New packages from IDNet

Started by stevenrw, Aug 14, 2014, 15:45:59

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I spoke to somebody back in November last year regarding the IDNet bundles on offer. I've been with IDNet for many years now and have been on fibre lite for about a year. The guy I spoke to said that at that time they were reviewing the packages on offer and would be looking to "improve" them "within a few months". I chased again "a few months" later (sometime in the spring of this year if memory serves) and was told that they were still under review.
Things move on very quickly in the ISP world and I feel that, great as they are for service, IDNet are not making much effort to stay competitive. Their current packages are a little restrictive IMHO. For example, you can get a greater download/upload allowance but if your line will not support the faster speed available then you have to pay more for only half the benefits.
So, is there really likely to be any new packages available any time soon?


Who knows but I would agree they are far from competitive now, and maybe thats how they want it, shame as I'm happy here but cost vs download allowance is restrictive  :sigh:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


My feeling is that they're concentrating on the business market with value add services like hosting, VOIP and so on.  This type of stuff is less price sensitive since if a business depends for its survival on top quality comms and reliability, they are unlikely to mind paying a bit extra.  If you look at the Timico site, they don't even quote a broadband allowance, preferring to talk about integrated comms, 'benefits to your business' etc.  Bit like the Rolls Royce myth, "If you have to ask the price you can't afford it"

For those in the consumer market it's a race to the bottom and I can't see iDNet wanting to get involved.  That said, even for a B2B supplier, the data allowances are pretty meagre.  Must admit Zen's current offerings do look tempting.


I was also tempted by Zen's latest packages but they are not as good as IDNet on their phone deals, so you gain a bit and lose a bit.
I'm contracted with the fibre at the mo so we'll see what transpires in a few months.
I agree that they are perhaps concentrating on the business user so little guys like me take a back seat, and I do understand that they can't compete with the major suppliers.
I really don't want to leave, and I'd certainly never entertain any of the big players. Luckily (or unluckily depending on your pov) I don't have to make the decision for a few months yet.


I don't blame iDNet for concentrating on the B2B market as it makes sound business sense, but I'm in a similar position although at present on ADSL.  My usage is OK, but I'm on one of the older peak/off-peak packages so I can manage it quite well.  It is creeping up over time.

What prompted the thought of moving is that there's a nice shiny new fibre cabinet just appeared at the bottom of the road.  ;D
I can't see me getting the full 78mbps or whatever, so Zen's up to 38mbps would fit the bill.  The allowance of 50meg would probably do for a start but the unlimited package is not overly expensive so I could move to that in the future.  I agree Zen's phone packages are not as good but since I'm not a heavy landline user I could probably stick to a pay-as-you-go package as most calls are local.

Don't have to make a decision yet since the RFS date for fibre is 31st Dec and even then there's no guarantee they'll switch the cabinet on, but it is definitely something I'm thinking about.

Nothing whatever to do with quality of service since I've found iDNet to be first rate, it's just that over time my needs are changing.  My sister - also with iDNet - is in the same boat, since increased visits from the grandchildren are pushing her usage ever upwards so at some point she'll probably go with Zen.  Twice the allowance for the same price is a pretty compelling offer.


For me Zens package does look very tempting, I would leave my phone with IDNet and since I am out of contract in September choices need to be made, unlimited for the same price as I pay now is very tempting although if IDNet changed the £35 fibre tariff allowance to 200GB for £35 that would suit me fine tbh.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Aug 15, 2014, 08:22:43
I would leave my phone with IDNet 
Ah, there lies the dilemma Gary, Zen are set up on a bundle basis. If you take Fibre, you'll have to pay £4.50 pm, which takes the shine off just a tad.
There are no free calls whatsoever on the Zen phone packages. Of course if you have a mobile phone contract then you'll likely get free minutes airtime with that, so using your mobile at home would be an option.
I almost fell foul of that when (very briefly!) looking to switch to Virgin Media - their call charges are eye-watering.
IDNet definitely have the best call packages, if only they would just tweak their BB packages. It really wouldn't take much to keep everybody happy.
Seems like we are all struggling with a decision we really would rather not have to make. :-\


