Need to move the modem... Phone extension or CAT6 cable?

Started by jm_paulin, Jul 23, 2012, 14:48:19

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I need to move the modem. Thanks for BT to put it into an accessible location, my 6 month old can now reach it... So I can:
- Move it out of reach with a 2 meter phone cable extension, and then CAT6 up to the `server room`....
- Or run a 10 meter phone extension up to the server room.... using the trunk I already have for my CAT6

Any advise on how far I can go with the phone extension cable?



I think I would use the Cat6 as the extension as it would bring extra benefits over standard telephone extension kits.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

If you can keep the modem where it is (which in your case is 2m up in a cupboard etc), it's always best to use additional routers or longer cat6 cables to reach a PC. The PC cables should in theory never degrade the signal, but the phone cable can pick up noise.

Hope the little one outgrows the curiosity. It takes some of us many years.  :laugh:
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.
