Thinking about joining iDNet, Questions about service.

Started by Dealz, Mar 27, 2013, 17:48:28

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I was told it was something to do with a fuse (was replaced) on the equipment at the exchange.

WOW, to my absolute shock the fault is back ???, high CRC errors, disconnection every 5 or so minutes etc... unbelievable.

If the fault reason i was told is to be believed, how is it back?


Who knows with BT what's classed as a repair, plan A hasn't worked, plan B maybe a stronger elastic band.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I actually thought it was fixed, I guess it's not IDNet's fault but it's not off to a great start.

I was with my previous ISP for over 2 years an a half (also LLU) and only had one fault which was fixed 1st time.


I guess, if you take the explanation literally, and it was a fuse, then another fuse could just as easily blow, if there's an underlying fault that hasn't been recognised.  But I could be talking complete billox.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What you said makes sense, there could be a problem that is causing the fuse to blow if taking the explanation literally.

I just hope once it fixed again, I can get some longevity/stability to my service with IDNet.


Out of office hours support wasn't much help at all, being told that the supplier can't find my details/don't own the line so nothing they can do ???... really?

Have to try an tweak the SNR at my end to try and stabilize the connection.


Not sure what is going on but my connection appears to be fine again now  ???

I'll see how it looks when i wake up.


Quote from: Dealz on May 10, 2013, 23:09:12
Out of office hours support wasn't much help at all, being told that the supplier can't find my details/don't own the line so nothing they can do ???... really?

Have to try an tweak the SNR at my end to try and stabilize the connection.
Not quite sure what you mean about 'supplier" I'm still on my first cup of coffee. I would call Monday during office hours when main support is back, out of hours can be a bit...hit and miss I have found.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on May 11, 2013, 08:21:16
Not quite sure what you mean about 'supplier" I'm still on my first cup of coffee. I would call Monday during office hours when main support is back, out of hours can be a bit...hit and miss I have found.

I wasn't sure either when I was told that, thought it was a bit odd but yes I will wait to Monday. My connection seems to be 'okay' still but there is obviously still something wrong as it was meant to be fixed but less than 24 hours later the problem came back, then around 6 hours on and the problem is gone again but still a bit of packet loss showing.


Hi Dealz,

I think by looking at the issue you are reporting on here and one of the faults I have logged I know what the issue was and an engineer was dispatched once again to the exchange to look into another possible fault there. I do believe I spoke to you earlier on the phone. If that is right I will of course keep you updated once I have their report back on the last round of engineering work. If this is not your fault then please PM me any details like phone number etc and I will take a look at it for you. I am 90% sure I have got it right though! :)

Also Gary I do believe I am due to call you regarding the fault we have open assuming I have the right Gary of course.

Kind regards
Simon Mulliss
IDNet support


Hi Simon,

I believe, now that you're in the IDNet membergroup, you should be able to see members' IP addresses in their posts, next to the 'Report To Moderator' link.  This should help to identify customers who you have previously communicated with.  If you can't see the IPs, do let me know.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Simon,

Thanks I didn't spot that before but thats handy to know in the future. That should make it easier to help with any faults reported here. Luckily I was indeed talking to the right people, so at least those updates are correct.

Kind regards
Simon Mulliss
IDNet support


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: SimonM_IDNet on May 13, 2013, 17:00:20
Hi Dealz,

I think by looking at the issue you are reporting on here and one of the faults I have logged I know what the issue was and an engineer was dispatched once again to the exchange to look into another possible fault there. I do believe I spoke to you earlier on the phone. If that is right I will of course keep you updated once I have their report back on the last round of engineering work. If this is not your fault then please PM me any details like phone number etc and I will take a look at it for you. I am 90% sure I have got it right though! :)

Also Gary I do believe I am due to call you regarding the fault we have open assuming I have the right Gary of course.

Kind regards
Simon Mulliss
IDNet support

Good to know you might know what the issue is and yes we did speak on the phone, I just called up not to long ago to see if there was any update to the second engineer going to the exchange and Nick told me that a fault couldn't be found :( and suggested that my line isn't stable with interleaving off and needs to be on :o... but i tried to explain that with my previous ISP which i was with for around 2/3 years (also Be LLU) i had 3db/Interleaving off pretty much the whole time i was with them and never had a problem and for the first 6 days i was with IDNet i had the same profile with no problems, after the 1st engineer went to the exchange and said a fault was resolved i was back on that profile and it was great (while it lasted) and started off even better than before (less error build up in the first few hours uptime) but didn't last as the fault came back.

Do you know anything different that maybe Nick wasn't aware of?


