new search isp time again....

Started by Baz, Feb 12, 2015, 15:14:16

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Its that time again when I start looking about but will probably not change. Came across a deal with  BT for fibre but when looking deeper of course came across something....they say unlimited d/l but do manage P2P networks.

Which ones will this be and how noticable will it be. Has anyone used or is with BT now


Quote from: Baz on Feb 12, 2015, 15:14:16
Its that time again when I start looking about but will probably not change. Came across a deal with  BT for fibre but when looking deeper of course came across something....they say unlimited d/l but do manage P2P networks.

Which ones will this be and how noticable will it be. Has anyone used or is with BT now
Unlimited downloads sounds great but I find hammering my line 200Gb is more than enough tbh. Also I dont have to deal with Indian CS, or have horrible email set ups like BT provide in my view. Don't be fooled by 'unlimited downloads' introductory deals' think about what you want to pay, length of contract, and things like customer service etc, and how much that is worth to you.  :)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Thanks again Gary....well the deal ive seen is best for me at the moment and yeah i've thought about all that but how do you know that any ISP are doing what they say, how can you tell if your service is getting ' managed ' or not matter what they say.  Unlimited is now that, according to them and no slowing down or managing  :dunno:

is a chance everyone has to take I guess and if I take a TV deal too it would work out more for me at a cheaper price that what I pay now


Quote from: Baz on Feb 12, 2015, 15:14:16
Its that time again when I start looking about but will probably not change.
Been looking at BT. There are some low introductory 12 month offers and store vouchers, but I found prices after that rise to quite high levels. Price at end of 12 months is as agreed up front in the small print. Frankly this is impenetrable and hard to find on the BT site. Also there are differences in what is available between comparison and BT sites. Seems possible to make first year savings but not much if any thereafter. After battling to the court steps before to terminate a long contract with very large ISP who did not perform, I am staying with IDNET and a monthly contract.

In defence of Calcutta call centres compared with UK; after serial BT phone billing problems, which 3 UK BT call centres could not fix, Calcutta had it sorted. Of course nothing compares with Brian, Simon et al at IDNET  Plan to move phones to IDNET as soon as I am out of advance BT rental period. That was a mistake I made before new IDNET tariffs were introduced.



For me, UK-based support is a sine qua non.


Quote from: Baz on Feb 16, 2015, 13:50:40
.... and if I take a TV deal too it would work out more for me at a cheaper price that what I pay now

that sounds odd but should be ...a tv/phone/BB  deal with one provider will be cheaper for me than the way i'm getting it now from different suppliers


All I can say Baz is there is no such thing as a free lunch, and if you go with say EE who do BB and mobile TV etc you don't have much wiggle room to complain because your BB is worth next to nothing in the first place. Cheaper deals seem great but they are not always the best option. For me English call centres are a must as well, unlimited... how do you think that works out bandwidth wise as more and more people are taken on? Plusnet recently have seen slowdowns and complaints on Thinkbroadband as they seem to take on more all you can eat types. You pays your money and you takes your chances as they say. This article may help.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Yeah ive thought all that through and just felt it was the right time for me to make a change to get the best deal for me, so i've decided to switch to BT infinity/tv/phone deal.A estimated speed 7 times faster than I get now has been tempting me for a while, the same estimate that IDNet or Zen or others say I may get.

I got BT sport last year on the sky freesat platform but had to pay for it, with infinity I get it free, get extra tv channels and pay a bit extra, which I am now any way, and get HD channels too. I know what people will say abiout BT, ive said the same myself after been with them many years ago in the early internet days, but it is cheaper than what I pay now from seperate providers. Its only a 12 month contract, same as other places for fibre, and if it doesnt work I will look else where again.

This has been really hard to leave IDNet and its nothing against them or the service they have provided me in over 6 years, they have been the best isp ive had to date...easily.

Like I said before about traffic management or do you know if it happens or not. BT now say they do not do this, I dont know either way. Ironically since my decision to switch my speed has started to go up, I dont know if this is coincidence or not. BT also say their call centres are 10% overseas and 90% uk, if you get through to an overseas one and are not happy, ask to be switched to a UK site. Again I dont know how true this is.Hopefully I wont need to find out  :)

I'm not switched yet it happens in about a week,


My most recent contacts with BT have been via UK support and to be honest  I find  the scouser accent harder to understand than the BBC or USA English that comes from Calcutta. In my opinion Baz I'm sure you will be ok.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Feb 20, 2015, 17:13:59
My most recent contacts with BT have been via UK support and to be honest  I find  the scouser accent harder to understand than the BBC or USA English that comes from Calcutta. In my opinion Baz I'm sure you will be ok.

:laugh: :laugh:  yeah some UK accents are hard to understand sometimes.Years ago I worked with a guy who was originally from Newcastle but had lived in county durham area for years, he still had a broad geordie accent and also spoke fast..I had to really tune in to what he was saying until I got used to it

I'm sure he thought I was taking the mick out of him every time I said ' What did you say... '   ;D


Consider yourselves fortunate, I have a hearing problem, so am fortunate to understand anyone on the pone. I must say though that most peeps are very patient and repeat themselves endlessly.
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!

Technical Ben

I've seen some deaf people using the phone. It makes things so hard. Best for email, as letters take too long.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket and as far as Bt goes seeing how horrible their internet TV box thing is I'm happy with what I have, and their call centres are so frustrating its beyond a joke, and rarely at my mothers have I ever had an English call centre, they may just pretend they are by saying their name is Nigel or Kevin  :slap:  but I still cant understand the accent over the phone, and at some times of day you can be on hold for ages.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Looks like you got the scousers I can't understand them either!
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


When I joined the RAF in 1953 there, were, of course, a mix of accents in the entry. We soon got used to them. After a while I took one chap home, he was from Hull. Mum asked where he was from, "ool" he replies, Mum had no idea what he was saying, so after a couple of attempts I interpreted. At that point I found it amazing that Mum could not understand him, I could!
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!