Quote from: stevenrw on Aug 15, 2014, 10:01:55
Ah, there lies the dilemma Gary, Zen are set up on a bundle basis. If you take Fibre, you'll have to pay £4.50 pm, which takes the shine off just a tad.
There are no free calls whatsoever on the Zen phone packages. Of course if you have a mobile phone contract then you'll likely get free minutes airtime with that, so using your mobile at home would be an option.
I almost fell foul of that when (very briefly!) looking to switch to Virgin Media - their call charges are eye-watering.
IDNet definitely have the best call packages, if only they would just tweak their BB packages. It really wouldn't take much to keep everybody happy.
Seems like we are all struggling with a decision we really would rather not have to make. :-\
Zen offers a phone package with 5000 minutes for £6.50 but on top of a £17 line rental. £17 is steep I pay that to idnet for unlimited calls which includes line rental. I pay £35 to IDNet for 100GB so paying that extra £5.40 (including Vat) works out fine really mind you Plusnet are tempting I know its shaped etc but most people don't notice and get on fine with it, its just CS that's an issue. IDNet could increase allowance and that would keep me happy but I cant see it coming really but we could all be wrong. Zen don't yet do IPV6 either.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: stevenrw on Aug 15, 2014, 10:01:55
There are no free calls whatsoever on the Zen phone packages. Of course if you have a mobile phone contract then you'll likely get free minutes airtime with that, so using your mobile at home would be an option.

You do have the choice of PAYG with £11.22 line rental for those who don't use the phone a lot, or you get 5000 minutes for £17.35 including the line rental.  Not as compelling as iDNet's offer but 5000 minutes/month should be enough unless you've got a house full of teenagers.  Even then they're probably using their mobiles most of the time.

One thing that doesn't ever get mentioned is Zen's Broadband voice, which I take it is a domestic VOIP offer.  That gives you 1000 minutes for £5.24/month (=£4.20+vat), which I would think for a great many people counts as unlimited.  Zen do supply a VOIP compatible modem, but team it with something like a Fritzbox and I think  you would have a pretty nice domestic setup.  Surprised iDNet don't put out some feelers; maybe they have and decided the likely take-up wasn't worth it. I assume they feel it's sufficient to market it to businesses, since most home/office workers would have it provided for them by their employer.  I know Timico do their own app for iOS and Android which enables call diversion etc, but again this is B2B stuff.


I've checked with IDNet and they expect to 'refresh' the packages this Autumn. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on Aug 15, 2014, 12:18:26
I've checked with IDNet and they expect to 'refresh' the packages this Autumn. 
Great news, Simon.  :thumb:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Tacitus on Aug 15, 2014, 11:47:58
You do have the choice of PAYG with £11.22 line rental for those who don't use the phone a lot, or you get 5000 minutes for £17.35 including the line rental.
According to the site the line rental is £17 then £6.50 for 5000 minutes on top. BT charge £15.99 or something like that line rental then packages on top. IDNet are much cheaper unless I read the Zen site wrong. If you click on the 5000 minutes a pop up shows its an extra £6.50 TBh I am happy here, they have been very helpful with me and if the 'refresh' suits my needs I will stay. I like the level of service and all you can eat packages generally get congested at some point unless Zen has infinite cash and bandwidth.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Aug 15, 2014, 12:25:01
According to the site the line rental is £17 then £6.50 for 5000 minutes on top. BT charge £15.99 or something like that line rental then packages on top. IDNet are much cheaper unless I read the Zen site wrong. If you click on the 5000 minutes a pop up shows its an extra £6.50 TBh I am happy here, they have been very helpful with me and if the 'refresh' suits my needs I will stay. I like the level of service and all you can eat packages generally get congested at some point unless Zen has infinite cash and bandwidth.

