Did something happen at Brackley/Banbury overnight?

Started by andrue, May 31, 2012, 09:36:13

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It's the right time for BT engineering works. Have a look here:   http://status.zen.co.uk/broadband/

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Looks like it.  I'm in Bodicote (Banbury Exchange).


Quote from: nomad101 on May 31, 2012, 11:26:35
Looks like it.  I'm in Bodicote (Banbury Exchange).
Is that FTTC as well? I blame it on Banbury. I'm sure we'd do a lot better if we had our own fibre head-end at Brackley.  :laugh:

Nothing showing on that status page so presumably something unplanned. :eek4:




I'm in Birmingham and on FTTC and my graph shows the same, according to AAISP there was a problem in Birmingham at 0030hrs last night.

(Could someone please tell me how a copy the graph into the post rather than the url, thanks)


My router log shows a loss of service from 00.30 until about 02.45. Lots of log entries like 'ISP Log In Failed; CHAP authentication failed and terminating LCP. Service restored initially to a strange IP address (I assume BT) and then transferred to my normal IP4 and 6 addresses. As no DSL training is showing in the log, then this looks to me like a BT issue although I can find no reference to any problems on my exchange (Great Malvern) or on any ISP fault sites. A BT speedtest shows that I have my usual 77.43/20 IP profiles.

Edit:  Just seen lozcart's post re problems in the Birmingham area


Quote from: andrue on May 31, 2012, 13:42:10
Is that FTTC as well? I blame it on Banbury. I'm sure we'd do a lot better if we had our own fibre head-end at Brackley.  :laugh:

Nothing showing on that status page so presumably something unplanned. :eek4:

Yes, FTTC.  I had to live with horrible ADSL speeds (1-2Mbps down, 0.4Mbps up) for years because of our distance to the Banbury exchange so FTTC was a huge leap forward!  Now enjoying 38/8 and haven't really bothered with the 80/20 upgrade yet - will save that as a special treat another day when I'll appreciate the difference more.  :)

I can't find any mention of problems that would have affected us last night but it looks like it's more widespread than just Banbury.


Lozcart...you can copy the image on TBB then save as a .jpg file,

when posting on forum you have to use the 'reply' button and not the quick reply box I believe then click on the attachments drop down and look for the file you just saved.

OR which I havent checked yet, on TBB site itself there may be a link you can copy to display on forums but you may need to register on TBB


Quote from: lozcart on May 31, 2012, 14:08:52(Could someone please tell me how a copy the graph into the post rather than the url, thanks)

Lozcart, click on the "Insert Image" button (1st button, 2nd row) and then paste the URL between the "img" tags:



Thanks guys but i'm still confused, I've tried pasting the link between "img" tags but it only show the link still, see above.

When I go to share graph on the TB site if offers six different options and links, which is the one I should use, thanks.

Edit. Sorry nomad101 I should learn to read, I clicked 2nd button, 2nd row, when I use 1st button, 2nd row it works  :red:



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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


huh!! so we did, and 2pm and 3pm  ish for me


Not that I noticed. A TBB issue or a loss of routing perhaps , I didn't loose PPPOE
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No loss of sync here. For the rest, I can't say as I wasn't online.

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Quote from: Steve on May 31, 2012, 17:30:19
Not that I noticed. A TBB issue or a loss of routing perhaps , I didn't loose PPPOE

come to think of it I didnt notice either but I was doing a test for support so may have missed it,but I dont think so

losing my marbles i think  :whistle:



Wow. It's really flaky tonight. I keep ending up at the BTw 'uh oh' page. Pretty naff really. Never had this kind of thing on Be LLU  :eyebrow:


I'm guessing a BT issue as my connection has been fine all evening.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on May 31, 2012, 20:20:26
I'm guessing a BT issue as my connection has been fine all evening.
I reckon so. I seem to be able to get here reliably but anywhere else is intermittent. Looks to me like here and IDNet's web site are within the same network but the link out from IDNet is failing. LINX status looks okay at the moment though after the earlier glitch. It's a pity the IDNet status page says everything is fine. Then again in over a decade of ISPs I don't think I've ever known one whose status page accurately reflected the situation. I suppose Be's did but that was because green was appropriate 99% of the time  8-)

Edit: Found this on AAISP's status pages:


Not sure why I'm still having problems though.


I think it depends what IDNet did when LINX fell over ie did they re route or not at the time and if they did re route is that still the case.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on May 31, 2012, 21:09:56
I think it depends what IDNet did when LINX fell over

Using Zen here now. They re-routed the traffic but the packet loss was very bad for a couple of hours. It seems to be back to normal now.

'Keyboard not detected ~ Press F1 to continue'


Quote from: 6jb on May 31, 2012, 21:25:18
Using Zen here now. They re-routed the traffic but the packet loss was very bad for a couple of hours. It seems to be back to normal now.
Yeah seems to have been okay for the last hour from what I can tell.

Edit: Spoke too soon. Can't get to the TheRegister at the moment. Just getting the BT gateway again
..nor the BBC news site.
..nor (ironically) the LINX status page.


Should probably just stick with TV or go to bed.


It's not across the board as I can access all the sites your struggling with, not that's any help to you. I've tried a couple of DNS changes all seemed fine as well.
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Everything is fine with my connection after the earlier hiccups.

Have you tried rebooting your modem and router Andrue?


If you keep ending up at the BTW page something is happening before your traffic is handed off to IDNet's hostlinks.

Power down the router for 30 minutes to let the session expire and then let it restart, this will renew the session on the BRAS, you might take a little speed hit but it should recover.

If not you might need to talk to support as you might have the same issue Lona had which was fixed by a username change.


Thanks guys. I'll see how it is when I get home tonight. For the record I'd got to those sites earlier but not later on. Weird thing about it was that I could get to other sites just fine at that point. I'd had that earlier in the evening - for a while I could get to thinkbroadband.com but couldn't get to their forums. Seems rather strange that only some sites were impacted by a BTw handoff problem I'd have expected it to kill everything or at least intermittently affect everything.

Nothing showing on my TBQM either for that time:


I guess some routing information for specific sites was lost with the LINX fault and it's taken awhile to re update
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Had another issue tonight getting to El Reg so I switched the modem off for half an hour. Would still like to understand how that gateway error page can be sporadic or site specific. Ah well - the mysteries of BTw I suppose.

Gah! No that didn't help. I've rebooted my laptop now and flushed its DNS cache.