Anybody use

Started by stevenrw, Aug 15, 2014, 17:04:31

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...Or Outlook as its now called.
I seem to have stopped receiving mails yesterday and today - has anybody else had the same problems?
It started when I set up a new thread on the IDNet board here and checked "Notify me of replies" but received nothing despite the post having several replies.
Apparently the service is "up" but I've tried sending myself mails to check and nothing appears. Mysteriously there is no "message undeliverable" mail on the account from which the test mails were sent.
Its like they have fallen into a black hole.
Of course there is nobody you can talk to in order to get help. >:(


Have you tried sending from the Hotmail/Outlook account?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes Glenn I tried sending something to myself with no success


Are you able to ping Have you tried flushing the DNS or using another DNS provider, eg google &

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ping is successful, 4 pkts sent, 4 recieved. Sorry Glenn don't understand about the DNS server, surely I use IDNets DNS server and all other websites are ok. I'll try flushing the DNS whilst im in Cmd prompt, but all other internet sites are fine so I'm doubtful that will help. However...I'll give it a bash, restart the browser and report back
edit: successfully flushed the DNS resolver - no change.
My guess is that its a Hotmail server issue. I'll be patient for a while longer, maybe it will get resolved.


Works fine for me. I use OpenDNS.


Iv'e had a problem for the last week or so Hotmail loads then re loads a sec or two later, apart from that it seems fine  :dunno:


All sorted now, thanks. Must've been a server issue their end. Makes you feel very isolated without email doesn't it.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.