Zen's website is not very helpful.  I rang them up when I was thinking of moving and was told that the £17.35 included the line rental and 5000 minutes - that's with their HomePhone offer.  However if you take one of the Fibre packages including line rental, you pay an extra £6.50 or so for the 5000 minutes.

That part is clear, it's when you start combining packages that it appears to get a bit confusing.  The only way is to ring them and get a clear statement of what is and isn't included.

Good news that iDNet will be refreshing the packages this Autumn.  That would be good since the RFS date for Fibre is the 31st Dec  - assuming they decide to switch the cabinet on.  I'm happy with iDNet (as is Sis), so neither of us has any great desire to move, but our needs have changed compared to when we both signed up, some 6 years ago. 


I'd guess most people's usage patterns have changed considerably over the last few years Tacitus, that's why it is so important that IDNet's offerings keep pace, and why its been so frustrating that they haven't.
The advent of catchup tv alone has increased internet downloads significantly, and cloud storage has increased the requirement for decent upload speed which wasn't there before.
Assuming the information they gave to Simon (thanks for the update btw Simon) actually happens we will probably not need to bother Zen after all.
Fingers crossed everybody! :fingers:


Quote from: Gary on Aug 15, 2014, 12:20:54
Great news, Simon.  :thumb:

I'm very pleased to hear that Simon.  My Plusnet connection in the same building is a third of the cost yet faster.  Same 10 Gb cap.   But ID are very easy to get hold of if problems occur and are usually very helpful. 


Quote from: Simon on Aug 15, 2014, 12:18:26
I've checked with IDNet and they expect to 'refresh' the packages this Autumn. 

I don't know about where you are but autumn has already set in around these parts :realcold:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: zappaDPJ on Aug 15, 2014, 23:22:22
I don't know about where you are but autumn has already set in around these parts :realcold:
Yep its 20c and thats winter to me after that heatwave which seemed to go on forever   ;D
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: zappaDPJ on Aug 15, 2014, 23:22:22
I don't know about where you are but autumn has already set in around these parts :realcold:

:lol:  It's certainly turning autumnal here too, but I prefer this level of warmth to the energy zapping heat we had a few weeks ago.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Just looking at Zen's packages and their up to 38Mbps with 50Gb download looks attractive.

One thing that does intrigue me; say I have the standard (up to 76mbps) package and because of distance from the cabinet I only get (say) 32Mbps.  If I swap to an 'up to 38Mbps' package, do I still get 32Mbps or do I only get 32/76 x 38 = 16Mbps.  IOW my actual speed is pro-rata on the max attainable speed, which in the latter case is limited to 38Mbps.

Best would be if I still got the 32 since there would be no point in going for the 76Mbps package since I couldn't get anywhere near that due to the distance from the cabinet/noise etc.

If iDNet could do a comparable package and price, I imagine they'd get a lot of interest


IAFAIK Tacitus, you will always get the maximum your line will support up to any limit set by your package. That's one of my beefs with the IDNet packages.
My line (Fibre) will only support about 30mbps due to distance from cabinet, so I'm on their "Up to 38mbps" Fibre Lite package. Sure enough I get approx 30mbps consistently.
However, fixed by that is a capped upload speed of 1.9mbps and a download cap of 25GB/Month.
To increase either the upload speed and/or the download cap I have to change to the Fibre Pro package, which is more expensive, but the only benefit for me is the upload speed is uncapped and the download cap is increased to 100GB/month, but there is no increase in speed since my line will not support any faster than the 30mbps that I'm currently attaining.
So I'd be spending another £8 (ish) per month but only getting part benefit.
If I could get close to the theoretical 76mbps allowed by the Fibre Pro package I'd have no hesitation, but I can't - I won't.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this situation and I'm hoping that their new packages will be a little more flexible and take into account the constraints set by cabinet location.


