Which routers allow,,,

Started by Odos, Aug 11, 2007, 01:21:01

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Which routers allow you to tweak the SNR margin in a downward direction ?

I know about using DMT with speedtouch, netgear and billion range of routers, as I am using a speedtouch 546v6 at the moment. The only problem is that although DMT allows you to up your SNR by 70% it only allows you to drop it by 35%. Due to the problems I've had with my line in the past ( covered in other threads ) my default SNR is now sitting at 15db. Using DMT I can drop that to 10db but I want to get down to 7 or 8.

I know I can contact support and ask them to get BT to drop the default again, but as they explained the last time I did this, as soon as there is a storm or some other problem it will jump back up again, which it has done.

Does anyone know of a router that would allow me to configure my SNR in such a fashion ? or if not, does anyone know of the actual CLI command used by DMT so I can try tweaking my 546 manually ?



When I had problems with my line and used DMT I found it held the settings constantly so if the line is set to 6db and you apply DMT then,you may find the settings don't change from that point.

I have found the elusive CLI reference Guide for the Speedtouch v546v6.........you would think that Thompson would make it easy to find in their support section but Google was the answer.


This has all the CLI commands for your router.

It may be an idea to ask at DSLZone forum,there are some DMT experts there.


Thanks for the link Dorset, and I'll try posting over at DSLZone.

