Vigor 120 and AEBS but invalid IP

Started by Koops, Dec 30, 2012, 01:03:09

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Apologies if this is obvious to idnetters but I am stuck.
My Buffalo air station died and I have replaced it with vigor 120 modem and AirPort Extreme wireless router, based on recommendations that this would be a fast, reliable, easy setup. I have tried several times to use the airport utility programme to do the setup but without success. I have set the AEBS to connect using PPPoE, Dns servers to or  Using my account settings from the idnet website, I've entered the account name as my username [landline].idnet.gw6 and the [password] which I won't show here of course. After updating the airport extreme I then get an error message from airport programme that the base station does not have a valid IP address (at startup of the airport utility prog it shows the ip address as
I suspect that I am doing something wrong with the settings. Any help much appreciated.


Further to my message below, I was rechecking my Id and password and noticed from the Idnet website that I may have a fixed IP address. If this is the case, perhaps this is part of my problem getting the new modem and router to work? Hopefully someone can put me out of my misery tomorrow  ???


Sorry to hear your struggling, however it should work well. It's over 2 years since I used the same setup and I can't replicate it anymore since I'm on FTTC now. The instructions here are correct

The last recommendation to check the modem via a direct PPPoE from PC/ Mac seems useful.

If your using a Mac and ML the old Airport Utility 5.6 still works ML install instructions here

Recheck modem settings is my suggestion and ensure your using the wan port on the AEBS , all your getting at present is a local address. The Vigor will pass your IP address to the AEBS even though it's a static WAN address no additional setting is required in the AEBS.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Not that it should affect the set up, but the first DNS is wrong, it should be 36.3.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Steve and Glenn.

No success following the draytek setup instructions as per the link. But I had deleted the DNS settings because entering them is not mentioned in the draytek instructions. This then gave an error (sorry guys, I am a Luddite!) so I then entered the 2 DNS numbers on the TCP/IP page (I didn't enter domain name or DCHP Client ID though - no idea what these should be anyway).

Having updated the airport station with the dns numbers, airport utility reported problems 1) Internet connection and 2) PPPoE password, stating that the base station does not have a valid IP address.

I'm wondering whether the password shown on the Idnet website account page is correct: I guess I shouldn't show it here but here's an approximation in case somebody sees something obviously wrong: b6*****e

I'll fiddle with it a bit more.... :-\


From one luddite to another, have you tried allowing the router to find the DNS settings automatically?  Or was that the problem in the first place... 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Simon. I don't see an option that allows the router to find DNS automatically (i am using PPPoE connection via the vigor 120 modem). Latest airport utility error message is that the password i entered is incorrect and i should contact my ISP....unfortunately it is Sunday.

Thank goodness I've got an ipad with sim otherwise this would be even more fun :-(
Btw I am using a laptop running Visa for the airport utility....don't know whether that is relevant.

Any more views?


This link seems to suggest that there is now setup required for the Vigor 120, it does have a web interface for diagnostics via

You should be able to connect the laptop directly to the modem by following Griff's guide,1904.msg621335.html#msg621335 it will let you see if the details you are entering are correct or not.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Glenn, thanks for the links. I didn't read anything that suggests that the vigor 120 settings need changing?

I've just spoken to Idnet tech support who confirmed that the name and password I've been using are correct. Interestingly they said that the last time I accessed the Internet was 5pm yesterday which was around the time I disconnected the buffalo air station. Not sure whether this tells us anything.

I will attempt to connect my laptop direct to the vigor 120 and access the settings page but I don't really know what I should be looking for.

Any further thoughts/advice very gratefully received.


Progress, of sorts....
I connected my windows laptop direct to the port on vigor 120 and setup a pppoe connection as per griffs post, and it WORKED FINE, enabling me to access web pages using Firefox.
I tried typing Into the URL bar on Firefox which should access the vigor interface page but nothing happened...I just got a trying to connect/timed out message.

Still, I guess this shows that the vigor 120 is fine and that the problem is with the airport setup.
I notice that I didn't have to enter DNS addresses when I connected direct using windows, and wonder whether this is part of the apple airport problem.

So what to do with the AirPort Extreme???


Yes that indicates the issue is with the setup of the airport.

As you know the modem is OK, would it be worth performing a reset on the Apple Airstation to clear everything, then following the instructions to the letter from Steve's post earlier?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Done the rese Glennt, still no success.
I'm surprised that the Draytek instructions don't mention setting DNS addresses....I wonder whether other details have been missed from the instructions?
Perhaps the apple unit is faulty?


QuoteI'm surprised that the Draytek instructions don't mention setting DNS addresses.
You don't need to specify any DNS , it should get them ( and the IP ) from the ISP when it establishes the PPPoE connection


Which version or Airport utility are you using? 5.6 is much easier to use than the later versions

The Vigor just syncs with exchange and passes the wan ip onto the AEBS.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Right, here's a log of my latest attempt, written as I did it...
Using airport utility v5.6.1 on windows visa.
WAN line disconnected and AirPort Extreme router hard reset by pressing button in casing while powering up, to clear settings back to default.
Vigor 120 connected to phone line: DSL light steady (DSL conn synch), ACT light flashing (system ready).
AirPort Extreme router powered on (no WAN conn), then airport utility used to restart router. IP address shown as; version 7.6.1.
Manual setup selected from airport utility and following done under Internet page:
   Connect using PPPoE,
   Account name and Password set according to my ISP user name and password (used successfully today for accessing Internet using my pc cabled direct to vigor 120),
   Service Name left blank,
   Connection left at Always On.
DNS servers NOT specified on the TCP/IP page, nor domain name nor DCHP Client ID (not mentioned in the Draytek guide to setting up these devices).
Update button pressed on the airport utility program, resulting in 3 'problems' being displayed:
   Default password
   Unsecured wireless network
   Configuration over wan.
I ignored these and continued with the update/restart.
Then I got the following 'problems' reported listed (vigor 120 not connected to router yet):
   Ethernet unplugged
   No DNS servers
   PPPoE server
   Internet connection.
Then I connected the modem to the router via WAN ports. AND THE STATUS LIGHT ON THE ROUTER WENT GREEN with no issues reported!!!
I think where I went wrong previously is that when I saw the No DNS servers message I wrongly assumed that I needed to specify them on the TCP/IP page and went ahead with doing this. And perhaps not setting the passwords and wireless security during the setup has helped somehow.
Internet accessed OK using PC browser, check!
Base station password set and 'remember password in keychain'.
Wireless security set to WPA2 Personal and password set.
Update selected on airport utility.
Happy router!!!  :santa2:  :santa2:
Thanks everybody for your advice and encouragement...happy new year to idnetters  :)  :)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Glad you got it sorted in the end.  :thumb:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.