Increasing consistent small packet loss

Started by joe, Dec 04, 2013, 13:02:51

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Well this is even more interesting the packet lose today is identical on the everyones recently posted, esp around 2pm and 4pm! (btw this isn't a fibre connection):

EDIT: I've also just noticed my latency has dropped a lot, from above 20 to well below it: older TBQM below

Any clues why the latency has dropped?


It's getting worse!

Perhaps I shouldn't have binned my move to BT last month. I trusted that the additional bandwidth promised would cure this.


this is the first time ive had a noticeable loss and its no where near what others have had.My latency also dropped a few days ago but thats good isnt it?  :dunno:  was for me as speed went up.

Im on LLU if that makes any difference


here are my tests today.

and then the BT tester

Download speedachieved during the test was - 23.07 Mbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis  23.14 Mbps-28.93 Mbps .
Additional Information:
IP Profile for your line is - 28.93 Mbps

Upload speed achieved during the test was - 6.47Mbps
Additional Information:
Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 20 Mbps

And now 10:15am its back to normal. also I was logged in another customers, I was downloading a printer driver first time I was getting about 300k cancelled it and tried again 5 min later and we were up to 4mb sec


The popularity of the Winter Olympics has been surprising. Especially, how many employers seem willing to allow their staff to watch it during the daytime. We already have a program in place to mitigate the effects and we are working hard at this. Please be assured that we do not regard the recent speed fluctuations as 'normal' and we fully expect to return to normal operations as soon as possible.


Yesterday. Ignore the spike at 17:45-ish; that was a powercut caused by one solitary and whopping lightning strike about 9 miles away (it scared the bejaysus out of me!)

On the far-right, today (again, the spike was down to a power blip. No idea what's going on with the local power supply, but there's packet loss from 10am today)

I can't remember, but did we suffer this sort of issue during the London Olympics? I'd have thought that placed a far greater burden on internet connections than the current Winter Olympics.
I was cut out to be rich but got sewn up wrong.


mine was the same loss again today.

the olympics only started this week didnt they?  not early december  :dunno:

Technical Ben

If it helps for comparisons, here is my ASDL2 graph. I've never really noticed any packet loss myself. So strange the monitor is showing some. I've no PCs connected between 2 and 7pm, so it's not down to any usage my end. :/

That big spike at 4ish looks similar to the one that appears on the FTTC graphs. Or am I just reading too much into it?

PS, The Voice started in December? I can say o LOT more people I know are streaming now (PC or Skybox).
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


same again today, still wondering why my latency randomly dropped by half the other day! 

Quote from: Technical Ben on Feb 11, 2014, 20:00:21
If it helps for comparisons, here is my ASDL2 graph. I've never really noticed any packet loss myself. So strange the monitor is showing some. I've no PCs connected between 2 and 7pm, so it's not down to any usage my end. :/

That big spike at 4ish looks similar to the one that appears on the FTTC graphs. Or am I just reading too much into it?

PS, The Voice started in December? I can say o LOT more people I know are streaming now (PC or Skybox).


This is getting to be a bore. Is this all really caused by people streaming the Olympics, doesn't anyone watch a TV now.

This afternoon :-

This evening:-


Still having some issues here.  Noticed playing youtube videos and the like is a bit jumpy - thought it might be video quality but they play fine when downloaded.  :)

Speed test a bit off again tonight - why is it TBB that's mostly affected?  Didn't think IDNet had any form of packet shaping or traffic prioritisation, so why would the two tests be different speeds?  ???

Packet loss on a mostly otherwise quiet line?


JFTR and the rubbish continues.  I never realised how hooked the british public were on the winter olympics :whistle: :whistle:  Still, another pretty good excuse I suppose!!
Have rang around a few friends on other ISP's and they are NOT experiencing speed drops. Therefore, I must presume IDNet must be utilising the same routing as Russia!
Ah, forget it, 4 months and I'm out of this outfit........ :conf:


Yesterdays results:-

BT test (attached): d'ld 9.78 Mbps, acceptable 40 - 67.73 Mbps!

Simon, neither your extra bandwidth nor your software appear to be addressing the problem. Unless there is a quick answer and resolution, I like so many other 'rats' will be forced to go elsewhere.


In addition to the other measures mentioined earlier we have now placed yet another order with BT for even more bandwidth, just in case our exisiting plans are not sufficient. The extra bandwidth will come online next Tuesday.


Quote from: Simon_idnet on Feb 12, 2014, 09:03:46another order with BT for even more bandwidth, just in case our exisiting plans are not sufficient.

I'm glad to hear that, but I can't say that I'm reassured by it.

Surely you can monitor how much bandwidth is being used and compare that with how much you've got available?

I'm prepared to be educated on the matter, but I can't immediately see why there should be any "just in case" involved?
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Simon_idnet on Feb 12, 2014, 09:03:46
In addition to the other measures mentioined earlier we have now placed yet another order with BT for even more bandwidth, just in case our exisiting plans are not sufficient. The extra bandwidth will come online next Tuesday.
Sadly I have reached a point where I dont expect this to make the situation better in either the short or long term. I complained to support on Monday and was told it would be sorted by the end of the week. Now its Tuesday... The goal posts keep being moved. You must be aware as Bill has mentioned of how much bandwidth you have and need. Support said you had "plenty of head room" a week or so ago. Why so many conflicting reports? It seems no matter how much bandwidth you order it either gets used up, or its not the actual problem. I don't pretend to know how your network runs, but I do know I have simply had enough now.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Just to muddy the waters, I have TBB monitors on three IDNET lines - but none are on the same exchange. Two show the identical packet loss, the other shows packet loss, but not at the same time.

Bedfordshire exchange (ADSL)

Shropshire exchange (ADSL2+)

Shropshire exchange without the same packet loss (ignore the disconnect this is a very long and unstable line) - ADSL2+:

But, even more telling is that the line in Bedfordshire is going into an office where they have a second line fed by BT. The TBB graph for this line shows no packet loss at all:


Download speed achieved during the test was - 41.35 Mbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speed is 55.6 Mbps-69.5 Mbps .
Additional Information:
IP Profile for your line is - 69.5 Mbps

Upload speed achieved during the test was - 16.55Mbps
Additional Information:
Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 20 Mbps

So thats 21Mbps lost again.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I'm not certain that you can predict accurately what extra bandwidth you need, you can tell when the links are saturated but how do you estimate what extra data additional requests are generating.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

A definite spike at 4-5pm yesterday then, as I have it too and am on ASDL. At least from here, it correlates with the Olympics. I guess if a business is watching it, and not multicasting, that's a lot of office PCs saturating a line. :(
This is not good, as if I do consider going over to Fibre, it would be for upstream streaming only, as the download is of no concern to me. So dropped packets would be a real problem.

The Bedfordshire graph above shows very tiny packet loss at similar times. So BTs network is balancing much better. But then again, If the congestion is only on the supply side, BT tend to have no worries getting the supply of use of their own gear. :P
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Quote from: Bill on Feb 12, 2014, 09:16:45
I'm prepared to be educated on the matter, but I can't immediately see why there should be any "just in case" involved?

In case Mo Farrah starts winning medals in Sochi!

We fully expect that the work that we've doing to balance the traffic across our network to start having a significant impact by the end of the week. But we were surprised that the Olympics are so popular so we decided that we better take extra measures on top of everything else.


Hopefully that will do the trick, once and for all!  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Can't even watch a 720p video on YouTube at the moment  :(


Mine was down to about 30% (~20Mbps) this morning but it's OK now, even with the usual packet loss showing:

BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6