A bit impatient?

Started by Stevescat, Jun 06, 2007, 00:07:41

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Hello everyone, joined IDNet on Monday, migration was a breeze, very happy to be here! Is it too soon to be concerned about speeds? The difference between my router connection speeds and some speed tests I've done seems large. I know your going to say wait a few days, but I couldn't resist posting. My router stats:
Speed: Downstream 8096kbps Upstream 448kbs
Line Attenuation: Downstream 9.0db Upstream 3.0db
Noise Margin: Downstream 14.4db Upstream 21.0db
I live 40 metres (Yes, 40) from the exchange.



Well.yes you should wait as BT will not begin to look at anything in the 10 day period.

Your synch should be 8128/448 at that distance,the downdtream snr looks odd and is a bit high,speed is way down.

The low speed is probably down to a low line profile,you need to run the BT speed test.

        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Post the results of that test .

Other than that leave the router 24/7 on and see if things improve.


I guess that the downstream SNR is high because it doesn't need to drop to 6 to get the max speed, which should be 8128.

The BT speedtester will give you the profile for your line. It is the profile which dictates the speed and is determined by your sync. It takes three full days for the profile to increase to the level your sync dictates. Therefore, your router is telling you that you are connected at 8096kbps but if your profile hasn't risen yet, then it would explain why your speed tests are much lower.

Finally, because I'm so jealous of your line, that's all the help you are getting from me!!! :laugh::laugh:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for the replies guys. I've managed to do one successful BT speed test. How worthwhile this is I'm not sure because I did it during peak times and I also had to use my IDNet login details in the router, didn't work when using 'speedtest@speedtest_domain' is it vital I use these login details? Anyway, for what it's worth here's the result.

Assured rate IP profile is 7000kbps
Actual IP throughput during test was 4987kbps

That's yer lot.
Lance, you'll get over it! Speak to me ;D


The 'new' BT speedtester does require the ISP login info.

You're getting the sort of profile I would expect for your sync speed. If your line stays stable, and it should, you will retain that profile unless you sync at 8128.

Throughput, though, should be higher. Try a few other speed testers outside peak hours. If you're not getting better throughput, you may need to tweak your MTU & RWIN figures.

Lance, who has a slightly better line than me, and I will now quietly go and sob in the corner! :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


A few BT speed tests below, the last one is with the router connected to the master socket.

Assured Rate IP Profile

7 tests completed, all at 7000kbps

Actual IP Throughput
1. 4987
2. 5013
3. 4334
4. 4826
5. 4714
6. 4900
7. 5413

The router always connects: Downstream 8096  Upstream 448

I know it's still early days, but my speedtests (17 in total) at Speedtest.net seems to be stuck at around 1500-1800 (Downstream) 377-380 (Upstream). Even though I don't fully understand all this stuff and you can easily get bogged down and obsessed with facts and figures, my gut feeling is something's not right and I'm not sure I can do anything about it my end.



What's not right is your throughput, and I suspect your profile is holding that back. Try another BT speed test and see what's reported. If the profile is low, you will have to wait the 10 days before IDNet can ask BT to do anything about it.

When you connected to the test socket, your sync didn't change, but did your noise margin (d/s)? If it did, that would indicate an issue with your internal wiring that it would be worth sorting out.

Try some different speed test sites and settle on one which gives you consistent results. The figures can never be taken as an absolute, but will depend on routing, server load, exchange congestion etc. I find the Namesco site works well for me. If I see the figures from there vary by much, I'll check with a second site.

Have you optimised your Windows MTU/RWIN settings? They can make a difference, anything up to 10% in my experience.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik,

Looks like Line Attenuation changed from 9.0db to 8.db Downstream and 3.0db to 3.5db Upstream.
Noise Margin changed from 14.4db to 14.6db Downstream and 21.0db to 22.0db Upstream.

Did a speedtest on the Namesco site: UP 1802kbps  DOWN 380kbps.
As for optimising the Windows MTU/RWIN, I haven't touched that at all, bit nervous about it actually.


But the BT tester is showing a profile of 7000kbps.......

QuoteAssured Rate IP Profile
7 tests completed, all at 7000kbps

Actual IP Throughput
1. 4987
2. 5013
3. 4334
4. 4826
5. 4714
6. 4900
7. 5413

What is wrong is the Speedtest.net test.

Try this one  >>>>> http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest.html <<<<<

and this one>>>>>>> http://www.kbps.co.uk/ <<<<<<<

Then see what happens with their results.


Quote from: Stevescat on Jun 09, 2007, 18:13:31
Looks like Line Attenuation changed from 9.0db to 8.db Downstream and 3.0db to 3.5db Upstream.
Noise Margin changed from 14.4db to 14.6db Downstream and 21.0db to 22.0db Upstream.

Marginal changes, so nothing to worry about there.

QuoteDid a speedtest on the Namesco site: UP 1802kbps  DOWN 380kbps.