Thanks for the info Steve.  TBH it sounds like I will be in the same boat.  I don't really know what speed I will get, but going on distance and the fact the lines are pretty noisy, I can't imagine it will be anywhere near 76Mbps.  In fact 32-40 sounds more like it, so I don't see any point in paying for an 'up to 76' if I'm never likely to get anywhere near that.

As I said, Zen's up to 38Mbps package with 50Gb download would probably do me for a while as my current use on a slow connection is around the 25Gb mark, but with greater reliability on fibre I'm likely to make increased use of iPlayer and iTunes films.  We'll see what iDNet come up with.  I'm not in a hurry since I doubt BT will have the work done much before Xmas or early new year.

Technical Ben

Quote from: stevenrw on Aug 16, 2014, 17:43:26
IAFAIK Tacitus, you will always get the maximum your line will support up to any limit set by your package. That's one of my beefs with the IDNet packages.
My line (Fibre) will only support about 30mbps due to distance from cabinet, so I'm on their "Up to 38mbps" Fibre Lite package. Sure enough I get approx 30mbps consistently.
However, fixed by that is a capped upload speed of 1.9mbps and a download cap of 25GB/Month.
To increase either the upload speed and/or the download cap I have to change to the Fibre Pro package, which is more expensive, but the only benefit for me is the upload speed is uncapped and the download cap is increased to 100GB/month, but there is no increase in speed since my line will not support any faster than the 30mbps that I'm currently attaining.
So I'd be spending another £8 (ish) per month but only getting part benefit.
If I could get close to the theoretical 76mbps allowed by the Fibre Pro package I'd have no hesitation, but I can't - I won't.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this situation and I'm hoping that their new packages will be a little more flexible and take into account the constraints set by cabinet location.

Only £8 more for an additional 75gb and hight uploads speed is a bargain IMO. But that depends on the initial costs... Still wishing I was not Exchange connected... where are my wire snips!
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


I've often wondered why ISPs don't split their packages into "Connection" and "Data", eg for IDNet fibre:

Connection- Fibre Lite 1 (40/2), Fibre Lite 2 (40/10)1, Fibre Pro (80/20)

Data- up to 25GB, 100GB, 200GB, 500GB, unlimited

Each priced appropriately and the customer could mix and match to suit their connection and usage patterns (eta- and pocket!). Shouldn't (afaics) be particularly complex to implement and the customers would have more choice.

1 As an aside, I hadn't realised that IDNet don't do a 40/10 package :dunno:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Tacitus on Aug 16, 2014, 17:58:22
Thanks for the info Steve.  TBH it sounds like I will be in the same boat.  I don't really know what speed I will get, but going on distance and the fact the lines are pretty noisy, I can't imagine it will be anywhere near 76Mbps.  In fact 32-40 sounds more like it, so I don't see any point in paying for an 'up to 76' if I'm never likely to get anywhere near that.

As I said, Zen's up to 38Mbps package with 50Gb download would probably do me for a while as my current use on a slow connection is around the 25Gb mark, but with greater reliability on fibre I'm likely to make increased use of iPlayer and iTunes films.  We'll see what iDNet come up with.  I'm not in a hurry since I doubt BT will have the work done much before Xmas or early new year.
You may be surprised, do you know how far from your present cab you are? Im about 360 meters and get a sync of 65Mbps and an upload of 17.50Mbps. On a clean line I should sync at 65Mbps so I'm getting what is expected, even after a year.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't

Technical Ben

Quote from: Bill on Aug 17, 2014, 07:44:11
I've often wondered why ISPs don't split their packages into "Connection" and "Data", eg for IDNet fibre:

Connection- Fibre Lite 1 (40/2), Fibre Lite 2 (40/10)1, Fibre Pro (80/20)

Data- up to 25GB, 100GB, 200GB, 500GB, unlimited

Each priced appropriately and the customer could mix and match to suit their connection and usage patterns (eta- and pocket!). Shouldn't (afaics) be particularly complex to implement and the customers would have more choice.

