Leaving Idnet - Somewhat Reluctantly!

Started by Rudds, Jul 20, 2013, 11:50:48

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Hi Guys,

Just wanted to write a few lines about my experience of Idnet over the last 3 and a bit years.

I have as I said had over 3 years of superb service from Idnet, found the support second to none and the help on this forum invaluable at all times. I will continue to recommend and rate it top in all aspects, BUT...........................

I recently went on to cancel my Sky tv subscription due to the recently announced increase at times when if we are all honest are tough at the moment, I refused to be persuaded to stay with them for a 30% or so discount and said goodbye. I enjoy my football and to be honest was eating humble pie to a certain extent, but sometimes in life you have to stick by your guns!

For three days Sky were desperately trying to contact me calling 4 times a day in fact, eventually, intrigued, I called back and the guy insisted he call me back to save my phone bill on the 08444 number. To cut a long story short the offer they have given me, 30% off my tv package for 12 months, completely free unlimited broadband for 12 months, 6 months free landline & free weekend calls and the following 6 months at £14.50 mth (cheaper than BT). I was gobsmacked and when I worked out the saving was worth £457.00 for the next year how could I turn it down.

It may well be that the broadband is not as good as the service I am now used to, but for that sort of saving I have to give it a go. So who knows I may be back in a years time, I would like to personally thank Rik, Steve & Martin for all their help and knowledge over the time and will continue to ponder over the boards if I am allowed to.

Can anyone tell me if I will be able to still use my email address with Idnet?

Thanks Guys




The IDNet email will remain active as long as there is mail going into it.

You may not be aware, but sadly Rik passed away in January this year http://www.idnetters.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic,30171.0.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Glenn on Jul 20, 2013, 11:59:37

The IDNet email will remain active as long as there is mail going into it.

You may not be aware, but sadly Rik passed away in January this year http://www.idnetters.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic,30171.0.

I know Glenn but how could I not mention him he is and always will be part of this forum, he was the best friend you never met!
We shared many pm's on footy banter.

So I can continue to use the email for the foreseeable future then?


Yes as long as mail goes in to the account.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You'll always be welcome here, Paul.

It's amazing the lengths some companies will go to to retain a customer.  I called two of my credit card companies a while back, threatened to leave, and was given an immediate 50% discount on the APR of one card, and about 30% off the other.  I've heard of people getting good mobile phone contract deals by using the same method, but haven't tried that one myself.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I had the other experience with Sky when I cancelled, I was on the phone for ages telling them to cancel my package, the person on the other end of the phone was refusing to do it and put me on a £5 a month for 3 months deal (basic package only) so I hung up, waited an hour and phoned back and asked to talk to the sales/billing manager..

I would say what I truly think about sky but I would break the swear filter  :laugh:

I keep getting phone calls from them now, even after telling them I wasn't interested anymore because the way they treated me when I wanted to cancel.

Got a letter the other day apologising about the way things was handled and was offering me 75% of the top package for a year, ripped it up. I'm sure I'll get a phone call next week asking me to come back..

The only way I'll go back to sky is if they give me 99% off the top package including HD for a year.. then I'd just cancel again  :laugh:

I hope you don't get the same problems with them..

Technical Ben

Quote from: Simon on Jul 20, 2013, 12:44:37
You'll always be welcome here, Paul.

It's amazing the lengths some companies will go to to retain a customer.  I called two of my credit card companies a while back, threatened to leave, and was given an immediate 50% discount on the APR of one card, and about 30% off the other.  I've heard of people getting good mobile phone contract deals by using the same method, but haven't tried that one myself.
True. Mainly their greedy pricing systems allow for this. If their happy for 10% profit, your probably on 210%, so a half price deal can be got out of the bag in desperation to keep you. Or in the case of O2 and my phone, you accrue credit with them through over paying/under use. :)
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


I have a very good deal with O2, which I couldn't match anywhere else, so as long as they allow it to stick, I'll stick with them, despite the terrible signal I get around here at the moment.  I had an alert from them on Friday that they are doing maintenance in my area on Monday, and this may result in a partial loss of service.  I hope that things will improve when they've finished.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I think the BE deal is turning sour on Sky as many are jumping ship so not surprised to read this.

Technical Ben

Quote from: pctech on Jul 21, 2013, 18:02:16
I think the BE deal is turning sour on Sky as many are jumping ship so not surprised to read this.

Sad really. O2 would be the only other company I'd consider getting internet from except IDNet (and a few really small companies if they offer the same service as IDNet). But after O2 lying to me, I realized the broadband side was a different company it seems. A worse one at that. :/
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


O2 are going down hill as a provider, support via twitter, cutting call centres jobs, stupid online chats. To be fair many sites now use twitter for support along with facebook but I really don't want to. O2 is the worse 3G network out there as well they really under invest in their network and did not exactly buy a lot of 4G spectrum. I use Three a lot now as the data tariffs are unlimited and speeds leave O2 in the dust fast along with great  text and call plans, I still have my O2 simplicity but the benefits of it are fading.

