RAM sticks on the blink

Started by pctech, Aug 07, 2015, 15:05:43

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Kept seeing programs lock up at random intervals under both Windows 7 and 10.

Ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic and it indicated an issue.

Further tested this with Memtest86 and sure enough, a problem.

Reseated them and ran the test again, passed the first two passes but decided to rerun to be sure and unfortunately again same issue.

Was using Corsair RAM which is what I ordered with the system but now replacing it with Crucial, it's also 1600 Mhz rated rather tnan 1333Mhz which is what I have currently.

Just thought I'd share.

Technical Ben

Running second hand Crucial here as an additional 4gb to bring it up to a dizzying (for me ;) ) 8gb! Running fine, even though half the PC is hacked together and OCd spares.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.