1 As an aside, I hadn't realised that IDNet don't do a 40/10 package :dunno:

Sadly the majority of customers want "cheaper" without thinking of the consequences. There are often other companies willing to give the impression the customers are getting that.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


I initially had high hopes of a very fast connection as there is a cabinet no more than 30m down the road. Sadly it transpires that it isn't the one that serves my house, my cabinet is about 2km in the other direction so I only get about 30mbps. :slap: Grrrr...


Quote from: Technical Ben on Aug 17, 2014, 14:13:13
Sadly the majority of customers want "cheaper" without thinking of the consequences.

Not, I would venture to suggest, those considering IDNet :P
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


A friend (locally) pays for 80/20 yet gets only 23. Reason, aluminium from the cab to the premises, less than 100 mtrs.
BT empatically state that they will NOT replace with copper and suggest he waits for FTTP in around 4 years time!! Yeahh, that's progress innit!  :bawl:


Quote from: Gary on Aug 17, 2014, 11:32:26
You may be surprised, do you know how far from your present cab you are? Im about 360 meters and get a sync of 65Mbps and an upload of 17.50Mbps. On a clean line I should sync at 65Mbps so I'm getting what is expected, even after a year.

Going by the car's speedo, around 450/500m looks about right.  Th other problem is that all the lines are exceptionally noisy.  It could be the noise gets in before the cabinet and new cables will make the difference, but I think the problem is between the cabinet and the pole.  They did some work near the pole recently and spliced a new section of cable in, but so far that's made little difference - if anything it's made it worse.

I won't really know what to expect until they switch things on.  Still be (pleasantly) surprised if I get much above 40Mbps  :)


Im still on the old package with IDnet from before they changed them a few years back so if I changed providers i would be caught in the middle of both price brackets....i'm  on a BB/phone bundle with IDnet which has a discount for taking both...Zen dont do that I if I was to stay with IDnet for phone but BB with another isp i would have to pay the normal phone price....if I took only fibre with Zen its an extra £5 plus I think...zen dont do discount and their line rental is a bit dearer than IDnet so im caught in between

thats if I read both sites correctly


Quote from: Simon on Aug 15, 2014, 12:18:26
I've checked with IDNet and they expect to 'refresh' the packages this Autumn. 
When's Autumn exactly, Simon as far as IDNet goes? I only say this as they have been promising new packages or a very long time now and nothing appears...
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Sep 24, 2014, 09:09:53
When's Autumn exactly

To the Met Office it's 1st September to 30th November, astronomically it's autumnal equinox to winter solstice (~20th Sept to ~20th Dec, it varies), colloquially it's sometime before Christmas ;D
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


I will be really disappoined if it all turns out to be one of those "The cheque is in the post" situations. They've been promising this since before Xmas. Its becoming embarrasing, and there are mutterings starting amongst the troops... ;D


They didn't give me a precise date for the announcement!  It is only just Autumn, so I guess it could be any time in the next two to three months. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I guess if it stays warm it could be next year, as its not Autumn but an Indian Summer ;D
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Sep 24, 2014, 12:59:23
I guess if it stays warm it could be next year, as its not Autumn but an Indian Summer ;D

I hope not but it is 21st October already ...

Personally I would be very interested to know if there are any updates on this subject.

How to put it ... hmmm ...

Every half a year or so the same discussion kicks off at my home ... why do we still pay so much for the access to internet ...
So keep convincing my wife that IDNet provides good stable service, that their support was quick to sort out initial installation problems, that they know what they are doing (a term "VPN over IPSec" has not surprised their support person while old Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange support staff did not know what I was talking about) ...