As To Sky, I know many people using sky Broadband who are happy, I think people forget if your line works well and you don't really have to talk to support the difference is minimal between providers for most individuals, and people want cheaper options these days why pay for a niche provider when you can get TV Broadband etc all in one package, like BT with their new sports deals.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Despite what I've said in the past Xilo have been pretty darn terrific since November and I've been on their O2 Wholesale based ADSL since December with line rental for both lines coming into the house with Zen Internet.

Both companies are really good support wise (as are IDNet).

As my usage is now so variable I couldn't go back to a capped package.


Just a thought but how would a person be able to access the Idnet.com  emails if you are no longer with them?
Mr Music Man.


The email accounts are not closed manually, so just continue as now, this was confirmed by Brian a few months ago when I asked for a user.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I never thought I would say this but I am looking at moving to BT Infinity after 6 years with Idnet. At the moment I pay BT for unlimited land line calls (£4.95) and Idnet for ADSL2+ (18.37). I would stay with Idnet if fibre was cost effective but with BT I will pay £15.00 for 38mb and 40gb download allowance as opposed to £27.00 with 25gb allowance with Idnet.

Please someone tell me my maths are wrong as I don't really want to leave but feel that I have no choice. Idnet issued the MAC code today and once I pass this over to BT I will be tied starting on Monday the 19th of August.  :(
Mr Music Man.


I don't think your maths is wrong but FTTC isn't cheap away from BT,Plusnet and Sky. The playing field is not level but the likes of IDNet , AAISP and Zen hope that their network quality and support is worth that extra cost.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Bt's Infinity two, with router is I feel a good deal, I will say IDNets support is hard to beat, its fibre product I think is very expensive, for me it will be £35 just for 100gb with BT I can get FTTC 76Mb all I can eat for around £41. including phone line. IDNets fibre costs £35 for 100GB plus phone line so already the temptation is there to move and save money.  ??? Its a hard one, BT do good deals and many here have left and don't seem to be moaning to much, there is a community forum as well. IDNet however offer such good service, and since all the line issues I have had they have been spot on, alas it is not solved, and FTTC looks like the only way it will be.

You have to decide whats good value, my mother had to call BT as they had 'forgot' about her BB after she moved her phone and added her FTTC package, that's before its installed, swings and roundabouts as always really, also not paying £90 for an install helps. Its down to the individual and what they value, but since FTTC is pretty much out of control of ISP's compared with adsl1 and adsl2+  BT may be a good option for some.  :-\ A hard decision.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


IF I did leave IDNet I'd want to find another company whose customer support meant something. Where you could report a fault to another human being. I did try this once with BT on someone else's behalf and nearly lost the will to live.


BT have moved my activation forward to Thursday 8th August between 1.00 and 6.00pm. I must at this point I am impressed with both Idnet and BT by the speed everything has been set up. Just hope I'm not heading for a fall.  :fingers:
Mr Music Man.


The big boys make their money from cross-selling and cross-subsidising. Like groceries. Level playing fields are a mirage - all business is about getting an advantage and maximising it. It isn't a marriage for love. My IDNet service is significantly less reliable than the services of my neighbours from the big boys, and it's nothing to do with the shared BT network element. I can put on my rose coloured spectacles, but that's exactly what they are. (And even for those who have problems with moving service, I don't get the rationale that the problems only occur when moving from rather than to a smaller provider - when exactly the same procedures are involved).

And I'm not criticising anybody, it's the nature of the technology. But it's like arguing that the same brand of baked beans taste better from the corner shop than from Tesco. The perception is in the mind of the beholder, actually as all perceptions are. And just because our experience of customer service is or was bad doesn't make everyone else's the same, from now to eternity. I spent some time with the worst customer service ISP and my experience (and I had plenty of it) with their customer service was  . . . excellent. (But I'm not foolish enough to claim that everyone else has the same experience). As always, the satisfied don't moan.


Well day one of my mothers BT infinity has gone wrong, her BT vision box does not work, they guy who is supposed to hook up at least one device never did, so her iMac is left unattached, she called BT went mad on call to India which I tried to sort out and ended up going in circles with what was awful support on this call, the women had no idea what was going on, and it was hard to understand her sadly...this may not be typical of BT but its kinda coloured my view. The installer (sub contractor not engineer) put Homeplugs in everywhere which I didn't think they did...who knows but now its down to me to be the computer nerd and look at it while giving orders to my mother as I cant get down to the box from my wheelchair. I'm staying with IDNet for fibre the BT call was scripted hell, I could not deal with that.  :swoon:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I am not expecting the same service at BT that I have had for the last 6 years off Idnet and believe me I do not want to leave. It's just that the cost for Infinity is so good and the added sweetener of BT Sport and BT Wifi is to good to miss. I will still be coming back on here though as I have to many friends here that I would miss. Idnetters was the first forum I ever posted on and apart from next door it's still the only one.   :D
Mr Music Man.


