IPV6 Assus DSL-AC88U

Started by simoncmo, Nov 28, 2017, 17:33:26

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HI all this is my first post to this board i hope someone can help me.

i am trying to set up IPV6 on my asus dsl-ac88u but i am really struggling can anyone help me with this ?
I have tried Native with no success




I have an Asus router myself but I've not attempted to set up IPv6.  What sort of problems are you having?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Check with support as the IPv6 address is static, i.e have you been allocated some.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have IPV6 working fine on my Asus RT-N66U, the configuration page on your Asus device may be similar.

These are my settings:-

Connection type:  Native
Interface:   PPP

"The IPv6 settings" should be set automatically.

Connect to DNS Server automatically:  Enable
Enable Router Advertisement:  Enable

Hope this helps.


Ooops, sorry.  I forgot a setting or two :-

DHCP-PD:  Enable
Auto Configuration setting:  Stateless

Don't forget to click "Apply"


Yes, I can confirm that IPV 6 works fine on my Asus DSL-AC68U using the settings posted by Arctophile

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


If it is of any interest I have my AC88U running with a static IPv6 address and in "stateful" mode. If anyone wants the details I am happy to provide them.


Quote from: Arctophile on Nov 29, 2017, 09:22:43
Ooops, sorry.  I forgot a setting or two :-

DHCP-PD:  Enable
Auto Configuration setting:  Stateless

Don't forget to click "Apply"
I sometimes find it is also necessary to reboot my AC88U router to get IPv6 working properly.