Strange IPv6 TBBQM graph

Started by andrue, Feb 11, 2018, 19:50:36

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I have two TBBQM graphs. One for IPv4 and one for IPv6. Until recently both were flat and quiet when the connection was not in use. Recently the IPv6 has become spikey. At first I thought it was my server causing it because it is the target of the TBBQM. But I checked and double checked and I can't see any evidence on the server itself. I've graphed its CPU and network usage and they are quiet. Has anyone else seen anything like recently?

As far as throughput is concerned all is good. In fact since a reconnect a couple of weeks ago everything has been back to the way it was before I re-joined IDNet back in July.


It seems to have settled down now. Hard to pinpoint when but over the last few days it's improved and gone back to where it was. Nothing changed on my server so it's either a change in the TBBQM system or IDNet's network.