Apple invades windows space

Started by cavillas, Jun 11, 2007, 20:59:50

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 ;D I have downloaded apples Safari browser beta. Trying it now and it is surprisingly fast and neatly laid out.  You can get a copy from and then head for their downlaod section.

Go on be a devil and give it a whirl. >:D
Alf :)


lol I should think Safari is as welcome on the Windows PC as Internet Explorer was on th Mac :)



After trying it for a while I am dissillusioned...It's 'orrible really >:(
Alf :)


I had a quick look at the Apple site and I hadn't realised it was a beta. It's a bit rich for the BBC to announce the launch of a new browser when they were really just announcing the public availability of a beta version of the software. I'm really suspicious of anything from Apple that includes Quicktime as I've had that piece of £%$^ run riot over my pc before hijacking all sorts of file types. grrrr.



Hijacking file types is a common sin in software, I find, Rob. If you install the full Nero, it wants to become the default media player/viewer, just as iTunes/Quicktime does. Creative Labs software will also try to bully its way to default status. Manufacturers should concentrate on making better software, rather than on making more dominant software.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 12, 2007, 09:52:38
Hijacking file types is a common sin in software, I find, Rob. If you install the full Nero, it wants to become the default media player/viewer, just as iTunes/Quicktime does. Creative Labs software will also try to bully its way to default status. Manufacturers should concentrate on making better software, rather than on making more dominant software.

Hmmm,Nero the mad emporer that "Fiddled" while Rome burned.
I had the Nero suite bundled with the DVD Lightscribe writer I installed on the last home build.

Like you say Rik it takes over every thing in the machine,worst though was when I tried to remove it none of my removable drives would operate,Windows could not use them as the drivers were corrupted and all the alternative drivers were the same.
So couldn't use DVD Rom,DVD Writer, or floppy drive to recue things >:D >:D


There's a fix for that problem, Dorset, involving a reg hack. It's generally caused by InCD. Let me know if you want details.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 12, 2007, 09:52:38
Hijacking file types is a common sin in software

And most definately against the rules (if you want the Designed for Windows Logo that is).

I agree and Nero is really in my bad books after I nearly got conned to installing the Yahoo Toolbar cr*p last time I downloaded an update. That really bugs me.

What bugs me about QuickTime is that it's "needed" to play QuickTime Movies but then goes on to hijack all sorts of other graphic file types. I wouldn't mind if it gave you the choice at install time but so few products do, or hide them under advanced install options.



Quote from: RobMc on Jun 12, 2007, 11:30:23
What bugs me about QuickTime is that it's "needed" to play QuickTime Movies but then goes on to hijack all sorts of other graphic file types. I wouldn't mind if it gave you the choice at install time but so few products do, or hide them under advanced install options.

So many products do this now, Rob. :( It's extremely irritating, especially when they take files like JPEGs away from photo-editing software. I tend to avoid using, whenever possible, anything which messes with my machine.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Have downloaded and installed on 2 distinctly differently-built XP Pro SP2 machines on which I have admin rights. Loads initially and crashes on proxy authentication prompt...Start >> Control Panel >> Add/Remove Programs  ;D

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Are being reported by El Reg.

That didn't take long. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Some of the holes have now been plugged, according to El Reg

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ever the brave (or foolhardy) I thought I'd give it a go on my test pc (Clean copy of windows xp pro and little else).

Downloaded the latest version from (without Quicktime thank you very much).


Double Click on Safari icon

Crash (coregraphics.dll or something)

Oh well, try a reboot

Same again.

Restore PC back to it's default state from the base snapshot.

Ho hum.

Yes I know it's a beta, but I expect beta software to cope better than this especially when it have been announced by the CEO of a major software company as the best thing since sliced bread.




I've seen it described elsewhere as pre-alpha, Rob. It sounds like Apple haven't quite mastered Windows yet. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well not to be put off too easily. I tried it (safari) on my old laptop (fresh install of XP Home and nothing else) and it worked, well sort of. It was ok unless I clicked the Cancel button on any of the option dialogs which lead to the browser crashing. My expectations of a public beta is much higher than this. It should be functional and relatively stable at this stage, although not necessarily complete, as a minimum it shouldn't crash so easily. Perhaps people using beta software on macs expect less? Any way the main reason for persisting in getting it running was to see how it rendered my websites. Thankfully they worked fine, probably down to designing for standards rather than for Internet Explorer :) Would I use this browser if it worked perfectly and faster than anything else in the world? No, it's plain ugly and there's no excuse for that from a company who prides itself for it's designer looks.



Quote from: RobMc on Jun 18, 2007, 18:18:50
My expectations of a public beta is much higher than this. It should be functional and relatively stable at this stage, although not necessarily complete, as a minimum it shouldn't crash so easily.

I agree totally, Rob. To be in public beta, it should be inherently usable - the beta phase should be about finding obscure bugs, not resolving inherent instability.

QuoteWould I use this browser if it worked perfectly and faster than anything else in the world? No, it's plain ugly and there's no excuse for that from a company who prides itself for it's designer looks.

Interesting view. I'd agree with you, though - if it offers nothing, why use it? Shall we rate it as a 'must try harder'?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rated as amust try very, very much harder.  ;D
Alf :)