Hi Dealz,

Unfortunately its pretty much the same update. The only tidbit I have other than what Nick has said that the "fault" that was showing on the line tests was a false positive when the engineer went to the exchange to investigate. I will ask them if there is any reason why that using the same equipment and on the same line that this issue has suddenly cropped up as its still the same network just a different provider and see if theres any thing else we can check.

Soon as I hear back from them I will let you know.

Kind regards
Simon Mulliss
IDNet support


I was hoping for better news, My line/connection has been totally okay and even great at one point so it's a very hard pill to swallow that all of a sudden my connection isn't stable without interleaving on also it's hard to accept being a competitive gamer that my ping as gone from constant 7-9ms (Previous ISP) to 20-22ms (Current ping). If i had a problem from day one then maybe it would be easier for me to accept, but the fact that it was okay for nearly a week and then okay (maybe even better) for several hours before the fault came back for a second time tells me my line can't have suddenly become unstable were nothing can be done.

Interleaving being on is just masking the fault that is affecting my connection because i'm still getting a huge amount of errors (FEC) that isn't normal for my line.

Hopefully they can example why "that using the same equipment and on the same line that this issue has suddenly cropped up as its still the same network just a different provider".

I look forward to your update...


Hi Dealz,

Hopefully when I get their report back there might be good news. Cannot promise anything though but I will try and see what we can find out.

Luckily 22ms while higher than your previous amount should not impact you (unless you have huge packet loss in game), but I do understand that interleaving while doing its job is merely masking this new issue. As soon as I have a report from them I will contact you and let you know.

Kind regards
Simon Mulliss
IDNet support


Hi Simon M,

Any update?

I guess there is nothing that can be done to resolve all the errors etc. that have suddenly appeared on my connection?


Hi Dealz,

I do believe my colleague Nick replied to you via email yesterday? He did state on there the network teams reply and what they suggest as a means of going forward.

Kind regards
Simon Mulliss
IDNet support


Hi Simon M,

I just called up and spoke to Nick.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Initial re-testing at my end is showing that maybe the BT 'iplate' faceplate (was giving me additional errors after the initial fault was fixed) and also maybe contributing to the initial fault before it was resolved at the exchange last week, because i'm now bypassing the faceplate by using the mastersocket w/ microfilter (Z-350UK) and my connection is great again. I even got the fastest speeds yet when i done a speedtest, this is my current stats...

      Per second   Per minute   Per hour     Per day

CRC   Up   0      0.03      1.80      43.3   
   Down   0      0.06      3.61      86.5   

FEC   Up   0      0      0      0   
   Down   0      0      0      0   

HEC   Up   0      0.03      1.80      43.3   
   Down   0      0      0      0   

ES   Up   0      0.03      1.80      43.3   
   Down   0      0.06      3.61      86.5   

Since Link time = 34 min 31 sec
FEC:      0      0
CRC:      2      1
ES:      2      1
SES:      0      0
UAS:      0      0
LOS:      0      0
LOF:      0      0       

It's very early days but so far it's looking good.

I still don't understand how my connection was good (for around 6 hours) after the fault was resolved before it came back unless the faceplate become faulty at some point after the fault was resolved?


Quote from: Dealz on May 16, 2013, 15:33:10

I still don't understand how my connection was good (for around 6 hours) after the fault was resolved before it came back unless the faceplate become faulty at some point after the fault was resolved?

The duck tape BT used came unstuck  ;D


As advised by Simon M i have plugged the faceplate back in to double check it's also at fault but to my confusion my connection seems to be just like above here are the stat for similar period of time...

Per second   Per minute   Per hour     Per day

CRC   Up   0      0      0      0   
   Down   0      0.07      4.15      99.5   

FEC   Up   0      0      0      0   
   Down   0      0      0      0   

HEC   Up   0      0      0      0   
   Down   0      0      0      0   

ES   Up   0      0      0      0   
   Down   0      0.07      4.15      99.5

Since Link time = 44 min 13 sec
FEC:      0      0
CRC:      4      0
ES:      4      0
SES:      0      0
UAS:      0      0
LOS:      0      0
LOF:      0      0     

It looks like for some reason, my connection just randomly gives me huge amount of CRC errors w/ disconnections then after a while returns to normal...


Spoke to support to update them and i'm going leave both (with and without faceplate) for 24 hours each to see how it goes.


Connection with the faceplate lasted just over 24 hours now the fault is back, high number of CRC errors and disconnections.

Took the faceplate off to use a microfilter in the master socket to see if it's the faceplate is at fault and i experience the exact same issue.

Starting to get very annoying!