
Started by Baz, Jul 23, 2012, 20:31:53

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any one have a drop today at about 6.30pm then again at 6.40pm

came back up after about 20mins but my stats are now

ADSL Link    Downstream    Upstream
Connection Speed    1078 kbps    613 kbps
Line Attenuation    51.5 db    27.0 db
Noise Margin    19.6 db    6.0 db


Yes we had it here slowed up and lost connection completley I even rebooted the  router but lasted about 10mins

Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Whats it like now David.  I re booted too but didnt make any difference.

Im north east and on LLU


Mine is back to normal and usual speed now it seems to be fine here LLU here as well Baz
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Hmmmm thats good its back but been a while for me now  >:(


Slower but bearable
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


David. Have you transferred to that ISP in Sheffield already?  :whistle: >:D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


No  ;D why Steve ?
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I do hope it exceeds this Steve   ;D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


It most certainly will.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Except, of course, when there's an 'S' in the day of the week.  :laugh:

:fingers: :evil:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Droppiing again but speed has shot up  :dunno:

Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


yeah ive had a long down time this morning  but my speed is way down  :mad: :mad:


does any one know what it is, do support know any thing of it as the status page shows all ok  :dunno:


It maybe two issues going on here Baz given our locations and no other reports appearing  :dunno:

Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Quote from: Baz on Jul 24, 2012, 12:24:51
does any one know what it is, do support know any thing of it as the status page shows all ok  :dunno:

Give them a call, Baz, also look in the BE site, they have a status page somewhere (I believe Griff posted link to it here).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



yeah ive looked at that site and that one from yesterday in the historic section is about 25miles from me, close but not close enough to affect me surely and it shows nothing for today


Nope just got back here will email or call support its very unstable atm and I doubt it has anything to do with my moving
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


my router stats are now showing a very good connection speed but i'm not getting near what it says.

ADSL Link                    Downstream    Upstream
Connection Speed    10352 kbps    1177 kbps
Line Attenuation             38.0 db             22.0 db
Noise Margin              6.3 db             7.0 db


Just dropped support a line
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



might sound daft but how do you contact support these days


its getting worse this now.Ive now got faster up than down and up is only 350 kbps   >:(


support AT IDNet Dot com


IDNet page click support then contact us

or that above  ;D

I always do things the long way  ;D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


0800 331 7000
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thanks. have dropped them a line too


Lost.  Connection completly now tried everything but nothing,anyone else lost service ? Viewing on phone atm
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Disconnect power from your router for about 25 mins, reconnect and watch the lights, if DSL goes steady communication with the MSAN at the exchange is ok, if internet stays off or lights red its either the exchange kit's connection to the rest of the network or a PPP issue.


im running via the test socket and a soap on a rope filter at the request of support.

speed went up when trying this so it may be the faceplate filter gone or something.


I just followed suit
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


My connection has followed the same pattern for the last few days ,Speeds are really fast upload not as good as used to but it just falls over in the daytime within minutes  and tonight around 10pm as last night it seems as solid as a rock very strange no traffice management the router seems good just a mystery for me I am wondering if some work is going on but not idea I do see a definate issue with mail from IDNet though takes ages to come through although no idea if this has anything to do with it

Whatever it is I hope the change to FTTC is on some form of different system but lets me clear this has only happened in the last few days since my mac key was issued although this cant have any bearing on the matter

Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


FTTC shares the same exchange backhaul.


Im back online today and managed to change emails etc last night its a little more stable today thankfully .....no loss of speed and no idea what is happening its not the end of the world though
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


If this problem I got with my connection turns out to be the faceplate do you have any recommendations for new ones and where from.

I think I got this one from ADSL nation


If its the ADSL Nation one, just get the same again would be my advice.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


are they still good quality etc Lance


They seem to be.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Did any one suffer a drop last night.From about 9/10 pm  all through the night until I dont know when as have been to work.

I have now fitted a new faceplate as a follow on from the drop last week so am watching how it goes, but this latest one was while I was still plugged into the test socket as support had asked me to do.

Wondered if it was affecting any one else


Quote from: Baz on Aug 02, 2012, 13:22:00
Did any one suffer a drop last night.From about 9/10 pm  all through the night until I dont know when as have been to work.

I have now fitted a new faceplate as a follow on from the drop last week so am watching how it goes, but this latest one was while I was still plugged into the test socket as support had asked me to do.

Wondered if it was affecting any one else
Are you sure its not the v1 router Baz? It on certain lines would not reconnect after a drop. http://forum1.netgear.com/showthread.php?t=73524
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I dont know Gary  may be.

support have said

There was a disconnection at 20:04 last night but the connection came
straight back online within 2 seconds. The connection then remained up
until 6:04am this morning. This disconnection was down until 6:10am when
it reconnected.

when it was connected it was like been on dial up  :o :o

I told them about the speed issue and they replied with

The exchange will push he speed down in an attempt to stabilise the
connection if it continues to disconnect. We have set a different
profile for the line which should try and help improve stability whilst
trying to maintain the higher speed. If the disconnections continue, it
may be worth testing the line with an alternate router connected to the

I am now starting to wonder if it is the router Gary but its only a few months old and I cant seem to find the new model you talk about.I did tell you what amazon said about it didnt I?


OH DEAR      >:( >:(

even as we speak another drop,then up, then down then up...you get the picture.

Whatever the different profile is that support talk about it is slower than I normally get and its still not stable as they said was a reason for changing it.


ok  im now back on my old netgear DG834PN to see how that goes and to eliminate the new one from been the problem.


