Apple Support does the decent thing.

Started by Ardua, Nov 23, 2011, 17:17:04

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My 4 year old MacBook Pro 17in died on me a month or so ago - a few days after its 4th birthday. As it was top of the range in its day, I was not a happy bunny. Further research indicated that Apple was aware of a NVIDIA card issue with 2007/2008 MacBooks and had agreed to replace cards if they failed within 4 years. I spoke to a very nice lady in Dublin who agreed that Apple would stump up for the repair. I then, as suggested, took my dead MacBook Pro into my local dealer. Yesterday, it seemed that Apple had thought again about paying for the repair. After another long call with Apple, they reviewed my case and agreed that when I had what they thought was a battery issue a year ago, it was probably the first signs of a failing card. The replacement card was sent out yesterday and fitted today FOC. Well done Apple.


It is a shame you had to battle a bit but good news nevertheless , that's probably a £1000 repair.

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