Line damage?

Started by woppy101, Dec 28, 2011, 16:49:55

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Can the high winds bugger up your sync rate? I have been stable @3777 for a while now and in the last two hours it has dropped to 1850,I really don't want to be stuck at this speed till the 3rd of jan


If you have an overhead line that is being buffeted by the wind then it can generate interference which will lower the sync rate, nothing that can be done about it.


The only overhead is from my house to the pole everything else is underground


My sky picture is breaking up and unwatchable.  Just had a new dish fitted after the last storm.

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


Quote from: woppy101 on Dec 28, 2011, 17:15:18
The only overhead is from my house to the pole everything else is underground

That might well be the issue.


Quote from: Lona on Dec 28, 2011, 17:54:11
My sky picture is breaking up and unwatchable.  Just had a new dish fitted after the last storm.

Yep have that problem on some of the freesat channels myself, will get a zone 2 dish fitted at some point next year (as you are north of the border I expect you are already using one Lona)

Have you now gone for an 80 or 90 cm dish?


Dunno what size it is but looks like all the others in the same street.  The difference with mine is that it's on a pole and I don't think the guy fitted a heavy enough pole.  My previous dish didn't cause picture breakup last year and we had really bad gales then as well as now.

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


This is the first time I have had a drop out ( or number of drop outs ) because of the the wind,I must have had 10-20 drops in the last 2-3 hours Maybe even more


Is the line to your house moving about violently in the wind?


Quote from: Lona on Dec 28, 2011, 18:09:03
Dunno what size it is but looks like all the others in the same street.  The difference with mine is that it's on a pole and I don't think the guy fitted a heavy enough pole.  My previous dish didn't cause picture breakup last year and we had really bad gales then as well as now.

Provided it retains a good 'line of sight' to the Astra satellite constellation you wouldn't have had an issue.

I think they only fit them on a pole as a last resort as it can be bent in strong enough winds.


Quote from: woppy101 on Dec 28, 2011, 18:17:36
This is the first time I have had a drop out ( or number of drop outs ) because of the the wind,I must have had 10-20 drops in the last 2-3 hours Maybe even more

Will just have to wait to get your line checked when the winds have died down as I doubt you'll get BT out before the New Year now.


I have just emailed idnet asking for an snr reset hopefully when they get back to work the winds will have died down


My snr reset started this morning(way sooner than I thought it would)when I have reset in the past it has started @4100-4200kbps fastpath  this morning it has started @3002kbps fastpath .I know it has 10days to settle but I thought it started as high as it could go and then came down from there,does anyone think I could have a possible line fault?


Is this just not a continuation of the high winds issue/thread? You've had multiple resyncs and my guess is that the DLM has raised your noise margin and turned on interleave in order to gain some stability? I think it unlikely IDNet have done anything or made any requests to BTw. Obviously if you continue to resync something's not right whether that's a line fault or local equipment noise,time will tell. BTW what is your current noise margin?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Sorry I have not explained myself very well my 10 day training period started again this morning(after putting a request through to id net)and I ment fast path not interleaved,I normally start @4100-4200 fast path but have started @3002 fast path,does anyone think the line could be damaged
Current stats
2912 Kbps
Att 56
snr 6


What's the margin on that sync and does it compare with your usual?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Dec 29, 2011, 09:32:45
What's the margin on that sync and does it compare with your usual?
For the last 20 days it has been 3777kbps 6db snr interleaved


If I understand correctly,that now you've got the same margin i.e. 6 but with a lower sync this implies to me that the line's degraded whether that's due to line noise or a line fault I suppose either is possible.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Dec 29, 2011, 09:38:50
If I understand correctly,that now you've got the same margin i.e. 6 but with a lower sync this implies to me that the line's degraded whether that's due to line noise or a line fault I suppose either is possible.
I'm expecting it to drop even more once interleaving has been switched on(my line has never been able to handle fastpath)don't think I can report a line fault until these 10 days are over


Not if your in a new training period is my understanding.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Have you tried the quiet line test, dial 17070 and listen to options (I think its option 2)? Use a corded phone into the socket rather than a cordless one which tends to filter out noise. If there's any noise you can report it to your phone service provider as a line fault, but don't mention broadband.

Or what does the BT speedtester say? When I was on ADSL my syncs used to be anything between 2 and 5 Meg. Generally if you've an overhead line I think syncs are likely to be better in daylight, which at this time of year means around the middle of the day because of spectrum interference (like affects medium wave radio in dusk). No-one guarantees your "top" broadband speed - it's the nature of the beast.


Quote from: mervl on Dec 29, 2011, 10:53:42
Have you tried the quiet line test, dial 17070 and listen to options (I think its option 2)? Use a corded phone into the socket rather than a cordless one which tends to filter out noise. If there's any noise you can report it to your phone service provider as a line fault, but don't mention broadband.

Or what does the BT speedtester say? When I was on ADSL my syncs used to be anything between 2 and 5 Meg. Generally if you've an overhead line I think syncs are likely to be better in daylight, which at this time of year means around the middle of the day because of spectrum interference (like affects medium wave radio in dusk). No-one guarantees your "top" broadband speed - it's the nature of the beast.

I have had 4 resyncs since 8am
My line has been around 3700-3800 for the last 2 months,the problems started during the high winds last night


I've merged this topic with your other one, as they seem to be one and the same issue.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thank you
Now down to 2774kbps


Down to 1824kbps 10db snr now still on fast path though do you think I have a line fault