Open DNS: recent issues

Started by mervl, Apr 01, 2012, 11:06:51

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Is anyone using OpenDNS getting periods of DNS failures over the last couple of days? It seems to work for about half an hour then has a go-slow and a period of regular failures for the next couple of hours. Nothing reported yet on their status and no response to a ticket yet. I'm ruling out a router failure as a change to Google Public DNS on either the router or on the PC cures it.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


If the problem is intermittent it could indicate one of their clusters is having issues or your requests are being routed to their clusters in the States.

I don't use OpenDNS as I find it returns the US facing IP addresses for sites which causes packets to take a longer route than they would necessarily do so by going over an ISP's transit connections which are generally intended for 'long haul' traffic to places like  the States rather than going over a peering link such as LINX or LoNAP which gives better performance.