Well My mothers BT vision box died after one day, hope thats not a sign of things to come, and the way you have to log in to BT Yahoo email to authorise another email account using the server is a pain, 15 min wait as well to get though to report the box fault <sigh> I think she just had bad luck...I hope.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Alas I think it's the problem with all the mass-assembly Chinese sweat shop stuff we're all landed with for consumer IT gear. Mostly it works, incredibly, but when it doesn't it's a so and so and the absolute devil (sometimes for want of the proverbial "missing bit" which is never obvious), and as for instructions/troubleshooting - that's written and translated by the same software as for flat-pack furniture. (Even if it's only a few per cent with problems that's a heck of a lot of customers and no consolation if you're one of them). But the permutations of what can go wrong - between the customers and the hardware, is endless. And often the installers are as confused as the customers, with the amount of changes and "instructions" they're given from above. It's produced down to a cost, as most of it is supposedly given away "free"; and even the stuff that's paid for, sometimes expensively, comes from the same stable with the same problems. The more features (which the marketing people always want) the more to go wrong.

So if you're lucky you're OK and if not  . . . but if you can get the hang of it, that can only be to the good; well that's what I hope, at least.  :dunno:


As my master socket was in the hall and was wired many years ago, I decided to rewire from scratch taking a new cable to the office, fitting a new master socket and then back feeding to the hall and bedroom. When I rebooted I synced at a much higher speed and now get 8.3 as apposed to 6.7mB. Trust this to happen on the week I am leaving.  ::)
Mr Music Man.


That's the same as an old car performing the best it has in years, the week before you sell it.  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Well today was the big day and all went smoothly (so far). I did not really know what to expect but the BT guy arrived on time and was very helpful in what he did. Just a bit of a worry when a chap of my age new more than he did, how do they get the name engineer or is it bit like a Genius is to Apple? Initial speed tests are giving me about 37mbs download and 9.3mbs upload so very happy indeed. I still wished that I did not have to leave Idnet but needs must and at least I can still come on here.    8-)
Mr Music Man.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Mr Music Man.


Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Den on Aug 08, 2013, 22:04:43
Well today was the big day and all went smoothly (so far). I did not really know what to expect but the BT guy arrived on time and was very helpful in what he did. Just a bit of a worry when a chap of my age new more than he did, how do they get the name engineer or is it bit like a Genius is to Apple? Initial speed tests are giving me about 37mbs download and 9.3mbs upload so very happy indeed. I still wished that I did not have to leave Idnet but needs must and at least I can still come on here.    8-)
Alot of the installers are sub contractors not BT engineers, Den. My mothers BT seems to have settled down a bit although her BT vision would not work last night as the speed drops (new connection like yours) BT's DNS seems a bit slow but its ok, the email is a pain in the backside though. If it all runs fine you should have no worries but waiting 35 mins for an Indian call centre that does not understand what a homeplug is (BT put these in) makes you want to bang your head on a table  :bawl:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Aug 09, 2013, 09:24:42
Alot of the installers are sub contractors not BT engineers, Den.

I've noticed recently that every time there's an engineer working on the FTTC cabinet here, there's also a van parked by with 'working on behalf of  BT' written on the side and they are certainly not Openreach.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Openreach have overreached or are overstretched  ;D


Quote from: zappaDPJ on Aug 09, 2013, 13:49:30
I've noticed recently that every time there's an engineer working on the FTTC cabinet here, there's also a van parked by with 'working on behalf of  BT' written on the side and they are certainly not Openreach.
They also use sub contractors at the exchange for FTTC work, Zap. Basically to much work for the amount of engineers they have. When I get mine put in I'll get my BT guy to hang the modem on the wall the day before the call and remove the RF3 filter I have at the moment and do a nice tidy wiring job before the guy comes round, then all he has to do is connect at the cab and watch me test, and since they are paid per install they are happy with that as thats what he did with his install.  ;D
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


My mothers BT issues continue, she cancelled an engineers visit after a 20 minute wait on the phone, then got a automated call saying the time and date of the visit, she cancelled it again to day (15 min wait) and just got another automated call telling her the date of the visit  :laugh:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


They're trying... very trying.   ::)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My Infinity is running spot on at 37.48mps with a upload of just under 9mbs. I was concerned about the BT Home Hub after just buying a Netgear and a range extender but I did not need to be concerned as the Home Hub blows the Netgear away.

Using the Range extender I now get max signal all around the house even in my lounge where I have never had any signal before. The extender is plugged into a socket further away from the Home Hub at a socket where I could not get a signal before. So up to now very happy indeed.   ;D
Mr Music Man.



Mr Music Man.



Mr Music Man.


Still getting 37.48 mps download with 9mbs upload. The only thing I've noticed that has concerned me is my usage. With Idnet I never went over 10gb but with BT in my first month (which started on the 8th) I used about 16gb. Also for usage BT add download and upload together.   :dunno:
Mr Music Man.


That's the problem with FTTC you use a lot more, for instance, if your watching an online video stream and don't wish to watch it all with adsl the amount downloaded is not much more than what you've already watched, with FTTC it will quickly download the whole stream so the rest is wasted data. Myself I watch more video streams and downloaded video than I did on adsl just because it's so quick,hate waiting for streams to buffer on adsl.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Some of the additional usage could well be the uploads too, which IDNet don't count.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My download has not increased as far as I'm concerned and without the upload it read about 16gb which is way over my normal download.  :-\
Mr Music Man.