Ping unstable/Packetloss

Started by picto, Sep 12, 2012, 19:47:25

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Yeah ping tests always return good results and no packetloss and as I said before,
spectating someone else online my ping is completely stable and no packetloss until I start moving around.

I have tried it before but that was a while ago so I'll download it again.


Spoken to IDNet and they've basically said there's nothing they can do.

I setup a ping test on thinkbroadband and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be getting results like this.


Did you talk to the day staff? No point in discussing this with the Out Of Hours team


Yeah spoke to Brian in the morning. He said there's no tests they can do for this problem.
Told me to contact the game server admins but noone else gets this problem on the servers
and they're run by different companies in various countries.


Suspect your exchange is congested, looks like you need to look at LLU

If you have O2 in your area IDNet might be able to move you over to their Telefonica Wholesale connection


mm sam knows says the exchange has LLU but I can't get o2/be so don't know who supplies that


Out of the ones I checked AOL and Sky/Easynet LLU is enabled in my area. So...?

Would fibre optic still have the congestion issues?

I thought the exchange got congested if there were a lot of people connected via the same ISP.
I doubt hardly anyone in this area is with IDNet. Guess I was wrong anyway.


Your local BT exchange (LLU excluded) runs several virtual paths to the BT backbone, they transmit all the broadband data from the surrounding area. Thus they are not ISP specific and not all VPs on any given exchange can be congested. Exchange congestion generally occurs in the evening and is usually absent where present from the early hours until dawn. Support usually know from BT whether a particle exchange is reaching full capacity or not.

Looking at your TBBQM your connection is showing very heavy usage between 10pm  and 0200am.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ok I've emailed IDNet again showing this graph. Don't know if they can do anything but I'll find out in the morning.

Could these spikes be caused by my own usage? Like If I'm playing a game online or streaming video.

If so I need to see results from when I haven't been using much bandwidth in the evening. Then I'll know if its the
exchange or myself.


I don't believe your graph is showing classical signs of exchange congestion, you tend to see the minimum latency rise as well during the peak hours - your stays fairly low through out.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

What spec computer do you have? As it's only uploads, sounds like it is a problem "your end"? Could be conflicting drivers to a duff network card? Things like windows downloading updates during times you need the connection are also a problem.  :P
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Well I would assume it's something to do with computer but I tested it on my laptop as well and have the exact same problem.
I even bought the KillerNIC to see if that fixed it, but it didn't.


Have you tried simply changing to a new cable on different ports on the router?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

Sorry you had to try an expensive network card. I'd only ever recommend a normal one, AFAIK there is nothing special about killernic. :P
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Yeah, as I said, I've tried brand new cables, new router, filters etc etc. All connected to test socket and normal one.

I did return the killernic, not wasting £60 on something that does nothing.

Technical Ben

Oh, and as you've already listed the entire problem solvers list, I guess the port forwarding has also already been done. :(

Hmmm. Stumped on this one. Does the game work during quite periods? Or only lag in the evenings?
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Yep port forwarding done as well.

Connection is usually always the same no matter what time it is.

I'll take my laptop to my bros and see if the problems still there.