email problems

Started by Broadback, Oct 19, 2015, 13:00:28

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Just recently I have been getting problems with sending emails. They seem to disappear into the ether! Also now ans again trying to contact companies via their email contact page the page refuses to recognize my address as valid.
I have my own personal email address in the form whatever@"my name", could this be the problem? If so I am stuck with it for I am not going to change my address. I have tried contacting the companies concerned to query it, but they never answer. The email sent seem to have no problems.
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!


If the companies concerned won't answer an email enquiry, then I'd be questioning whether they are worth trying to contact in the first place.

With regards email web forms, I can't really see that they can reject an email address unless it's not in the correct format, or contains some sort of unusual character.   

This may be one to contact your email provider about.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You don't have some non-alphabet characters in your email address, by any chance?


Quote from: Broadback on Oct 19, 2015, 13:00:28
The email sent seem to have no problems.

..but how would you know for sure? Maybe they just did not receive the mail?
Are you sure that there are no spaces for example. Do you always send from the same machine?
All I can suggest is that you try a few test emails to somebody you know and check with them to see if they have received the mail.
You could also try sending the same contact a mail from another device.
Or if you are using an email client try sending via webmail.


There is no problem sending to most people, the main PITA is companies not accepting my email address as being valid, when obviously it is.
As Simon suggested I will contact my email provider.
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!


I really don't think there is going to be much that an email provider can do.
If companies see your "personalised" email address as suspicious/phoney just because looks a bit too funky, then there's not much you can do to convince them otherwise. It'll just be rejected by their spam filters.
You are stuck with the choice you made as far as they are concerned.
However, email accounts are free, so you could always open an account with one of the webmail providers (Hotmail,, Gmail for example) using a normal "businesslike" address and keep that just for contacting companies.
If you are on W8/8.1 you'll have to have opened a Microsoft account which will give you one already. (Maybe * or maybe *
Similarly you'll have to have a Google account for playstore to d/l apps if you have a smartphone. So again you'll already have a GMail email account.
Just keep the original "Funky" one for non-company traffic.


Thanks Steve, that makes sense!
Nothing is perfect, not even my ignorance!