Quote from: Baz on Aug 03, 2012, 12:56:39
I dont know Gary  may be.

support have said

There was a disconnection at 20:04 last night but the connection came
straight back online within 2 seconds. The connection then remained up
until 6:04am this morning. This disconnection was down until 6:10am when
it reconnected.

when it was connected it was like been on dial up  :o :o

I told them about the speed issue and they replied with

The exchange will push he speed down in an attempt to stabilise the
connection if it continues to disconnect. We have set a different
profile for the line which should try and help improve stability whilst
trying to maintain the higher speed. If the disconnections continue, it
may be worth testing the line with an alternate router connected to the

I am now starting to wonder if it is the router Gary but its only a few months old and I cant seem to find the new model you talk about.I did tell you what amazon said about it didnt I?
As I said Baz, Amazon wont know the router has been upgraded as it was a silent update, the only reason I knew was a message that said that new stock was v2, when I bought one it said v2 on the side of the box. The ports have been moved compared with v1 as well as the new interface, so its new hardware and new firmware. Its supports IPV6 and has 4 Gigabit ports and a Gigabit port for Fibre equipment, it also can now be used via its USB ports for a printer as well as a Network drive.

  I have had no drops, and my sync went from 13500 to 15122. If you look on the left hand side of the box at the bottom it says DGND3700v2 and it also says it on the bottom of the router. Netgear have just replaced the original with a v2 but without a announcement as such. The Original was horrendous for dropping connections and not reconnecting so they released an updated model with new hardware. Amazon seems to have stopped selling he 3700 themselves at the moment. I know Scan has the v2, get one from them and send the v1 back to Amazon.

Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Hi Gary,

Amazon dont seem to know what to do with this, they said they checked their 'fulfillment' center and none of the stock they had are v2.I mentioned I know of someone buying from them and it was a v2 model, so how did they check their stock for the version type.I am still waiting for a reply.

But at the moment i'm back on old router just to eliminate that its is or isnt a router problem.I have though also had some drops while using the old one so its still there.Support know this and have said they have asked BT to do some line checks.

That was from yesterday...ongoing.


Quote from: Baz on Aug 04, 2012, 09:50:17
Hi Gary,

Amazon dont seem to know what to do with this, they said they checked their 'fulfillment' center and none of the stock they had are v2.I mentioned I know of someone buying from them and it was a v2 model, so how did they check their stock for the version type.I am still waiting for a reply.

But at the moment i'm back on old router just to eliminate that its is or isnt a router problem.I have though also had some drops while using the old one so its still there.Support know this and have said they have asked BT to do some line checks.

That was from yesterday...ongoing.
Amazon will go buy the code for that router DGND3700-100UKS which has not changed from v1 to v2  Baz. Unless they look at a box and see it written in small writing on the side they will not know (box is actually a bit bigger too) Hope things get sorted soon  :fingers:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


thats the thing Gary they have said that some one has actually gone and checked, in person, the stock they have and it is not the v2.

maybe you got lucky with where you got yours dispatched from  :dunno:

interesting about scan too as there also is no mention of it on their site.

I might give them a ring and ask


Quote from: Baz on Aug 04, 2012, 10:00:17
thats the thing Gary they have said that some one has actually gone and checked, in person, the stock they have and it is not the v2.

maybe you got lucky with where you got yours dispatched from  :dunno:

interesting about scan too as there also is no mention of it on their site.

I might give them a ring and ask
Probably best as I imagine there is old v1 stock still floating about, Baz. The box says DGND3700 on the front, if thats all Amazon looked they would never know. Its written on the left hand side of the box. Sites are not going to have it mentioned as its still a DGND3700 its just a revision 2, there are revision 5 DG834G's out there but they are still just called a Netgear DG834G
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


yeah just looked at my box and thats all it says but on the bottom theres a bar code label with serial and mac numbers on and the model is   DGND3700-100UKS


Quote from: Baz on Aug 04, 2012, 10:08:27
yeah just looked at my box and thats all it says but on the bottom theres a bar code label with serial and mac numbers on and the model is   DGND3700-100UKS
I'll take a pic of mine and upload it so you can see, give me a few mins :)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't



here you are Baz, side of the box showing designation DGND3700v2.

Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Here is DGND3700v2 written on the router, Baz, not showing anymore as it has serial numbers etc obviously.

Damned, if you do damned if you don't


cheers Gary.

mines definitely not like that


just emailed Scan and they got some one on it already gone to get one to check  :)


Quote from: Baz on Aug 04, 2012, 10:30:03
cheers Gary.

mines definitely not like that
No worries, now you can at least show Amazon, I would call scan to see what stock they have, the old V1 is being discontinued and the v2 is working very well, I have my iMac connected via Ethernet, then the TV (smart TV) Blu-ray player (skype etc like TV) PS3, sky connect for anytime + my iPhone and Justina's HTC and my Cannon MG6250 and I can stream 1080p video happily across the network with all this connected and firing away. But above all no drops, and with the genie app I can monitor and control the network from then iPhone too and browse whats in the NAS.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Baz on Aug 04, 2012, 10:31:33
just emailed Scan and they got some one on it already gone to get one to check  :)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


does sound good.I may look into getting one.

tried to call Scan but just got the automated service so emailed instead.Waiting on an answer now


 :D :D

cross posts


Quote from: Baz on Aug 04, 2012, 10:38:53
does sound good.I may look into getting one.

tried to call Scan but just got the automated service so emailed instead.Waiting on an answer now
Its a bit sneaky after a year of complaints for the DGND3700 that Netgear are just giving up on the first one. The other option is to open a ticket with Netgear explain the drops point to the posts of the Netgear forum and they should swap it out for a v2, many others have had that done.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Damned, if you do damned if you don't