Idnet email Spam Filters and Password

Started by sparky, Oct 15, 2014, 08:46:46

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Hi All,

I've got three questions, I was going to put them in three different posts, but thought that was probably a daft thing to do. So here goes,

1) My spam filter is ON, But in the last couple of days I've been downloading lots of spam written in what appears to be Russian, from .ru addresses. It is downloaded and labeled as spam, so if the spam filter is set to on, on my account settings, why does it still get through?

2) The password on my email account is labeled as weak, so I'm limited to 20 emails out per hour, but if I change the password to something strong, it doesn't change the 20 emails per hour limit. Is there a time period involved in this happening?

3) Is it possible to remove addresses from your "whitelist"?  If so how?

Thanks if anyone can help with any of these.


I just checked mine, .ru is being blocked. Whats your X-Spam-Level? (in your dashboad) mines set to **** it used to have 5 asterisks when I first joined so by making it 4 it catches more spam. If you log in to your webmail it will help boost your hourly limit, the more the address is used the more mail you can send. As to 3 go to your dashboard (IDNet main site) and just remove while listed mail from your email addresses filter list.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Sorry Gary,

I must be being thick, but I can't follow any of your comments.  .ru is being blocked where? I only see an option for enabling or disabling the spam filter, I don't see any **** either ???  Where are they? Where do I find this X-Spam Level?

I do log into my webmail. If I go into "view details" for my email address on my dashboard it says the 20 email limitation is because of weak password. But if I change the password it doesn't change the limitation.

As for the whitelist, I can disable whitelisting, but don't seem to be able to remove individual addresses?



I've figured out No. 3.  I have to delete the email address in my web contacts to remove it from the whitelist. That figures!  :blush:

Have just got another Russian Spam mail though. Can't figure out how to stop them.


Quote from: sparky on Oct 15, 2014, 09:39:18
Sorry Gary,

I must be being thick, but I can't follow any of your comments.  .ru is being blocked where? I only see an option for enabling or disabling the spam filter, I don't see any **** either ???  Where are they? Where do I find this X-Spam Level?

I do log into my webmail. If I go into "view details" for my email address on my dashboard it says the 20 email limitation is because of weak password. But if I change the password it doesn't change the limitation.

As for the whitelist, I can disable whitelisting, but don't seem to be able to remove individual addresses?

X-Spam-Level is in your IDnet dashboard, when you sign into your IDnet main account (not the webmail) you have account details and further down your email addresses listed, just click on 'filters' to the far right and the settings are there You should see 'X-Spam-Level    ****  then 'move to folder' then   'Junk'

If you are having issues send the whole email to IDnet explaining you are getting Russian spam mail and they will look at the headers in the spam. You need to log into your 'webmail'  as well from what I remember, then the amount you can send goes up too.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Nop there not.

There is nothing under Header, Action, Value or Parameter.

Then there are three tabs for Blacklist, Whitelist and Advanced Filters. 


Quote from: sparky on Oct 15, 2014, 10:18:34
Nop there not.

There is nothing under Header, Action, Value or Parameter.

Then there are three tabs for Blacklist, Whitelist and Advanced Filters. 

When you log in to your IDNet account you should see your email addresses listed. It says 'view details' 'Change password' 'Filters' Click on Filters you then have Header Action Parameter and value. Listed under these you should see as below.

Received-SPF    fail           
X-Amavis-Alert    BANNED    
X-Idnet-Spam-Flag    YES    
X-Spam-Level    ****       

Damned, if you do damned if you don't


No Nothing there. All blank.

I assume though that I can set these manually using the advanced filter option. I have tried to do this for the X-Spam-Level and it now appears as you have said. So I will try setting the others up manually and see how it goes.


Ooops. Gary did you modify that?  Can you show me the settings as they shoudl be for the whole filter again

ie. Header Action Value and Parameter

OK. I've set them all up as move to folder Junk ?   Hope that's right. Will see what happens.

Interestingly, I have three registered email addresses under my account and these settings are not on any of them???


Quote from: sparky on Oct 15, 2014, 10:31:40
No Nothing there. All blank.

I assume though that I can set these manually using the advanced filter option. I have tried to do this for the X-Spam-Level and it now appears as you have said. So I will try setting the others up manually and see how it goes.


Ooops. Gary did you modify that?  Can you show me the settings as they shoudl be for the whole filter again

ie. Header Action Value and Parameter

OK. I've set them all up as move to folder Junk ?   Hope that's right. Will see what happens.

Interestingly, I have three registered email addresses under my account and these settings are not on any of them???
Have you turned anti spam on for your email account?

Received-SPF       fail              move to folder    Junk       ↓       Delete

X-Amavis-Alert       BANNED    move to folder    Junk    ↑    ↓    Delete

X-Idnet-Spam-Flag       YES     move to folder    Junk    ↑    ↓    Delete

X-Spam-Level    ****             move to folder    Junk    ↑          Delete
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


You can also set up blacklist filters in the same way as setting up whitelists.  I also had a load of .ru spam but setting up a filter to delete "*@*.ru" (without the quotation marks - * acts as wildcard) seems to have stopped them. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Yes, under email accounts, View Details, "The spam filter is enabled on this account"

Simon, I like that as well. Will add that in.

Thanks to you both. Cheers.


Wildcards are useful and do stop spam I had a bunch from israel too so used a wildcard for that.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Well, I'm currently getting about a dozen "Russian" looking emails a day which are now being picked up as Spam. The wildcard deletion doesn't seem to work if the spam filter picks them up first? Anyway, at least I am not getting them in my inbox.

I've never had spam in this capacity before, so I'm guessing my email address has been hitched from some website weak security set up sometime recently.

Do they eventually splutter to a stop, or will I eventually have to go through the hassle of changing my email address?



We all seem to be having a barrage of spam at the moment.  :dunno:
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Odd I'm seeing none at all, I'm guessing my address has not been harvested yet.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


use Mailwasher then you can choose what you download or not


Indeed, been using it for years.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Still getting loads of Russian looking Spam, admittedly going to my junk mail folder now, but just had a look at some of the sources, what is obvious is that in the distribution list its all addresses, nothing else.

Maybe it's idnet that has been "farmed" ???


Isn't there a setting to delete from server, rather than filter to junk folder?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



I think it's the standard filters that are putting them in the junk folder. If I set a filter for  *@*.ru or *.ru and a rule to delete, it doesn't seem to have any effect as the standard spam filter rules pick them up first I guess. It doesn't seem to make any difference as to what order they are on my filters list either.


Ah, I don't have my standard spam filters on, so that may explain why mine works differently. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.