Network problem?

Started by .Griff., Nov 04, 2011, 00:10:45

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Given most people now have smart phones with Twitter, wouldn't it be a good thing if iDNet issued status updates via their Twitter page?  The last Tweet was on 17 Aug when they were looking for a Developer.  If they don't wish to use this account for network status updates they could set up another account as @iDNet Ops or some such.

To post, "We're experiencing a network failure, engineers investigating" on Twitter is the work of a moment, as would be subsequent updates.


Not that it affected me because I wasn't online at the time, bit there was a lot of happenings yesterday afternoon/evening. The packet loss activity continued through 'til midnight.


My internet is still down too. I have a Net Gear rangemax router, and it has a green sync light and red connection light.

Powered off. Rebooted. No change (bar sync speed dropping from 7900 to 7800).

Here's my quality graph. Anyone know why after the dropped packets at the time of the IDNET outage the remainder of the graph is empty?

Should I go pick up a new router at lunchtime?


Same here. Connection dropped of about 15 min, starting at 18h30 yesterday evening... a 172.16.xx.yy address was assigned instead of my standard IP address.

It is the second time this happens to me like that, in the middle of the day... would be nice to have some feedback on what it was, and what is IDNet/BT planning to do to address these issues. I logged a call with Support, but no news, of course.


A twitter update would be nice.


Miriam posted an announcement last night, as far as they were aware, it was a core router issue.,27548.msg654463.html#new

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Wivelrod on Nov 09, 2011, 08:48:04
My internet is still down too. I have a Net Gear rangemax router, and it has a green sync light and red connection light.

Powered off. Rebooted. No change (bar sync speed dropping from 7900 to 7800).

Should I go pick up a new router at lunchtime?

Before buying anything, give support a call and see if it is a problem their end.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Wivelrod on Nov 09, 2011, 08:48:04
Here's my quality graph. Anyone know why after the dropped packets at the time of the IDNET outage the remainder of the graph is empty?


I think there are several without a ppp session this AM , please contact support before blaming your own equipment.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: .Griff. on Nov 09, 2011, 09:04:27


For clarity, would that mean that it's failing because of my end, or IDNETs end?

Quote from: Glenn on Nov 09, 2011, 09:02:47
Before buying anything, give support a call and see if it is a problem their end.

Called them last night (out of hours guys). Promised a call back but got nothing. Got the impression they didn't really know much and we're reading a script. Does In-Hours support go direct to IDNET? (not that it helps much when I'm at work and unable to access my router during such times).


Day time support is handled by Idnet themselves.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Nov 09, 2011, 09:18:41
Day time support is handled by Idnet themselves.

Thanks, I'll try to pop home at lunchtime and sort it out then.


Quote from: Glenn on Nov 09, 2011, 09:00:55
Miriam posted an announcement last night, as far as they were aware, it was a core router issue.,27548.msg654463.html#new

I'm aware of that Glenn, but if my internet connection is down it's not a lot of use.  The whole point of using Twitter is that it's quick, to the point and, for most people, receivable on their phone and therefore independent of an internet connection.

A fuller explanation may be posted to 'Netters once the service is back up.  :)


Don't you need an internet connection via you phone to view Twitter?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Wivelrod on Nov 09, 2011, 09:16:39
For clarity, would that mean that it's failing because of my end, or IDNETs end?

I think it implies that it's somewhere in the middle- maybe IDNet, maybe BT (or O2 for some).

But either way, only IDNet can handle it.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Glenn on Nov 09, 2011, 09:43:56
Don't you need an internet connection via you phone to view Twitter?


Quote from: Bill on Nov 09, 2011, 09:45:45
I think it implies that it's somewhere in the middle- maybe IDNet, maybe BT (or O2 for some).

But either way, only IDNet can handle it.

Thanks Bill

(No LLU where I am, so I'll blame BT. They are good fall guys :D)


I don't think a Twitter update would be of much use as it appears the issues are often sorted out before the status is updated on the site/RSS.

Presumably, a tweet would be done by the same person/system so would also be landing after the event.

I'd rather they got in with fixing it than updating numerous announcement systems, and at least we can find out we're not alone via the forum.


Thanks for the advice, peeps. I had to come home from work early today anyway, so I called Support again and was told I had a stuck session. Many thanks to Simon at IDNet for re-starting me again! ;D
I was cut out to be rich but got sewn up wrong.



He just offered me an elastoplast. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sat_mad on Nov 09, 2011, 10:41:55
I'd rather they got in with fixing it than updating numerous announcement systems, and at least we can find out we're not alone via the forum.

You don't need numerous announcement systems, you need just one that is independent of iDNet's service.  My point was that if you have no internet connection it's not a lot of use posting on the forum.  Most people can get Twitter via 3G, which is independent of their ADSL connection.  Typing, 'Network down, engineers investigating' is hardly an onerous or time consuming task. 

Still people disagree so I'll leave it.


I don't disagree, Tac, but I think there's a point that if you can access Twitter via 3G, you should be able to access the forum as well.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sat_mad on Nov 09, 2011, 10:41:55
I'd rather they got in with fixing it than updating numerous announcement systems, and at least we can find out we're not alone via the forum.

I'm pretty confident Miriam herself didn't fix the problem herself so to argue "they" had more important things to do and couldn't update us is a little wide of the mark.

I really don't see why anyone would think Twitter is a bad idea. Miriam informed us Idnet knew about the fault after three minutes yet we were all posting on here or sitting in a queue on the phone for the next twenty to thirty minutes before anyone knew what was going on.

How long does it take to tweet something? Thirty seconds maybe? It would save a lot of people posting the same questions on here and safe a lot of people tying up Idnet's phone line.

If not Twitter then post on here instead. Even if it's simply "There's a problem, we're working on it" it's better than nothing.


Quote from: Simon on Nov 09, 2011, 12:48:24
I don't disagree, Tac, but I think there's a point that if you can access Twitter via 3G, you should be able to access the forum as well.  :)

I'd argue that on a mobile device, twitter is far easier to check than the forum. But still, despite having intermittent data connection over mobile devices where I live, I managed to see the message from Miriam last night. There was a lot of swearing involved though. Twitter might have made it easier (lower bandwidth solution), but I still found out what was going on with out it.

Phoned IDNET and got my session unstuck also.

Thanks for the help all :D


Not everyone is expected to know this, of course, but there is a WAP version of the forum.  Just add ';wap2' to the URL (without the quote marks), so the index page would be:

Worth bookmarking?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Or on the iPhone save as a Homescreen icon
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on Nov 09, 2011, 13:38:56
Not everyone is expected to know this, of course, but there is a WAP version of the forum.  Just add ';wap2' to the URL (without the quote marks), so the index page would be:

Worth bookmarking?

Maybe. It would be of even more use if someone from IDNet posted on here when they found out about the problem rather than after it was resolved.

(Not a criticism, merely a suggestion)