Anyone here familiar with MailEnable? Trying to get hosting firm to fix an issue

Started by pctech, Oct 30, 2014, 16:12:18

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Hey all.

Anyone here familar with the mail server software MailEnable as need a bit of advice as going round in circles with the support at the hosting company I use for my e-mail.

The problem I'm having s intermittent and is with the webmail which I use when I'm at work to check my personal mail.

I type the server address with the https:// protocol prefix into the address bar of either Firefox (I have the latest version) or IE8 (can't change that as it's centrally managed and we have an application that will only run in IE8)

I enter my e-mail address and password and click sign in and sometimes get the error 404 or it'll just stick on Please Wait indefinitely.

I've given the support department screenshots, date and time when it happens etc and even my password for them to check but they say they can find nothing wrong.

Anyone seen this before that can give me advice as to what maybe going on so that I can go back to them and say 'can you check x,y or z please'?

It's all managed through a WHMCS panel and I don't have access to any logs as it's just a mail hosting package rather than web hosting with e-mail.

All help gratefully received.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.