And here we are again ...
My wife's friends from work "get their internet FREE" ...
Well ... so it prompted me to start searching around.
Nothing is that great as it seems at first BUT ... IDNet's deals with their current usage allowances start to look silly indeed ...

I can still wait a bit for new offers to come out but very soon I will need to make some decisions ... I may end up sticking with IDNet but moving our telephone rental across to them ... or ... well ... there are other options ...
I would love to stay with IDNet but it is getting pretty hard to convince myself and my wife ...



I have to agree. I really don't know why these "refreshed" packages are taking so long to come out. The weeks roll by and nothing appears. I fear the worst, that they are just stringing us along.
I for one would feel really bad if that proved to be the case, and, in truth, it would be out of character for IDNet.
But on the odd occasion I have to speak to somebody there I always get a similar response, to the effect that "they've had meetings about it and are planning something soon" or "something is coming in the near future".
Always non-committal, always very loosy-goosey. Never definite.
IDNet have always given great service, on that I think we are pretty unanimous, but, if this thread, and a couple of others on this forum are anything to go by, this is one thing that is giving many of us cause for grumpiness.
Come on guys, fingers out. Lets have a firm date.
...or 'fess up that there ain't gonna be anything anytime soon, so we can make our decisions.


Other way round in our house! he pays the bill and moans. I am not moving, I don't want hassle which I've had so many times before. Simple e-mail and things get sorted.


I've had an update from IDNet.  The refreshed packages will be announced, "probably before December", but they cannot commit to a set date at this stage. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


IDnet probably have their hands tied at the moment with BT if they need more capacity to cover the new packages.

They might be waiting for it to go live before they announce the new packages.


Quote from: Simon on Oct 22, 2014, 10:23:35
"probably before December"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:   is that autumn or winter

Technical Ben

Well, I'll wait with baited breath. I saw the road being dug up outside the exchange last week. I can dream and hope it's a new cabinet for myself... right?

(Probably for the new estate 2 roads down instead. I wonder how many cups of coffee and bacon sandwiches are needed for an Openreach engineer to "accidentally" cut my cable and wire it into the new box?)
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Quote from: Baz on Oct 22, 2014, 15:06:20
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:   is that autumn or winter

I was merely quoting what I was told, Baz.  Personally, I see Winter as December to February, inclusive.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Simon for trying to get some more information from IDNet, appreciate your efforts, but as they say, getting a commitment seems to be like trying to nail a jelly to a marble table...


To be fair, they said Autumn, nothing more specific, and they haven't broken that promise yet.  They probably just want to make sure they get things right, plus, as Paul said, there may be things with BT to deal with.  Obviously, they will want to make any package changes sustainable. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Right now I'll belive it when I see it. I really think the day of the niche provider is almost over with the demands FTTC have brought. I'd love to be proven wrong but "before December" and no committal to a date feels somewhat to vague.  :-\
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on Oct 27, 2014, 16:00:32
I really think the day of the niche provider is almost over with the demands FTTC have brought.

I think there is still room for the niche provider but not in the consumer space, where price is pretty much the sole determinant of any transaction.  iDNet is not really oriented towards consumers other than those who regard quality service as worth paying for.   

Their real market is the business sector - Corporates and SME - where VOIP, hosting, possibly personal cloud services, and all round connectivity are important.  Back this with quality and reliability and the business sector will pay, especially if their business is built around communications and the internet.


I agree I think in the consumer home market there is little point in spending over the odds, the technology has matured , bell wires have disappeared , dare I say it comes down to value for money these days.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

I have practically been offered free fibre for a year by work, the package with "unlimited" for a tenner a month. But I can't get fibre, so that is the only thing that stopped me getting it. I could theoretically get ASDL for the same price, but I'd rather get a deal for fibre as it would save a lot more. The deal ends this week though. I really hate being exchange connected. :(

I'll have to look at my bills in the new year I guess.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Quote from: Steve on Oct 27, 2014, 18:14:05
I think in the consumer home market there is little point in spending over the odds.

