Armed Assault

Started by zimmerframe, Feb 21, 2007, 12:40:19

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Anyone remember Operation Flashpoint? This was by Bohemia Interactive. It was set in the 1980's and featured an imaginary conflict between the Eastern block and the West in a European theatre. The gameplay was ultra realistic and featured foot and vehicle based warfare, though the graphics at the time could hardly be called state of the art.

Well the cheeky chappies have now released Armed Assault which judging by the screenshots, is bang up to date...

Has anyone seen this/got this/played it? My game of choice is still Call of Duty 2 and I've dabbled with Battlefield 2 which is quite enjoyable for an occasional dip into and would be interested to hear what this one looks like.

Oops, too late, I ordered it today ;)

If The World Didnt Suck, We'd all Fall Off


Yes, got it :) Im a old OFP CRCTI player - (if you knew what that is!). Ive played quite a few hours on it now, its VERY similar to OFP...minus the beautiful graphics and less "annoying" MP System!

Currently, the uk version is v 1.04, while every other version is there arnt many servers you can join right now. Luckily, theres a global patch due in a week or so (1.05), which will sort that!

Id say it was a great new addition...but considering im yet to master flying again, ill say its moderate ;)


Just remembered that i have pictures of arma on my web space.


Well I've got it and installed it but there is a multitude of controls to set and learn so it could be some while before I get to grips with it. (its an age thing  :laugh:)

Looks pretty good though...

If The World Didnt Suck, We'd all Fall Off


I've dabbled in some BF2 from time to time but looking at those screenshots it doesn't look quite as polished as BF2.  What does the game play like?  Take over points with a ticket system?  Are the maps good? I've not heard much about this game at all so I can't imagine it eating into BF2/2142's audiance too much.

I'm really waiting for and hoping that Quake Wars Enemy Territory can build a big following.  I'm thinking its a game that can steal players from a few different communities as well as bringing back some of the old RTCW:ET players.  Huge arena of combat but action is quite confined and intense, the way the game plays out your taken through the whole map into different sections that best suite different styles of combat.

Really looking forward to that and It might be the first game to steal me completely from CS 1.6 and god knows many have tried.  I think the only major online FPS games I've not tried would be the COD series and I regret that after watching a COD2 frag video, it loks fantastic to play.
Play Counter-Strike 1.6 online 6 years and counting. :(


Ok a quick reopen of this post :)

I was holding off getting the game just simple because it was a mess at the start but now i have it running with latest patch 1.08 it does seem real nice and really does feel a good as ofp did back in the day.

Operation Flashpoint was a big let down for ppl who expected cft or dm/tdm but where it did shine was the co-op and im sure Armed Assault will be the same.

Armed Assault is a game that has the backing of a unbelivable community it is a investment and not a game i would recommened to anyone who wants cheap thrills (althought there still is some) and it really is nothing like counterstrike or battlefield plus after playing the beta not even like quakewars.

If you really like co-op and tatical play then its well worth a look.
