Which router for fibre

Started by HavellN, Jun 14, 2013, 07:37:31

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Hi all,

finally available to get fttc at home, upgrade is next week - just wondering what ethernet router people recommend for use with?  will need to support wifi too..

I see idnet suggest a Netgear WNR1000..



It depends on your requirements, the WNR1000 is a basic non expensive router, that's not to say it won't do the job although it may  struggle if thoughput on FTTC is high ie short line. I think you need to look at your WifI requirements, do you need N wireless, do you require dual band WiFi ie the normal 2.5GHz band and the less common 5Ghz band. The new draft AC wifi routers are out plus devices to support them, they do however at present cost a premium.

Suggested alternatives imo to the WNR1000 are the Billion 7800N and the Asus RT N66U, there are many others but I've no experience of using them. Netgear supply higher performing routers ie WNDR3700 which will provide higher throughput for LAN activity when performance is determined by the processor speed of the router and the WiFi throughput this as with the other routers I mentioned may be relevant if for instance your looking at HD video streaming across your network.

IPv6 is still in it's infancy you can do without for awhile to come but you may want to consider it in your router choice.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I bought myself a WNR1000. It performed fine at speeds up to 80Mb/s.

I changed it last month for a DLINK 645 though because NetGear say that the WNR1000v3 (the latest model) will never support IPv6. Not that I need IPv6 right now but what I couldn't fathom is that the older models (v1 & v2) already have IPv6 support through firmware upgrades  :eyebrow:

The 645 is okay and definitely supports IPv6 with the latest firmware. There does seem to be an odd problem with VPN though. Seems like the router crashes every 18 hours. I don't use VPN very often though so for now I'm okay with it.


Quoteand the Asus RT N66U
There's quite a few good reports about the N66U over on the PlusNet forums. If cost is a major factor then have a look at the N56U http://www.amazon.co.uk/computers-accessories/dp/B004TPWRSK it's still got good throughput capabilities due to the H/w NAT and Gigabit ports, but it's wireless isn't quite as good as the N66. You might also look at the TP Link WDR 3600 & 4300 http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TL-WDR3600-Wireless-Gigabit-Router/dp/B008QBAXI4 . They get good reviews and again have H/w NAT and Gigabit ports but at an extremely competitive price. There's at least one good report on the 3600 over on PN.
Hope that helps 


Thanks for the replies..  a bit more context..

My current router is a Netgear DGN2200, current broadband speed is about 2.5Mb on a good day..  the fibre upgrade reckons I should get 59.7Mb download..

Throughout the house I have 2 PCs and a PS3 connected via powerline ethernet adpaters (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000HXDG92) and then also a Printer, another PS3, Wii and a number of mobile devices all connecting via wireless N... shall try Sky On Demand too once upgraded..  For working from home I need to use a VPN...


Having read several reviews I've ordered a Asus RT N66U.

Thanks for your help :o)
