to tap or click, the click requires a reasonable amount of pressure. I'm pleased that the iPhones in the store showed the 'proper' blue, you won't have any hassle changing it.
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Yes, obviously, I've got to keep it in good condition, but I would anyway.  Hopefully it will rectify itself in a couple of weeks.
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Is there a way to keep it 'lit up' (I obviously have no experience of these, to encourage the display to burn in more quickly?

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Not that I know of, but next week I'll be back to work, so it will be lit up on here most of the day.  :)
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You have to be my age or older. ;D

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Ah, but it will happen at an accelerating rate now.

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Still 365/366 days per year I believe.

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They just seem to go quicker...  :bawl:
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And quicker and quicker...

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It's just your memory getting shorter and shorter  ;)

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Not to mention the rest of my body. :)

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Here is what mine looks like Simon, Auto brightness factory default settings.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Thanks Gary, I'll check that out on the PC later.  Mine is still looking greenish. 
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Quote from: Simon on Oct 26, 2011, 11:08:55
I'm definitely disappointed with the colour rendering on the 4S.  If it's supposedly down to glue not being set, how long are we expected to wait for it to do so?  I have to say, I'm considering whether this is a returnable fault.  :-\
Mine started off with a yellow ish hue but after few days it went. The colour rendering is better than the iPhone 4 I would say.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't