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Started by andrue, Dec 16, 2011, 13:13:29

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I put an order through on the website for FTTC and got an email asking me to confirm the details within a couple of minutes. I sent a reply back but haven't heard anything now for a couple of hours. Is IDNET now waiting on BTor to accept the MAC before they contact me again?

Obviously I'm not expecting the connection to go live today. Or this year even - it's just that my last ISP tended to confirm every interaction and knowing how things can go wrong I wanted to check that it's normal to hear nothing at first.



Welcome! Others will know more but it depends on BT systems. I got the acknowledgement in a couple of minutes, a provisional date an hour later, and a confirmed date a further hour later. (I think it's an automated process).

But that was in the late summer, and BT are probably more busy now, or who knows their automated booking system may be playing up (cold weather* or any old excuse). Perhaps ring IDNet to check status if you haven't heard mid-afternoon, as I think they'll probably close for the weekend from 5-ish.

EDIT:  :slap:don't know what happens if they declare BOAR, probably about their usual time!


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

Your order has been received and is bring processed but, unfortunately, two staff are out of the office today, and so it may take a few hours yet, but you can be assured that IDNet will be getting back to you as soon as possible.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Andrue from the Be forum by any chance?

Either way  :welc5:


Quote from: .Griff. on Dec 16, 2011, 13:52:37
Andrue from the Be forum by any chance?

Either way  :welc5:
That's the one. And TBB.

Shame I had to leave Be but I have high hopes for IDNET  :)

Still a little sceptical that it's live. The workmen only turned up two weeks ago. I think the cable feeding Brackley arrives at my cab first though so perhaps it's inevitable it went live early.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 16, 2011, 13:40:39
Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

Your order has been received and is bring processed but, unfortunately, two staff are out of the office today, and so it may take a few hours yet, but you can be assured that IDNet will be getting back to you as soon as possible.
No worries, this close to Christmas I don't expect anyone to be working flat out  :angel:


Quote from: andrue on Dec 16, 2011, 14:11:55
That's the one. And TBB.

Shame I had to leave Be but I have high hopes for IDNET  :)

Still a little sceptical that it's live. The workmen only turned up two weeks ago. I think the cable feeding Brackley arrives at my cab first though so perhaps it's inevitable it went live early.

I was with Be for over five years but I've no regrets moving across to IDNet. Plus I'm really not convinced Be will have anything in place before 2013 the way things are going.

If you have any FTTC related questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Lol, now the BT checker has gone back to saying nothing about FTTC. Maybe it was a mistake. Perhaps I won't be joining you just yet  :eyebrow:


It's a frustrating wait, my FTTC cabinets appeared in August and went live about 3-4 weeks ago which lucky for me was before the rfs date of 31/12/11.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: andrue on Dec 16, 2011, 14:12:35
No worries, this close to Christmas I don't expect anyone to be working flat out  :angel:


They're flat out, Andrue, that's the problem.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 16, 2011, 17:34:20

They're flat out, Andrue, that's the problem.  ;D
Lol. Well we shall see what happens. No doubt knowing my luck it was all a BTw cock-up and as is their usual practice they'll just issue a blanket cancel on every service to start over. Consequently I'll spend several days without a telephone and probably a week without any broadband.


That's being a bit optimistic where BT's concerned, isn't it? ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 16, 2011, 18:18:31
That's being a bit optimistic where BT's concerned, isn't it? ;)
lol. Probably. My Dad fell foul of it just over a year ago when trying to migrate from Talktalk to BT. He was only SMPF but the first thing they did was give him a different telephone number. That also stopped his broadband. Then they enabled the broadband but gave him a new number. Then they just seemed to cancel everything just before the weekend. Eventually it came back on the Tuesday. I don't think he ever got compensation. BTw blamed TT. TT blamed BTr. BTr blamed BTw.

Mind you in that case his phone service was TT whereas mine is still BT. In theory they should know not to cancel that. Except that it's coming up for renewal in January  :o


Hi Andrue. BT is the subject of many complaints on various forums about its handling of recent FTTC RFS dates. Like many, all reference to FTTC disappeared from my line check over the weekend only to return - briefly - yesterday with a clear statement that my line was now FTTC capable. I knew that this couldn't be true as throughout the week I have seen BT, and its various sub-contractors, working on the both the old and new cabinets. A check this morning now shows a cabinet RFS date of 31 March 12. BT is clearly getting its ducks in a row before Christmas - the unacceptable aspect of this saga is that BT's software appears to have been accepting FTTC install orders only to reject them later.


Yeah. In common with several others now mine seems to be schizophrenic:

"Your cabinet is planned to have WBC FTTC by 31st March 2012. Our test also indicates that your line currently supports a fibre technology with an estimated WBC FTTC Broadband where consumers have received downstream line speed of 33.3Mbps and upstream line speed of 12.6Mbps."

I was wondering if that was because the first statement covers my town but since we're being supplied from another town my cabinet is probably the first in line. But given how many people are seeing that statement I suspect it's just dozy BT being dozy. Oh well what happens, happens  :shake:

I can live with a rejection - just so long as it leaves my line in the same state as it is now. I'm looking forward to joining IDNet but for the time being I'd rather stay with Be. They are nice people and the fewer times I have to update my domain information the better  :eek4:


I understand what you mean. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Looks like it was all a mistake and the order has been rejected. Oh well - I'll try again in a month or two :)


Sadly, it's a bit typical of BT. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This time Brackley is shown as Accepting Orders and it's been a couple of weeks since I saw an engineer with a laptop plugged into a cabinet. I might finally be about to join you guys.

Well hopefully. That assumes BT aren't just having a laugh again  :fingers:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: andrue on Apr 02, 2012, 14:25:31

This time Brackley is shown as Accepting Orders and it's been a couple of weeks since I saw an engineer with a laptop plugged into a cabinet. I might finally be about to join you guys.

Well hopefully. That assumes BT aren't just having a laugh again  :fingers:

As I said in another post, my estimate moved from 31 Dec 11 to 31 Mar 12 and then last week to 30 Jun 12. A day after the change to 30 Jun, my cabinet went live with this simple statement:

Our test also indicates that your line currently supports a fibre technology with an estimated WBC FTTC Broadband where consumers have received downstream line speed of 40Mbps and upstream line speed of 10Mbps.

I assume that the 3 monthly jump forward is automatic and no one looks at what is happening on the ground.

For what it is worth, the BT Availability Checker removed the reference to 'cabinet is planned' on my line a couple of days before IDNet's checker indicated that FTTC was available. I have a confirmed installation date next week provided that Severn Trent Water do not cut my phone line. They have dug a very large hole between the old and new cabinets to install a new water pipe and I can see that they have damaged the earthenware duct carrying the phone lines from the old cabinet. I have suggested to OR that they may wish to take a look before the hole is filled in again. They seemed quite surprised that I had bothered to call them.


Yeah, similar to me. I think December was just a cock-up on their part but throughout March there were vans and engineers everywhere. The status for my cab went to 30th June early last week then switched to the live message (as you mention) on either Thursday or Friday. So in the end it appears they did hit their original deadline. Just  :)

I imagine BT just work in quarterlies all the time. When your date slips off the end of the last month the next day their systems can use is the end of the next quarter. :eyebrow: