Steve Jobs TV programme

Started by Najarak, Nov 02, 2011, 17:23:58

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Lance has summed up my meaning perfectly. 

Mitch, what was the last Apple device you used for any length of time?  Applogies if this is wrong, but I don't recall you saying on here that you've used one, and as such many of the statements you make are without experience of the products.  I have used Android, BlackBerry, Windows and Symbian 'smart' phones, and I can say from experience that the iPhone is the most intuitive, and easiest to set up out of the box, which is what many people want.  That's not saying there aren't some frustrations for users who want to customise, and that every aspect of the iPhone is perfect, but it's bloody close. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Nov 03, 2011, 12:35:16
I've not seen the program so my comments are unqualified I am however a Mac user after many years a Windows user.  Yet again we witness the same oft repeated anti Apple diatribe from one individual which in my opinion makes his comments on the program of little or no value.

Spoken like a true Apple follower, watch the programme and think about your answer, you will find that it proves my point.

My criticism is never levelled at the products, it is at the attitude of the Apple staff and device owners who think that Apple can do no wrong and flatly deny that problems exist even when confronted with evidence or a straightforward request for information to enable me to support such users effectively, I treat the issue objectively, it appears some on this forum do not, perhaps responses such as that are why some people have stopped posting?


I don't own and Iphone or an Ipad. What I do own is an Nano 6th generation and I bought it on the service I have had with the very first Ipod shuffle I bought which is no longer available.

My little ipod shuffle still plays today and has been well used. On the other hand the Nano gives nothing but problems.  The battery is forever needing charged. It frequently needs restored to factory settings as it keeps switching itself off.

I've always said the more gadgets you have on a product the more problems you develope.  The little shuffle only played music and has never let me down.

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Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


Quote from: pctech on Nov 03, 2011, 14:09:35...why some people have stopped posting?

I can think of other reasons :(
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Mitch , may I remind you of your recent comment on the iPhone 4S,27379.msg651942.html#msg651942

"Maybe the iPhone 4S is just overpriced cr*p?"
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Tacitus on Nov 03, 2011, 11:38:29
I don't frequent PC sites but I'd be interested to know if Apple fans turn up in droves to tell the PC brigade they're a bunch of plonkers  :)  No doubt some do, but I'd be surprised if there were large numbers of them.

I have to agree with Tacitus, a lot of topics in the Mac section seem to get hijacked by certain PC users slagging off Apple or their users, I don't see the reverse happing in the PC section of the forum.


Quote from: Rik on Nov 03, 2011, 12:45:04
The iPod works the way I want it to, and I don't regret the decision. To me, forget about brands, look at what will work best for you. The rest is just marketing hype.

Substitute 'Apple Computers' for iPod and that sums up my attitude.  In the end you go by your own experience; mine have been very positive.  YMMV of course.

What I do find irritating is the idea that because people make different choices they must belong to some sort of cult.  Or they're brainwashed idiots with more money than sense.  Looking around the coffee bar at the Uni, there's been a massive increase in the numbers of Macs.  Possibly a fashion thing amongst the young, but go over to CompSci and you'll find loads of them amongst the staff and students.  Obviously they must be simple minded idiots because they're using Macs, despite the fact that Unix CLI stuff runs through their veins and they're all quite capable of building their own machines and installing any flavour of Windows, BSD or the latest flavour of Debian or RedHat.

I think all this anti-Apple stuff is one of the mysteries of our time.  Are they perfect?  Of course not, but given the increasing numbers of people buying Apple stuff they must be doing something right.


Quote from: lozcart on Nov 03, 2011, 16:37:39
I have to agree with Tacitus, a lot of topics in the Mac section seem to get hijacked by certain PC users slagging off Apple or their users, I don't see the reverse happing in the PC section of the forum.

I agree entirely, it certainly does not encourage anyone to post or discuss, when they know full well that they are potentially opening themselves up to ridicule and criticism.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I encounter platform politics and prejudices almost everyday on the web. PC vs Apple, Intel vs AMD, NVIDIA vs ATI, Windows vs Unix, Internet Explorer vs Firefox, the list is endless. While there's nothing wrong with being passionate about a product, the fact still remains that you have choices. The ability to choose in a competitive market is what helps makes your preference affordable and leading edge.

Personally I always choose what best suits my needs at the time and for the future and I really don't care which brand it is. That's probably why I use all the products mentioned above and I think I'm better off for it. Sometimes there's no shame in batting for both sides ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have to say that Apple users, some not all, do have a tendency to read straightforward comments about Apple and suddenly see red. If you look through the numerous threads on these boards you'll spot the same people doing their nut over general comments. It does swing both ways too, I hasten to add.

The whole fan boy thing annoys the cr*p out of me. As you'll know from my other posts, I HATE Apple and how they operate, but I've got a 3GS (which I don't like) and have just upgraded to the 4S, simply because it's easier and the S3 isn't out, and it saves me from losing apps I've paid for and use (my ukulele master is ace ;D).

I always have been and always will be totally baffled why people have this insane fanaticism regarding ANY brand. I have a friend that I've got nothing but respect for (he's a massive nerd like me :D) and he is borderline fanatical about Apple. He's been following them since waaaaay before the stupid trendy adverts made them popular! Every time I meet up with him and another mate, I get there 10 minutes late and they're both arguing about which smart phone is better ;D

I've said it before, and I'll say it again; if Apple made their products cheaper I wouldn't think twice about using them. Their attitude towards other companies and the blatant disregard they see for people and the legal system angers me immensely. The whole system is completely broken when it comes to the joke that is the law, but that's another issue! Still, their products are generally quite good, but way over priced when directly compared to a system you can build yourself.

If anyone wants to buy me the top end Apple laptop, I'd touch your happy place :P
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