I agree - to an extent. Over the years I've been with IDNet I've been happy to pay a premium for a reliable service, watching my friends on cheaper services suffer from poor speeds, disconnects, unhelpful customer services and so on. What has changed for me is a) some of the cheaper services appear to be pretty reliable nowadays and b) both my wife and I now have smart phones, which means we can tether our laptops and get reasonable connectivity even if land-line connectivity is poor or broken. In short, I'm still prepared to pay a premium, but not much of one. My current year is up in January, so the timing of any new packages will probably suit me.


Consumer broadband has been a "race to the bottom" in the last decade.


I dont mind mayping a little more for better CS and IDNet do cover that well. Its nice to not have a ticket system or a huge long wait on a phone to a outsourced scripted call centre. Moving to companies like Zen would give me unlimited but I don't need that and its not saving me any money in the long term and I do wonder how long even a big comany can keep that up over fibre without packet loss and slowdowns during the evening when I game, also its another 12 month contract to enter into. I'm out of contract now which is a nice place to be. I do hope we see some news over the coming month or so as 100GB for £35 is not good value in this day and age, but not having throttling and shaping is great as is the CS IDNet offer. Plusnet are cheap but their traffic priority system bugs me as I like to see all traffic have the same priority or at least I use QOS to sort it out at my end not theirs. BT is a no go for me personally as I don't gain since I have SKY and I'm not a sports fan, also I'm on the old phone tariffs for calls and my line rental here at IDNet is much cheaper
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I wouldn't mind their traffic priority system, and with them I'd be saving £18 p.m. (I'm happy to drop speed to 40GB with bandwidth that's not limited to a mere 25GB). AND - if I move within the next 12 days I get an additional non-recurring saving of around £140. I'm very tempted to move now and not wait for IDNet.


There's a thread over on TB regarding Zen's proposed increase in prices from Dec.  It appears that the increase relates primarily to phone charges, in particular the cost of line rental.  Since this is probably down to BT Wholesale and hence will affect all ISPs, it does make me wonder if iDNet are waiting to see how their main competitors push the increases to their customers before finalising their own packages.


Quote from: colirv on Oct 30, 2014, 13:33:02
I wouldn't mind their traffic priority system, and with them I'd be saving £18 p.m. (I'm happy to drop speed to 40GB with bandwidth that's not limited to a mere 25GB). AND - if I move within the next 12 days I get an additional non-recurring saving of around £140. I'm very tempted to move now and not wait for IDNet.
I cound not stand the ticket system let alone the 45 minute phone wait, for me the Traffic shaping system is a big put off, but its how you use your line that counts. I game and down load a lot of films (legally) so I like having the higher speeds.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't

Technical Ben

Example of contracts and traffic shaping and why I stay with IDNet.
Work (a rather large company) took out what they thought was an unthrottled service. No idea who was on it, but turns out it's throttled. 2 year contract and the TVs we demo stutter playing content, as of cause, normal ISPs block Youtube for office networks, assuming businesses love this as it makes office work more productive.

Well, our company needs the opposite. Supplier decides "nope, contract!"

I love being on a 1 month rolling contract. Strangely enough, it's kept me with IDNet for longer than the 1-2 year contract most other companies offer for less. If I'm classed as crazy for this, I'd rather be crazy!  :thumb:

(Pay a little extra each month, rather than being ripped of for a couple of hundred to "buy out" of some con contract that a company might offer)
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Well I've decided to wait and see what's in the new packages, as I don't fancy putting all my eggs (broadband and phone) in the same possibly dubious basket for 18 months. I shouldn't have long to wait, as by my reckoning there's only just over three weeks of autumn left!


I have it on good authority that the new packages are being launched today. 

The bottom line is: no change to prices but bandwidth allowances have been doubled (and back-dated to 1st Nov).  More details to follow. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The new packages are going live today.  Please continue discussions in this thread:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.