Slow. Check the BT site and the two that Dorset suggests, it's probably just load.

QuoteAs for optimising the Windows MTU/RWIN, I haven't touched that at all, bit nervous about it actually.

Use TCP Optimizer as linked in the sticky. Before you change anything, click on current settings and make a note of the numbers (make sure you have the right network adaptor selected if you have more than one). You can then always revert. It's little more than changing your desktop theme in many ways, it's just that the mechanism isn't built into Windows.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


KBPS Speedtest: Downstream 1260kbps (OUCH!) Upstream 380kbps

Thinkbroadband: Downstream 1455kbps Upstream 378kbps

I appreciate results from speedtests will differ, but when I'm downloading a file I know it's slow, I was on Eclipse's 512k Flex package!!


I can see something wrong here..........

Look at that wording on the BT tester..........Assured Rate Profile..........

"Please note - The test can only be carried out from a PC connected to the Broadband Line entered below.
Before starting the PT, if you are running an assured rate session, please be aware that the test will temporarily interrupt your session for upto 30 seconds. Your session will be restored when the test is complete."  (Taken from BT tester page)

Your BT test is NOT the standard line test,but it does show what that line can do.

I think you need words with Miriam at CS.


TCP Optimiser
Right, I select 8000 as the connection speed and select the ethernet adapter, then what's next Rik, there aren't any figures? All I can do is go to the Largest MTU tab and press start. The result = The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1430  (1458 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).
You can set your MTU to 1458.

In the router's WAN Setup under MTU size, this is set to 1458.
As you can see, I'm getting confused.



1458 for the MTU is fine.

Try that and see if things improve but i think you have a problem on the connection,you should not be seeing that Assured session on the tester.


Can I just repeat my query about the BT test. Is it essential that you change your router's username to speedtest@speedtest_domain and leave the password blank because this wouldn't work for me. I could only do the tests with my IDNet details in the router. What I'm getting at is, are the tests I've carried out misleading/worthless.


Quote from: Stevescat on Jun 09, 2007, 19:15:21
Can I just repeat my query about the BT test. Is it essential that you change your router's username to speedtest@speedtest_domain and leave the password blank because this wouldn't work for me. I could only do the tests with my IDNet details in the router. What I'm getting at is, are the tests I've carried out misleading/worthless.

To carry out the BT speedtest just go to www.speedtester.bt.com in your browser.

Enter your phone number> wait for next screen> enter your Idnet log in details and press enter.

You don't need to go to the router any more.


Hi Stevescat

It sounds like your BRAS Profile is set too low. If you could please PM me with your login name then I can run a diagnostic to see what your profile is currently set to. Or, you can find out for yourself by using www.speedtester.bt.com as that will report your profile to you.



Hi Simon,

Is this the BT test? I've run several of these. Here is the low down:

Assured Rate IP Profile 7000kbps (on all 7 tests).

Actual IP throughput.
1. 4987
2. 5013
3. 4334
4. 4826
5. 4714
6. 4900
7. 5413

If this isn't what you require I'll also PM you my details.

Many thanks.


That's not the normal BT speed test result, Steve.

You should be going to http://test.speedtester.bt.com:50301/ and I just wonder whether you're trying to do it the old way, ie with a change in the router?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik,

I've just used your link to the BT speed test and it's the same one I've used for the ten tests I've done up to now. Just to clarify, I have been using my normal IDNet login details in the router for all ten tests. The results of the first seven are in an earlier post, the last three are as follows:
Assured Rate IP Profile All three 7000Kbps
Actual IP Throughput
8. 5864
9. 5423
10. 5443

What makes you think I'm not getting the right results, Rik? Could I somehow be being redirected to a different test page?



Quote from: Stevescat on Jun 10, 2007, 11:34:16
What makes you think I'm not getting the right results, Rik? Could I somehow be being redirected to a different test page?

You were quoting the old test, Steve, and the need to change your router login.

If you're using the link I posted, we've just got some packet loss between your post and my brain.  ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Guys,

Simon sent me a PM saying my profile was set to 6Mbps. How would he have done this? Through the BT speedtester site? If so, why do I get a result of 7000kbps (everytime), or am I getting these figures all jumbled up.



Simon would have got BT to unstick the profile if that was the problem. It may than have floated higher than the figure that BT gave him.

I think... :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Right, assuming BT did unstick my profile (until I speak to Simon I'm not sure if this is the case) would just rebooting the router be sufficient to take advantage of this or is it not as simple as that?


For once, Steve, it's simpler than you think. If your sync is still high, then your throughput should automatically move to match the profile.

If it hasn't, re-booting the router won't do any harm, but it should have no effect. If you get the profile of 7000 from the BT speed test, but don't get the speed to match, then I would suggest checking your MTU/RWIN settings, to ensure that your computer is transferring data as fast as possible.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.