DLM finally relents.

Started by andrue, Jun 10, 2013, 11:10:25

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So after a couple of months of rock-steady connection at 65Mb/s DLM seems to have removed interleaving. I wonder if this is my anticipated 'summer improvements'?

I'm not home at the mo' so can't get the modem stats.


Could be. But stats show my latency is stable to the cab DSLAM (DLM) but thereafter "jumps about" like yours every few months due (possibly) to something between the cab and the PoP/gateway (as I assume IDNet's network is stable)?

Things improved after a fibre re-termination following an exchange failure last month (when the cab DSLAM remained stable and connected), then reverted after BTw undertook their on-going "improvement" work at the PoP to do with national network upgrades - but of course both may have nothing to do with it! All my outages seem to be caused by things beyond the cab, the only time I can recall DSLAM reconnects is when I reboot the modem, usually on firmware upgrades or after my manual disconnect as a precaution on major storms, when the reported stats remain the same on reconnection (apart from the error counts which restart). (It makes me pine for the Sky (Easynet managed) backhaul which services my second fixed wireless service, which so far as I can see from my monitoring software hasn't had an outage in a couple of years - combine that with IDNet's network and there would be a force to be reckoned with!!  :angel: )


That's interesting. Got home tonight and yes, interleaving is removed so now I'm back to nearly 72Mb/s.

But there was also a lot of jitter on the line and my throughput was all over the shop. I've disconnected and reconnected and it seems back to normal now. That's somewhat reminiscent of my 60 day repeating problem and last time IDNet did say that BT were reporting a 'profile mismatch'.

So maybe I've got another part of the puzzle. Something happens at 1500utc, every 60 days that causes a profile mismatch to either appear or to be detected by the network ???


I spoke too soon. It's not as severe as a 'normal' attack but it's continuing to afflict my line. I've now raised it with Support to see if they can investigate. I suppose that's good news since it fits another part of the previous pattern.


Is anyone else seeing odd results on TBBQM? Or poor results from their speed tester? I finally got around to investigating further and both speedtest.net and the BT tester show everything to be great. It's an odd almost-coincidence but I'm not seeing issues from anywhere else at the moment.

It's beginning to look like a TBB/IDNet issue.


My TTBQM is looking normal!
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Weird. I've set up a f8lure graph now. Only been going for ten minutes but it's looking clean  :dunno:


Um . . . there was a barely noticeable max latency rumble on my TBBQM between about 4pm and 8pm yesterday, similar to what I'd expect on low level (eg radio) streaming, but I was out and nothing was active on my network. A possible sign of disturbance on the BTw network perhaps, which might affect some localities more than others? (Unusual in my case, and the local loop looked as quiet and peaceful as usual). Unless it's a legal requirement or you pay megabucks for it, no-one is going to volunteer you access to their network monitoring information. Commercial confidentiality they call it. Governments are even worse at it, they call it national security.  :shake: Us consumers are the mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed a load of b******t.


Seems to be a recurring problemfeature although it's not apparently affecting my throughput very much. Perhaps it's only become visible because of my recently reduced latency. It seems to run from mid afternoon to midnight  :dunno:

Just one of those oddities I suppose.


Quote from: andrue on Jun 13, 2013, 10:51:09
Seems to be a recurring problemfeature although it's not apparently affecting my throughput very much. Perhaps it's only become visible because of my recently reduced latency. It seems to run from mid afternoon to midnight  :dunno:

Just one of those oddities I suppose.

Here's mine

The red part is when BT came out and did tests and replaced my modem.

After that I noticed I was getting "congestion" signs on the graph, the bigger yellow spikes was me doing speed tests.

From around 10pm it started to settle down but between 2pm & 10pm my speed results was all over the place but nothing can be reported yet as I'm back into a 10 day training period.


Yeah, compared and still noticeable on TBBQM this week afternoon/eves but didn't show up last week. Suspect a bit of (temporary) congestion somewhere - as to where and why is anybody's guess. Better things to do . . .

I had trouble when I used both TBBQM and f8lure tho' - it caused steady small packet loss and latency spikes to show up on TBBQM, which disappeared when I disabled f8lure - tho' f8lure showed no issues. Router issue.

PS I've given up on speed tests though - they could be roguish, and I just decided it was silly trying to find things to worry about when my connection performed as I wanted it to when I was actually productively using it.  ???


Quote from: mervl on Jun 13, 2013, 11:50:14PS I've given up on speed tests though - they could be roguish, and I just decided it was silly trying to find things to worry about when my connection performed as I wanted it to when I was actually productively using it.  ???
That's probably the most sensible thing any of us can do. Unfortunately as a software engineer it goes against my nature to ignore 'oddities' and that coupled with an almost hobbyist attitude to networks means I keep checking.

I suspect that most of what I use my connection for is actually monitoring my connection  :)x :red: :whistle: