IPv6 - One last throw.

Started by Rachel, Jun 29, 2012, 09:41:07

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Quote from: Rachel on Jul 01, 2012, 19:08:12So I have to guess that it's not treating all its incoming connections equally.

I have something to take to idnet support now, that I can point at and say, look, it's this! :)

I wonder if it could be anything to do with the "pipe" (correct term?) that you connect with? FWIW, if it's any use I connect with uk.idnet.dsl4 and my IP address is in the 212.69.xxx.xxx block.

QuoteThe dhcp6c daemon on your router has probably quit since you logged out of the shell. It almost certainly doesn't matter, as configuration doesn't change, but if you just want to be extra sure that everything's back to normal, just do a Disconnect/Connect so stuff gets respawned normally. :)

Naah, I'll leave it. If I reconnect I'll get a new IPv6 address for the router and have to reset my BQM. Bone idle, me :P

Good luck with IDNet support, happy to help :thumb:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Jul 01, 2012, 19:19:54
I wonder if it could be anything to do with the "pipe" (correct term?) that you connect with? FWIW, if it's any use I connect with uk.idnet.dsl4 and my IP address is in the 212.69.xxx.xxx block.

Hm, well, I'm in 93.89.x.x so quite a different subnet, but we are both ending up connecting to the same remote server, by IP: / fe80::0212:7fff:feae:411b.

What is interesting is that *your* address being in 212.69.x.x is a much closer neighbour than mine. I'm not sure if that's relevant; it might be for multicast reasons...

QuoteNaah, I'll leave it. If I reconnect I'll get a new IPv6 address for the router and have to reset my BQM. Bone idle, me :P

I don't think the router should be getting a new IPv6 address each time. It looks like it just gets a stateless ip through router advertisement, which should be persistent, I'd have thought. Frankly if it was going to be different, it would have changed when you started the debug dhcp6c I think. :-)


multicast/broadcast i'm a bit vague about this sort of thing, but basically the client calls out to the network for a reply, but it has to be in the right subnet for a server to respond.


nah that's a red herring. psp83's ip is 91.135.xxx.xxx which is also in a very different subnet, and it works for him.

It might be a red herring, or it might just mean subnets have to be specifically enabled and mine hasn't been.


Quote from: Rachel on Jul 01, 2012, 19:30:42
I don't think the router should be getting a new IPv6 address each time. It looks like it just gets a stateless ip through router advertisement, which should be persistent, I'd have thought. Frankly if it was going to be different, it would have changed when you started the debug dhcp6c I think. :-)

Well, that's another oddity then- if I disconnect/reconnect then the router gets a new IPv6 address :dunno:

It may be a matter if timing- normally if it's a glitch on the network it's very brief (just a short spike on the BQM) and doesn't even show in the log. If it's in the log then I get a new address! Maybe I was quick enough between the "kill" and restarting so the remote server didn't notice...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Still want me to do it? I'm pretty sure it will be just like Bills results.

I'm also a @uk.idnet.dsl4 login with ip range of 91.135.xxx.xxx

There was someone on this forum before that had trouble getting a IPv6 address set, I think he phoned up IDnet and found out it wasn't enabled for his account.

I don't know if IDnet still enable account by account or if its for all users now, all I know is that when I got the 7800n, I ticked the enable IPv6 box, connected and got an IPv6 address.


Quote from: psp83 on Jul 01, 2012, 20:10:42
Still want me to do it? I'm pretty sure it will be just like Bills results.

I'm also a @uk.idnet.dsl4 login with ip range of 91.135.xxx.xxx

Mine's just @idnet; not sure if that's something or just an adsl/fttc difference. Will raise it. (Will be writing the support mail tomorrow; i've started on the wine tonight, so better not try it now. ;) )

QuoteThere was someone on this forum before that had trouble getting a IPv6 address set, I think he phoned up IDnet and found out it wasn't enabled for his account.

I don't know if IDnet still enable account by account or if its for all users now, all I know is that when I got the 7800n, I ticked the enable IPv6 box, connected and got an IPv6 address.

I tried asking them that already, they say it is enabled. That's probably confirmed by my apparently receiving the initial Router Advertisements, and also the fact it intermittently worked for me if I entered that LAN IPv6 address that shouldn't have been necessary. It's the Prefix Delegation via DHCPv6 that's missing, i think, so it looks like something broken rather than just the whole thing not enabled for me.


Quote from: psp83 on Jul 01, 2012, 20:10:42
Still want me to do it? I'm pretty sure it will be just like Bills results.

Oh and yes please if you don't mind. :) The more overwhelming my evidence that they have a problem with a service config somewhere the better. :)


Quote from: Rachel on Jul 01, 2012, 20:15:54
Mine's just @idnet; not sure if that's something or just an adsl/fttc difference. Will raise it.

I've been on @uk.idnet.dsl4 since I joined 6 or 7 years ago- I think there are several that I can use, it's just that I can remember that one :P

I'd guess that @idnet connects you to whichever is convenient, the least congested or on a round robin maybe.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Jul 01, 2012, 20:37:00
I've been on @uk.idnet.dsl4 since I joined 6 or 7 years ago- I think there are several that I can use, it's just that I can remember that one :P

I'd guess that @idnet connects you to whichever is convenient, the least congested or on a round robin maybe.

well, that made it worth a try, but uk.idnet.dsl4 doesn't work for me, I just get authentication fail. so it's not that simple. :)


Mine is @idnet.gw6 but I'm pretty sure they haven't made any difference since the old BT centrals were replaced by the hostlink (meaning all traffic takes the same route into Idnet towers).

I'm another tick the box and it worked person for ipv6 I'm afraid. Have you tried something as basic as a full factory reset of your router?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Lance on Jul 01, 2012, 22:44:56
Mine is @idnet.gw6 but I'm pretty sure they haven't made any difference since the old BT centrals were replaced by the hostlink (meaning all traffic takes the same route into Idnet towers).

I'm another tick the box and it worked person for ipv6 I'm afraid. Have you tried something as basic as a full factory reset of your router?

many times to satisfy support staff. I'm sick of re-entering config when i damn well know that's not the problem.



QuoteI think I can se a v6 delegation problem for your account in our database. I have now reset your v6 allocation. Please could you try again now?

... and in fact by the time I received it, it was already working, without me needing to restart anything; which makes sense as the router's DHCPv6 client would have just kept running in the background soliciting for a prefix delegation until it finally got it, and could complete its IPv6 configuration. Then all the client machines instantly got their IPv6 configuration as well via router advertisement.

There never was anything wrong with my router. Thank you all for helping me make the winning support mail. :) I know what it's like manning the helldesk: most problems are user error or user equipment failure; so we have to work extra hard sometimes to prove otherwise.


BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


my prefix/delegated changed, i noticed belatedly, and had confirmed it was deliberate/necessary; but that's no biggie


Opps, I've not been around since my last post, been busy with trying to win more clients.

Glad you've got it sorted though.