Possible XP > Windows 7 Upgrade

Started by Simon, Aug 18, 2013, 13:13:01

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I'm slowly coming round to the idea that sooner, rather than later, I'll have to upgrade from XP to Windows 7.  I've read some tutorials, and I've run the Windows 7 upgrade adviser.  A couple of problems have emerged.  One is that I don't appear to have enough space on my C drive for the upgrade - but won't the C drive be formatted during the upgrade?  So, what does that matter? 

Secondly, it seems one of my most used pieces of software, Sony Soundforge 8, won't be able to run on Win7.   This would be a complete disaster for me, as it has certain tools that don't appear in later versions, plus, the cost of an upgrade wouldn't be insignificant.  What are the chances that old software will actually run, despite what the Upgrade Adviser says?
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If you are doing an 'upgrade' of XP > W7, then the disk will not be formatted, only the files will be updated, all the detritus that XP has picked up over it's life on the drive that clogs your profile will be retained.  Personally I would do a backup of all my important files ect, then start from scratch formatting the drive and installing W7.

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From what I've read, you can't 'upgrade' from XP to 7 anyway, it has to be a clean install, but the formatting of the 'C' drive seems to happen from within the Win 7 installation.  I should know this, as I've done it plenty of times before - I think I may have read too much and should just do it the way I know.
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When I purchased a new machine with Win 7 I found that much of my software and many of my devices would not work and could not be updated. For a short time I installed a virtual XP machine on my Win 7 machine but was not happy with it.  Now run both computers but do not use the XP on line.


Well, I'm doing it.  It's got as far as extracting the new files, and was cruel enough to give me a last glimpse of my old desktop.  :bawl:

I didn't get the option to delete the old C drive.  I had to choose Custom install, and it claims that it will do a clean installation on the chosen drive.  It refused to boot from the disc, even though I'd selected the option in the boot menu, so I just followed the instructions and started the installation from the running OS. 
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Once it's installed you will have 2hrs or so of updates.  ;)

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Installed.  Just adding AV.  One immediate problem is, I can't bloody read anything, as its all so small, and changing the screen resolution makes the display larger, of course, but all the text seems very soft and blurry.  I know my eyes need testing, but I didn't have this problem before. 
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Try Ctrl and + a few times.  That should make it larger.


I hate it!!  :bawl:   I can't find any settings to change the fonts, and only a Small, Medium or Large size adjustment.  The text is not sharp enough, whatever I can find to change.  Further, the clock is wrong, even though
It's set to the correct time zone.  It's four hours out.  I also still have a load of stuff left on the C drive from the XP installation, so it obviously didn't perform a clean install, so I'm going to have to start all over again.  AND, it won't boot from the CD because the keyboard is USB and it won't load in time to press any key to boot from the CD drive, and I can't find the sodding PS/2 adapter that's been knocking around for years.  To say I'm unhappy is an understatement.  Bloody computers! 
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You need to go into the BIOS and turn on the USB devices on from boot

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I thought they were  but I'll check, Glenn.  I've had this issue for years, so if it's something that simple...  Anyway, I've now found the PS/2 adapter.  :!
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Had this issue when flashing the BIOS on the Gigabyte board in my PC the first time, thank goodness for USB to PS/2 adapters.

You will really like it Simon, I'm having to use a couple of programs at work that will only work on XP which like you I used to adore and after using Win 7 on my main work desktop for 2 years and now at home for a year I really hate going back and that blue bar makes my eyes hurt.


Once you get it working properly you won't look back.  It's better than XP by a mile and much more secure.


Getting it working is the first and foremost challenge!  I still can't boot from the CD.  I've been through the whole of the BIOS and can't see any options for starting keyboard / mouse or USB devices, and the PS/2 adapter doesn't work.  Im now having trouble getting it to boot up at all.  What if I set ALL the boot options to CD?
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The primary boot option should be CD, you can always change it to C: later. I have a PS2 keyboard kept for the sole purpose of getting I to BIOS  on a couple of old machines I've got . The video is possibly a driver issue or screen resolution is not set correctly for the monitor.
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This is getting ridiculous.  I've now set all three boot options on BIOS to boot from the CD, and still it just goes straight to bloody Windows.  The most annoying thing is, the keyboard works long enough to hit Del and get into BIOS, and obviously works within BIOS, so why won't it work when it comes out of BIOS? 

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Even though it's set to boot from the cd, most time you have to press any key to boot from the cd at a prompt.

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Yes, that was the problem, but I've now managed to find the USB option hidden about eight layers down in the BIOS, so I've now enabled it and it's booted from the CD, I've formatted C  drive, and the new installation is starting.
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I don't believe it.  It's now saying "This copy of Windows is not genuine".  I bought it from Tesco!
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Make sure you enter the product key and not the product ID.
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No, I definitely entered the product key, but I must have done it wrong as I rebooted and it asked for it again, and this time it's activated.  :red:
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